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2nd week of editing done.

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While the editor and I just finished our 2nd week of editing. We focused on going through the footage and picking out all the good sound bites and starting to rough cut the major scenes together. I would say we have finished about 80% of the "usable" footage. I'll be working by myself these next two weeks to got through the 10 plus hours of tournament footage, 4.5 hour Mark Lesser interview and 3.5 hour Michael Brook interview. I have the editor and suite booked for a week in December. We are on track to have a rough cut of the movie early in the new year and a fine cut sometime in March . Armed with a fine cut, I can open more doors by being able to show distributors and not just tell them about the idea.

One thing that I have learned in the 2nd week of editing is just how similar the core group of fans are.

Everyone has almost the very same story;

Some examples I have came across (I'm not saying that everyone applies but I bet one does)

1-"I can't remember if I got it for my birthday or Christmas"

2-"Me and my Brother/cousin/friend played it for hours"

3-"The new NHL games just don't do it for me"

4-"One day I googled "NHL '94" and found this site"

5-"Most of my friends and family today don't really understand why I like NHL '94"

Anyhow let me know it the comments underneath how many of these apply to you? '

I'm for sure 5/5



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Mikey - this is kind of off-topic, but I'm curious if you've watched other recent retro videogame docs to get ideas on what works and what might not work so well.

For example:

Nibbler, which is now on Netflix and is similar to King of Kong.

Nintendo Quest, which is available on Vimeo I think (and it's Canadian!).

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Mikey - this is kind of off-topic, but I'm curious if you've watched other recent retro videogame docs to get ideas on what works and what might not work so well.

For example:

Nibbler, which is now on Netflix and is similar to King of Kong.

Nintendo Quest, which is available on Vimeo I think (and it's Canadian!).

Hey BK,

Ya, I bought both Nibbler and Nintendo Quest the days they came out seen each a few times. Also "Atari Game Over", "Indie Game" "Indie Game Afterlife" and even the 6 hour Smash Bros online doc lol (There are a handful of others as well). The Hockey Docs are amazing as well "The Last Gladiators", "Red Army" and "Boys on the Bus". Also, side note check out "The Resurrection of Jake the Snake" LOVED IT.

By far the best is King of Kong, having two awesome characters and interaction between Billy and Steve was priceless. The reason I believe King of Kong was so good is because it was more than a video game movie it was a story of an underdog trying to prove himself and that's why it had a broader audience. Donkey Kong was more of a plot device than the topic.

I will be going in a little bit of another direction with PH then the above movies but I'll use the elements I enjoyed from each.

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By far the best is King of Kong, having two awesome characters and interaction between Billy and Steve was priceless. The reason I believe King of Kong was so good is because it was more than a video game movie it was a story of an underdog trying to prove himself and that's why it had a broader audience. Donkey Kong was more of a plot device than the topic.

King of Kong was an amazing movie, period. But! I do believe it was Michael Moore-ish in the way that it was edited. Billy Mitchell seemed like the ultimate villain in it, and I think that was probably unfair. Also worth noting was there were other people in the mix for the high score -- one which (if memory serves) even nabbed it before Wiebe did -- and they weren't mentioned altogether because they makers wanted one villain, one hero.

It was also interesting in Nibbler to see Billy Mitchell again, of course, and he seemed much nicer. (Ie. the makers weren't out to make him look like a villain.)

One unsung plot mover is Walter Day (the Twin Galaxies dude) who is so earnest and nice, it is easy to overlook the fact that he is the real villain! (He blurs the rules in Kong and Nibbler to certify the winners he sees fits to choose.)

Note 1: Whether he uses "creative editing" or not, I love Michael Moore.

Note 2: I am sure Billy Mitchell *is* sort of a villain, but not of the magnitude he appears in Kong

Note 3: Creative scoring aside, Walter Day seems like a legit nice guy

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King of Kong was an amazing movie, period. But! I do believe it was Michael Moore-ish in the way that it was edited. Billy Mitchell seemed like the ultimate villain in it, and I think that was probably unfair. Also worth noting was there were other people in the mix for the high score -- one which (if memory serves) even nabbed it before Wiebe did -- and they weren't mentioned altogether because they makers wanted one villain, one hero.

The filmmakers did what they had to do to tell the story. In real life there are no real bad guys, everyone is just trying to do what they think is right, its all relative. If they made a movie about the history of Donkey Kong then they would be in the wrong. But they made a movie about one man's journey to be the best at something and from his perspective Billy was the villain. Just like any sports match up "I hate those F**king Red Wings, Go Maple Leafs!"

They made the right choice and everyone in that film is now way better off and they are all friends in real life.

Side note, check out the homemade doc "King of CON" it's out to prove that King of Kong was all a hoax, it's pretty good for what it is. But it made me an even bigger fan of the original movie lol

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