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Ratings Template


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Coach Mac’s NHL 94 Original 6 Player Ratings Template

Skating (Speed and Agility) = Reputation.
Mostly 3 and 4 for Forwards.
Mostly 2 and 3 for Defensemen.
Better teams will typically skate better.

Shooting (Shot Power/Shot Accuracy) = Goals Scored.
*Reputation in very isolated situations.

Forwards                                             Defensemen
50+ = 5/5                                            
40-49 = 4/5
30-39 = 4/4                                        
20-29 = 3/3                                         4/3
10-19 = 2/2                                         4/2
0-9 = 1/1                                              3/1

(Offensive Awareness/Stickhandling) = Points Scored.
                                                       Forwards                Defensemen

1st                                          =             6/6                         6/6
2nd-3rd-5th  (varies              =             5/5                         5/6
6th-20th                                  =             4/4                         4/6
21st-40th                                =             3/3                         3/5
41st-60th                                =             2/2                         2/4
61st-                                       =             1/1                         1/3

(Defensive Awareness) = Reputation
Mostly 2 and 3 for Forwards.
Mostly 3 and 4 for Defensemen.
1st and 2nd Team All-Star Defensemen = 6

Everyone = 6
I play with line changes OFF so no fatigue for anyone.

(Shot Bias)
All Forwards = 2
All Defensemen = 1

(Pass Accuracy) = Assist
50+ = 6
40-49 = 5
30-39 = 4
20-29 = 3
10-19 = 2
0-9 = 1

(Checking/Aggression) = PIM
Reputation in certain situations (ex. Dave Keon very low PIMs, but a great checker)

200+ = 6
120-199 =- 5
80-119 = 4
40-79 = 3
20-39 = 2
10-19 = 1
0-9 = 0

(Jersey #, Weight, Handedness)

(Fighting) = Fights
10+ = 100
8/9 = 85
7 = 71
5/6 = 57
4 = 42
2/3 = 28
1 = 14
0 = 0

GAA Rank = (Stick Left/Right and Glove Left/Right)
Wins = (Defensive Awareness)
Shutouts/Reputation = (Puck Control)
Reputation = (Agility)


For the 1970’s and 80’s roms I used the same template except for:

(Offensive Awareness/Stickhandling) = Points Scored.
                                                       Forwards                Defensemen

125+                                      =             6/6                         6/6
89-124                                   =             5/5                         5/6
65-88                                     =             4/4                         4/6
50-64                                     =             3/3                         3/5
35-49                                     =             2/2                         2/4
0-34                                       =             1/1                         1/3

(Pass Accuracy) = Assist
75+ = 6
50-74 = 5
40-49 = 4
30-39 = 3
20-29 = 2
0-19 = 1

Edited by CoachMac
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Since I imagine we are getting close to Naples and Slapshot/Skip releasing their 2017 roms, I am curious what they or others are using to establish rating players.

I have updated my ratings templates for my historic roms and they are posted above.
If you have an interest let me know what you think of my template.

I have some new and updated roms coming shortly.
I am struggling with Olympic ratings as they play so few games and many players are abscure.

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I like the way you thought through the ratings, bringing some structure to the approach. 

I have never gone through the painful process of rating all players on a team, but one thing I like about '94 is the allocation of the players.  There is a limited amount of elite players, limited 6's on ratings, etc.  I never liked the boosted feeling of some of the updated ROMs I've tried.  I think if I tried to do modern ratings, I'd likely steal the current EA ratings and force scale them down to a similar '94 distribution.



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4 hours ago, kingraph said:

I'd likely steal the current EA ratings and force scale them down to a similar '94 distribution.


I tried that before. It was horrible. The new EA ratings are incredibly boring. Basically good players are good at everything, bad players are not quite as good at everything. The players end up all flat, Muller or Muller but 5s or Muller but 3s. You'd need to do something like stretch out the ratings of each player, like a caricature.

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On 9/13/2017 at 8:48 PM, smozoma said:

I tried that before. It was horrible. The new EA ratings are incredibly boring. Basically good players are good at everything, bad players are not quite as good at everything. The players end up all flat, Muller or Muller but 5s or Muller but 3s. You'd need to do something like stretch out the ratings of each player, like a caricature.

This what I was trying to avoid and agree that ratings can become boring and generic.
I really think 94 got it  right in almost every way with variation.

When making my template and I looked at how the actual players that we use from the Original rom perform and tried to have a similar type distribution.
That is what 94 did so well.

Here is how the skating of the actual players people use in 94 skate. (3 Forwards and 2 D from building lines with AJ)
I also did this for shooting and stickhandling.

Forwards Skating      Defensemen
6/6 = 1
6/5 = 1                             2
6/4 = 1
6/3 = 0                            1
5/6 = 3
5/5 = 8
4/5 = 1
5/4 = 12                           4
4/6 = 1
4/4 = 25                           14
4/3 = 5                             15
4/2 = 1
3/4 = 4                             2
3/3 = 12                          8
3/2 = 1                           1
2/4 = 1
2/3 = 1                            2
2/2 = 0                            3

Edited by CoachMac
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What I meant by normalize to '94 ratings was to force them into the structure.  So if there is one Muller, it stays that way and the next person drops to Bellows, etc.  So not normalizing in the traditional sense, but stretching out like you say. 

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Great thought put into this.  I agree with Smoz ROMs need a few caricatures with weird attributes that don't match.   Need wildcards, like a guy that is all speed but nothing else, Super Slow Sniper etc.  

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