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About Player Attributes


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Here I'll explain the effects of different attributes..

I'll have graphs and stuff, comparing the attributes of players from 94 to their 1992-93 season statistics.

some quick notes:


higher weight reduces acceleration.

without the "weight bug fix", lower weight means better checking

with the "weight bug fix", higher weight improves checking. if it's the "simple weight bug fix", checking is based solely on weight. If it's the normal weight bug fix, the checking attributes affects it.


Doesn't exist! It is actually the Passing Bias

Passing Bias:

0: player passes a lot, gets lots of assists

Shooting Accuracy:

In NHL94, this attribute was based on Shooting % in the 1992-93 season. All the players with 6 shooting accuracy had shooting percentages over 23%.

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100 bias means they shoot a lot and almost never pass, assuming our supposition about the rating is correct (I'm still not convinced, but I've been using pass/shoot bias for a couple of years now).

can you break down the shooting percentages used in the original a bit further? I have been using 15%+ = 100, 10-15% = 85, 5-10% = 65, 0-5% = 55, 0% = 45, but I would give serious consideration to opening it up a bit further.

did you move over the other threads about this stuff? I'm not sure there needs to be any differentiation between the versions for this stuff, although there are very slight differences, like the fact that SNES can display 100 while Genesis maxes out at showing as 99.

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Yeah, I'll make some graphs or tables for shooting percentage vs shooting accuracy eventually. I'll also have averages and distributions to keep in mind if you want to mimic the NHL94 feel.

Shooting percentages were really high in 93, so your scheme is probably decent. Don't be afraid to move up and down a category, though. I'd be inclined to factor in shots-per-60-minutes (if you shoot a lot, then your shooting % will be lower.. that doesn't mean you are less accurate, it means you take lower-percentage shots, probably because the coach is telling you to shoot more because you're good at shooting) and shooting distance (some sites have shooting distance.. Kovalchuk is a huge outlier in terms of high shooting percentage and shooting from really far out.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey Guys,

Could you explain a little bit more about your findings with Pass Bias (Roughness) and how this Attribute works?

From the orginal Rom:

Brett Hull: 63 - 80

Selanne: 63 - 80

Bure: 63 - 80

Oates: 25 - 29

Gretzky: 25 - 29

Looking at these numbers it would appear the theory could be correct..

Also looking at some of the fighters whose "Roughness" is rated so low, though some are rated the way you would expect:

Domi: 29 - 38

Probert: 38 - 47

Kocur: 63 - 80

Twist: 63 - 80

Grimson: 81 - 98

Peluso: 81 - 98

Your thoughts are appreciated...

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"Roughness" doesn't exist, it's actually just Passing Bias. Actually, we should probably call it "shooting bias" since a higher value means a player tends to score lots of goals relative to assists.

Mike Peluso is a good example of this.. check out his NHL stats from 90-91 to 92-93 (NHL94 is based on the 92-93 season):


He scored way more goals than assists.

Tie Domi on the other hand had 3G 10A in 92-93 so has a low shooting bias.

It's an AI attribute. So it means when the CPU is using a player, it'll use this value to help decide if a player shoots or passes.

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  • 2 years later...

Weight - Affects who a player can body check and who a player can get body checked by. A player can body check someone who weighs at least 2 points more than them (weight bug) and will get body checked by anyone who weighs at least 2 points less. It also affects the magnitude of the AGILITY stat. The less a player weighs, the more agility he will experience relative to the stat. This is the most valued stat in the game.
Agility - Acceleration and how quick you can turn. If a player has 99 agility and 72 speed like Wayne Gretzky, he will accelerate at a pace of 99 speed and then eventually slow down to a pace of 72 speed. If a player has 72 agility and 99 speed like Peter Bondra, he will accelerate at a pace of 72 speed and then speed up to a pace of 99 speed. When a player is accelerating (more speed than agility) he is unable to turn and deke as well as he would at full speed. When a player is accelerating negatively (more agility than speed) he is able to turn and deke much easier. It is desirable to have more agility than speed for better deking. A player will always be moving at the speed equal to his speed stat (he will never have to speed up from a slower pace or slow down from a faster one) if his agility is equal to his speed. Agility is affected by weight; the heavier, the less agility a player will experience. A 140lb player with 99 agility will have way more agility than a 196lb player with 99 agility. This is the most important stat in the game along with stick-handling.
Speed - How fast a player will skate after accelerating to top speed. The higher, the faster. Those with at least an 82 in this stat are considerably faster than everyone. This is one of the most valued stats in the game.
Shot Power - How hard a player shoots the puck. The higher, the faster a player's shots will be. Those with at least an 82 in this stat will shoot the puck considerably harder than everyone else. This stat is not so important.
Shot Accuracy - A player's ability to shoot the puck wherever he is aiming. The higher, the more accurate. Players with at least a 70 in this stat are far more accurate than all other players. Accuracy is more important than power.
Stick-Handling - A player's ability to keep control of the puck when a defender touches it. Also a player's ability to resist a check. All players that have at least a 79 (or 77?) are able to do the Sherman Shuffle. The better a player is at stick-handling, the more he will do the shuffle. Those who have at least a 60 in this stat should be able to deke through traffic well enough. This is the best stat in the game along with agility.
Passing - How accurate a player passes the puck. The higher, the more accurate. Those with at least a 50 in this stat should be good enough at passing. This is the least important of all the stats.
Offensive Awareness and Defensive Awareness - How well a player can position himself. The higher, the better positioning (relative to offense and defense). This stat is the most overlooked but it is extremely important.
Checking Rating - The tendency of a computer to body check
Aggression - Not sure. Maybe tendency to take a penalty??
Endurance - The ability of a player to stay energized when playing with line changes. The higher, the more energy.
Just played a bit with a ROM to clarify acceleration. Found some interesting things.
In all cases, the rotation/deke speed was the same. As far as I could tell, the time to stop was the same, as well. Top speed was the same except in the most extreme case.
Same agility (4), different weight (0vs15):
  • lighter players accelerates faster from stationary.
  • they appear to reach full speed in the time it takes for the light player to go from blue line to centre line.
  • separation is about enough to put another player in between the players.
Different agility (0vs6), same weight (7):
  • more agile player accelerates faster after he's moving a bit.
Different agility (0vs6), different weight (0vs15) (same 'direction'):
  • lighter & more agile player accelerates faster.
  • lighter & more agile players has faster top speed. (or heavy/slow player took the whole rink to reach top speed?)
  • Similar stopping time (hard to eyeball due to top speed difference, but I think the time taken to stop is the same).
Different agility (0vs6), different weight (0vs15) (opposite 'direction'):
  • very similar acceleration, with light player having minor late advantage so having a slight lead of maybe 1/2 an onscreen character.
  • Same top speed.
  • Same stopping time.
Wgt 10 + Agi 6 vs Wgt 4 + Agi 0:
  • slightly better late acceleration by high agility/low weight player
Wgt 10 + Agi 5 vs Wgt 4 + Agi 3:
  • virtually identical acceleration
ROM was hacked to have random no bonuses on the players, players were equal except for the compared attributes.
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Cool :)

The actual speed of the dekes are the same, but how far the rotation goes I believe is limited when accelerating. I can't deke with Peter Bondra like I can with Gretzky. Is it just me?

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I couldn't tell when trying. Maybe it's that Gretzky can actually move his body left/right quickly, whereas Bondra tends to lag? Like the stick is there, but the body is pulling the other way if you're Bondra? Also Bondra will just have less time because he's moving faster? Maybe this needs video analysis :D

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  • 4 years later...

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