I don't say Depch is wrong but just say what i do when i play...
I can try none smoothing for my next games to see,no problem!
But i think i already did this experience in the past but it wasn't a success...but why not
Well i never had issues playing Pearate a part maybe the fitst game of our serie in ETB where the game was very "speedy"!!! After this all was good!
I had issues with other guys at a time when i moved to my new house but it was a problem with my operator and my house. I had a technician who changed everything in and outside my house so now my connection is "playable" i think.
I already felt like Pearate where a someone told me that the game was laggy and on my side it was pretty damn good! But it happened to me where the lag was on my side but not in NA!
I always use +1 smoothing when i host. I always reload my CPU and my router before trying to find someone to play. Anfd i always close AIM and now discord when i play and i don't know if my opponents do it but there is a big difference for me since i do that.
After i had always issues with the same guys Habs Seth and CBK last time i played him but the last time with Seth in GDL it was ok and we played a very smoothy game with Habs in ETB and little lags in 2nd one but nothing unplayable.
Here is my feeling about this. Sorry for taking all this place here!!! Hope it will give a little help!
I send you a message Aqua. I scheduled with CBK for this week.
Need Zep FPB and Habs. I m not workin this week so can be around late if we schedule something.
Just in case you have an injured player or a penalty for one of your guys then you can choose the player who comes on the ice for that player.
You can see what we did for our own lines to make yourself an idea.
San Jose Sharks
1st line
C Pavelski
RW Couture
LW Thornton
RD McDonagh
LW Burns
2nd line
C Couture
RW Marleau
LW Marleau
RD Vlasic
LD Vlasic
G Lundviqst