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New All-Time Ranking based on Exp

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I set a new experimental Ranking table based on experience and activity.

I think this ranking is a good representation of the current potential of the NHL'94 players.

I used the formula as follow : Exp based on PTC + 10% bonus per game played + Malus of 10% for season inactivity. And another Malus dependent to the maximum level in which a player was registered.

GA for Classic A, GDL or Blitz A. Malus 0

GB for Classic B, VHL or Blitz B. Malus -200

GC for Classic C. Malus -300

SA for Classic A, SDL or Dynasty. Malus 0

SB for Classic B. Malus -200

SC for Classic C. Malus -300

Here are the results set as November 2016 (starting from the GDL XII, Feb 2015).

NHL'94 EXP Ranking November 2016

* I haven't found orangeblack92 in any league (from GDL XII until today) and the records from Driver3k1, chefstar88, donnybrook, monkeyjuice1702 and sublime are not present for any unknown reason.

Edited by Pearate
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Not bad dude! You had to spend some time to do this. Thx for that.

Just a few hours, I love statistics :)

I reedited the first post with a link on google docs. I don't know how to post the result directly here.

Edited by Pearate
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Great work.

A couple of comments:

Rather than one all-encompassing list that penalizes SNES players (with the -150), you could have separate lists (or just don't penalize SNES).

Also, there are a few guys who are good on both systems (and a couple who are excellent on both), however their SENS records aren't reflected here. For example, if I sort the list to look only at SNES, AJ and Plabax aren't on the list. However, they're both top players on SNES.

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Great work.

A couple of comments:

Rather than one all-encompassing list that penalizes SNES players (with the -150), you could have separate lists (or just don't penalize SNES).

Also, there are a few guys who are good on both systems (and a couple who are excellent on both), however their SENS records aren't reflected here. For example, if I sort the list to look only at SNES, AJ and Plabax aren't on the list. However, they're both top players on SNES.

I kept the best record for players with 2 entries.

I can set a separate table for SNES and for Gens if you wish.

This ranking has a purpose : as the number of players decrease irremediably, and because I find it's a good idea, I want to propose a future league where SNES and Gens players can try to play together (dream I too hard ? ) and where the best coaches can pick the best teams (like in real life). So that's the reason of the SNES Malus.

In this ranking you can see that you and annatar are well placed, if you wish to enter in this league.

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A couple of comments:

Rather than one all-encompassing list that penalizes SNES players (with the -150), you could have separate lists (or just don't penalize SNES).

Here it is. I followed your suggestion. I made 3 lists with one for both engine. And I deleted the SNES Malus (wasn't such a good idea after reflection)

NHL'94 EXP Ranking November 2016 (first post updated too)

Edited by Pearate
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