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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Yep, so true. Can't blame them, their coach was acting like a child.
  2. Thank you guys, will certainly enjoy it being that it's on a Sunday. -Evan
  3. Hey Tick, I know you haven't been as involved as you used to be, but hope you're having a good birthday! Here's to one of the most active online players in the first couple years. -Evan
  4. Thanks for sharing Halifax. Love this stuff. -Evan
  5. Cool, make it so number 1. -Evan
  6. Hey Chaos, Sure, how does Monday March 29th sound? -Evan
  7. Hey guys, I'm all for having another season, but my time will be limited for the near future (wife is due with baby April 6th). If someone can help Chaos with the season then I think we'll be good. Chaos, what are your thoughts? We would need someone who can setup the registration/checkpoint dates, and keep up on replacing coaches who aren't playing. Other than that, the site is mostly setup to go for another season. Let me know. -Evan
  8. Hey Halifax, Thanks for making this known. Crazy it's been 5 years since the forum has been up. Now, one disclaimer on the forum. We had a forum in 2004 and it ended up crashing on the hosting company. Naturally they didn't have a backup of it. Good news is I make backups of the forum now and we even migrated it to a new server in 2009. Still, 5 years of the forum running is cool, especially seeing how much has been done over the years. It's all the users that log in to this forum that really make the community. Thanks guys. -Evan
  9. Wow. I don't have any words for this video, but please don't make this the official dance of NHL94.
  10. Hey Mack, Hope you enjoy your Birthday today! Have the kids make your dinner. -Evan
  11. Habs, hope you had a good one! -Evan
  12. Looks like you got the 2nd period "mode" that tends to happen against the CPU. That or you're better at going north. Good stuff! -Evan
  13. Hope you have a good one (can't believe you're only 23)! -Evan
  14. A successful season indeed! Well done guys and congrats to our champions! I'll try to have the winners posted on the nhl94online.com homepage over the weekend. -Evan
  15. Hey Halifax, I hope your 3000th post is everything you'd hope it to be and not just a quick reply to my post. This just shows the devotion to the site, so we salute you, Mr. 3000 posts on the nhl94.com forums guy. -Evan
  16. Thanks Halifax/John for staying on top of the playoff series. -Evan
  17. Sounds like a great series indeed. Congrats to Ice and great job to the players in Gens-A. -Evan
  18. Hey Beavers33, Yea, the shot record is outdated. I have no idea what the real record is (the records section never was completed) but I'm pretty sure my shot record for 10 minute periods is 86, and I think with Buffalo too. I wish I had the time to make a records section that would allow users to upload and update the records. Great thread. I always say put in the lowest rated guys for a fun challenge. -Evan
  19. Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one. -Evan
  20. Wow, looks like a very exciting finals. Nice job guys, and congrats Shaftman!
  21. Halifax is right, let's get those series wrapped up!
  22. Congrats to MasterOfNHL94 and Snes on a very successful season! -Evan
  23. Lets try to get these in guys, I'd hope you all look forward to your series. -Evan
  24. Hope you enjoyed your Birthday! -Evan
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