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About hort22

  • Birthday 08/08/1979

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    south dakota

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    blue line lob...althogh it hasnt worked yet...

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  1. thanks fellas
  2. yah just a little spot on the basement wall...here is the finished product in a "nice" frame.
  3. went with the screenshot method and printed on photo paper...looks pretty good...thanks for the help
  4. great rom fellas...hey skip can you change the wild to their green uniform for their home set?...seems like they have been wearing the green alot more lately.
  5. awesome...exactly what i am looking for...how did you edit out the replay controls that will i'm assuming be on screen when i take the screenshots?
  6. Ok so maybe not a higher res per say...how does one go about making that rink picture? I can't just take a screenshot from an emulator. long story longer I'm looking to print some nhl94 art and was gonna use the genesis rink as one picture.
  7. so was looking at the full rink pics in the multimedia section of the main site right here.http://nhl94.com/html/multimedia/screenshots.php and was wondering if it would be possible for a higher res shot of the genesis rink all by itself. anyone have anything like that? thanks
  8. sweet app except my images always have scan lines through them? firefox problem?
  9. http://espn.go.com/blog/nhl/post/_/id/12747/four-conference-realignment-plan
  10. yah nothing to exciting http://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/3262-inside-nhl-94-official-guide/page__p__15663__hl__%2Binside+%2B__fromsearch__1#entry15663
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/Sega-Genesis-Gopher-20in1-Portable-Handheld-Game-System-/400165318966?pt=Video_Games&hash=item5d2bb63136 has 20 built in genesis games but also has a SD card slot for roms. also an av out for some tv play.
  12. not to shabby....
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/EA-SPORTS-1994-NHL-GAM...=item35a87e12d0 already have a set...someone pick these up!
  14. hey i couldnt find one but has anyone ever made an original 6 rom from any year?
  15. wasnt my idea just read this over at operationsports...scroll down to number 1 http://www.operationsports.com/feature.php?id=947
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