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Importing rosters and teams


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I downloaded and installed NOSE and I am wanting to update NHL 98. Is it possible to import teams and rosters from other Sega NHL roms? Also is it possible to have all the teams in season mode including more recent teams like Vegas and Seattle? If this has already been answered I apologize as I am a noob here. 


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1 hour ago, Coronus said:


I downloaded and installed NOSE and I am wanting to update NHL 98. Is it possible to import teams and rosters from other Sega NHL roms? Also is it possible to have all the teams in season mode including more recent teams like Vegas and Seattle? If this has already been answered I apologize as I am a noob here. 


Welcome to the Forum!

As this is a 2 part question...

Import Teams - no.  I don't play NHL98 to know but unless it has 32 team available, you have to alter the actual hex code to expand to 32 team for the rom.  NOT an easy thing to do.  As there was only 27 NHL teams in 1998, I'm assuming that it doesn't.  If it does have 32 team spots, then it is just a matter of editing them to be the right team names, cities, colors, logos, etc.  Not impossible to do but, not a quick fix either.  Unless you have some familiarity with hex codes and various editing programs, you may need to ask around for some Q&A.  As NHL98 isn't as popular as NHL94 or even 95, there may not be much instruction on how to do so around here.  However, if you poke around the NHL98 thread, on this forum, you might find some useful info and feel free to ask questions.  With the latter, do yourself a favor, give as much detail to what you are doing, or trying to do, so that folks can maybe help troubleshoot or advise you.  There are some folks around here who have dabbled in that game.  I won't name-drop them as I don't want them to be put on the spot.  However, if they see this, they can certainly chime in with whatever help they can offer.

Importing rosters - technically, sorta. Realistically, no.  There is a csv roster import/export tool on this site.  I use it for NHL94 and NHL95.  I could have sworn I read that it only works for NHL93-97.  However, I cannot 100% confirm.  Furthermore, it depends on what roster that you are importing.  If your ROM's teams have a different amount of forwards, Dmen or goalies then another ROM's roster, it will not be a smooth import assuming it doesn't error-out.

NOSE allows folks to copy and paste players from one roster to another assuming the player attributes are the same for each game.  If NHL98 (again, never played it) has certain player attributes different then NHL93, 94 or 95, for example, then copy and paste won't do the trick.

My recommendation is to visit the NHL98 thread on this forum and see what's there.  Plus, allow folks a chance to see this post and perhaps, someone in-the-know for that game can chime in with recommendations.

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Thanks, Sauce. I appreciate it.  I thought I would ask around.  I know the NHL 94 versions have updated rosters with all current teams and rosters but I was hoping to play a season mode with the Blue Jackets. I am grateful that at least I can play as them in the updated NHL 94 roms though.  

I have worked with hex editors for other games but unfortunately I am not that well versed in it to expand the number of teams or anything like that.  I have tried used NOSE to change team names in NHL 98, particularly to the extra teams like Team USA, Team Canada, etc but the changes aren't being reflected when I play the rom.

I am going to take your advice and I will keep researching and maybe someone will have the answers that I am looking for down the line.  

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I know it's not NHL98 but, UltraMagnus created an updated version of NHL95 that includes the 32 teams.  It has season mode.  Might be a nice solution for you until you have NHL98 figured out.


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On 10/22/2021 at 2:24 PM, Coronus said:

Thanks, Sauce. I appreciate it.  I thought I would ask around.  I know the NHL 94 versions have updated rosters with all current teams and rosters but I was hoping to play a season mode with the Blue Jackets. I am grateful that at least I can play as them in the updated NHL 94 roms though.  

I have worked with hex editors for other games but unfortunately I am not that well versed in it to expand the number of teams or anything like that.  I have tried used NOSE to change team names in NHL 98, particularly to the extra teams like Team USA, Team Canada, etc but the changes aren't being reflected when I play the rom.

I am going to take your advice and I will keep researching and maybe someone will have the answers that I am looking for down the line.  

First, Hey welcome. Second, figured since I have made some mods in '98 I might have some helpful info.

While taking the wonderful expanded teams mods for '93, '94 and '95 into consideration, it theoretically *could* be possible to add another team to '98, it's easier said than done. I know there was a '97 based mod that tried to add the All-Star teams to the playoff format, but using them was a bit glitchy.

That said, including the All-Star/National Teams, you would have 31 total teams to work with already in the game, [yes 33 if you count the EA and THQ teams, but they just end up taking the place of the East/West teams] just that the last five would not be included in season or playoff mode. The other thing that you may have noted is that on the team selection screens, the team names are entirely sprite based, meaning that in addition to changing the text in NOSE, you would also need to edit the team name sprites along with the logos in Tile Molester. The unfortunate side effect of that is that some of the teams [like Team USA] have a limited number of sprites to work with so fitting the new names in there sometimes takes some creative hex editing as well.

Not sure if international hockey is your thing, but here's a thread with a pair of mods I made using '98 if it helps in dissecting the game. Also have some notes, not sure how easy it is to follow [I got rather lazy in making them], but I can lend some of those as well.


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Logos, and adding extra teams, no. But you can transfer rosters between ROMs like this:

Load two separate NOSE windows, then open your "source" ROM in one NOSE window and your "target" ROM in the other NOSE.

Then you can copy/paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) players between each window, from the player list tables.

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Thanks guys  :D.  I may play around around with NOSE a bit on NHL 98.  The one issue I have noticed with 98 so far is that the roster changes I made weren't being reflected in the target rom, but that may be due to something I am doing and not the app itself.   In the meantime I am going to check out Sauce's NHL 95 2022 rom and Naple's NHL 94 rom.     

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57 minutes ago, Coronus said:

Thanks guys  :D.  I may play around around with NOSE a bit on NHL 98.  The one issue I have noticed with 98 so far is that the roster changes I made weren't being reflected in the target rom, but that may be due to something I am doing and not the app itself.   In the meantime I am going to check out Sauce's NHL 95 2022 rom and Naple's NHL 94 rom.     

(Assuming a typo) I haven't edited/posted a NHL95 rom.  I'm guessing that you meant UltraMagnus' '95 rom (2022 edition) as that is the link that I posted in this thread.  His and Naple's roms (as you referenced it) are both solid work.

And more times then not, the errors we find are likely tied to what we didn't do or shouldn't have done.  :)


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1 hour ago, Coronus said:

The one issue I have noticed with 98 so far is that the roster changes I made weren't being reflected in the target rom, but that may be due to something I am doing and not the app itself.

This sounds like you're accidentally saving a copy in a different location, and loading the old original ROM in the emulator?

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I have NOSE installed in my documents so that may be an issue right there but I am copying the edited rom and pasting the edited copy in the roms folder of my Sega emulator.  I have edited the team names and a couple of players on the all star teams but not on any of the teams that are playable in the regular season though, so I'm not sure if that matters or not.  I have tried running the emulator as an administrator when making any changes and I have tried running the edited rom on my PC and my Android phone's Sega emulator but no changes are showing on either device unfortunately.  

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Oh! Yes that is a good question. Are you playing a regular game and seeing this roster issue or just looking at season mode?

For context, I had made a custom NHL95 ROM <for reasons> and copy/pasted all the players onto different teams. [was easier than manually trading everyone]
BUT, when I went into a season, the rosters were a right mess. Eventually realized that as I had started a season already, they players were considered "traded" to their teams, despite the edits in NOSE. Turns out that not saving as a copy was the problem. When I closed the game, GENS saves the game settings data to an .srm file in the same folder as gens.exe.
So despite my changes, every time I opened the game, it was referencing that .srm file.

Saving as a copy, or deleting the .srm file that has the same filename as the ROM you are using will give you a clean slate and might resolve your roster problem.

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I haven't started a season on the NHL 98 rom.  If I have it would have been quite a while ago but I don't remember starting one.  I have been trying a regular non-season game to see if the team name changes and roster changes would be reflected.  I named the NHL 98 rom copy as "NHL 98 2022" to differentiate between the 2 game files.  I have also tried running the program as an administrator, as I have seen some programs not have their changes properly applied unless you did so.  I will try moving the program to another location on my hard drive and see if that helps and check for any .srm files.  

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