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Plablegs IV Trade thread


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Trades can be confirmed either here or in Discord.  You can ALSO use this thread to post your trading interest (On the Block).

My recommendation instead of just saying a pick is on the block, post if you are looking to trade up or down in which rounds.

In addition, I generally do NOT veto trades, but if an A coach rapes a B level coach, it's normally going to get unwound.  A great coach/user trading up to the #1 pick or something does not make it a rape, if fair value is returned.  Some times, I hear guys saying in a draft that this coach will do so much damage with that player, etc.  The team making any trade only needs to get back enough talent to help them with their team.

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Current trade conversation in the Discord channel:

corbettkb — Today at 7:29 PM
send me offers all thos lookin to move down

OK Boehmer — Today at 7:01 PM
I am always open to trade. 14th pick is available

CharlesWorth — Today at 6:00 PM
1.07 is available

MikeGartner22 — Today at 5:58 PM
1.21 can be had

whalers — Today at 5:55 PM
i might be willing to trade 1.12

whalers — Today at 5:55 PM
i might be willing to trade 1.12

Hokkeefan — Today at 5:53 PM
If anyone's interest in swapping first and seconds I'm game .
1.20 & 2.5
Message me.

Tecmo Jon — Today at 3:30 PM
if any of you feel like moving up to 15 that pick is on the table

MikeGartner22 — Today at 1:55 PM
Willing to move my 1st and 6th for someone’s 2nd and 3rd. Inquire within.

CalmGreg — Today at 12:29 PM
If anyone wants to move down to 23, send me a deal.


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I am willing to move down from 15 for a second and third, I'll throw in either the 5th or 6th depending on offer

yeah definitely going to not do this because i am not seth

Edited by TecmoJon
realizing i am not seth
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LeifErikson — Today at 10:11 AM
@Wittgenstein  trades 4.12 6.12  to @LeifErikson  for 4.21 and 5.4


whalers — Today at 10:31 AM
me and hokkee have made a trade…
[10:34 AM]
my 1.12, 2.13, 4.13, 6.13 for his 1.20, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5

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@Chris O trades 1.11, 3.11 and 4.14 to @Brutus for his 1.24, 2.1, and 4.1


OK Boehmer — Today at 8:11 PM
I trade my 1.14 - 4.11 - 6.11 to corbett for his 2.6 - 3.19 - 5.19

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Trade alert:

Hokkee trades Bure 2.22,3.20, 5.20
Witt’s pick (Recchi) 2.12,3.13,5.13


Jcariello trades Theo, his 3.8, his rd 4 & his rd 6 for Whalers 1.20, 2.5, & whalers 4th & 6th, got it


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whalers — Yesterday at 11:07 AM
trade alert… i’m trading 6.17 and 7.12 to dps in exchange for 6.4 and the coveted 12.19

corbettkb — Today at 12:25 AM
@niuhuskie224 trades 4.13, 5.3 to @corbettkb  4.6, 6.6?

Brutus — Today at 1:27 AM
Brutus & Hokkee trade:
Roberts & his 6.22 for Brutus 3.24 & 4.14 pick.


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