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Hey guys, due to the huge demand by ~3 guys, we'll be doing VHL7 before the summer. We've been running it with 12 guys that are dedicated to finish the whole season to 100% completion, but I am open to adding new guys if it make sense to do so.

Please reach out to me if you want to join. VHL7 will be approx. 22-27 game season and regular season will be ~1 month long.

Current GM's (12) - Lupz (champ), Tex, Brutus, Dcicon, Jack&Jose, Flatcrusher, Jer33, AquaLizard, AtomicRaven, AdamWoodrow, Chefstar88 & Skip.

Expansion/Replacement Coaches - Jwebber64

Schedule (tentative)

Draft Lottery - March 30th

Draft - April 4th thru April 9th

Begin Regular Season - April 12th

Reg. Season Ends - May 13th

Playoffs - May 15th

Rosters - 5 fwds, 4 dmen, 1 goalie for 10 total rounds of drafting.

More to come...

Edited by skip
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I’m not 100% sure I can do this, I’m gonna be MIA besides maybe 2 to 3 days from April 22nd-May 13th in terms of being able to play games.

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Lottery Rules for VHL7:

1st Round

**Winner of Consolation Tourney gets 100 extra balls in Round 1 - AdamWoodrow

Tier 9 – Last place = 2500 balls (Chef)

Tier 8 – No playoffs = 1000 balls (**AdamWoodrow – add 100 balls = 1100)

Tier 7 – Lost Playoff Prelim Round = 750 balls (Jer, AtomicRaven)

Tier 6 - Won Prelim Rd AND Lost Quarters = 500 balls (Flatcrusher, AquaLizard)

Tier 5 - Lost Quarters, No Prelim = 250 balls (Skip, J&J)

Tier 4 - New B Players = 100 balls (None)

Tier 3 - Semifinalists = 25 balls (Brutus, Dcicon)

Tier 2 - Finalist = 5 balls (Tex)

Tier 1 - Champ and New A Players = 1 ball (Lupz)


2nd Round

Step 1 - Reduce all balls first. Tier 9 down to 250 balls, Tier 8 = 100, Tier 7 = 75, Tier 6 = 50, Tier 5 = 25, Tier 4 = 10, Tier 3 = 5, Tier 2 = 2, Tier 1 = 1

Step 2 - Add these changes according to actual Round 1 draw:

1st Overall = -25 balls

2nd Overall = -20 balls

3rd Overall = -10 balls

4th Overall = -5 balls

5th overall = -3 balls

6th through 8th overall = No change

9th and 10th overall = +20 balls

11th and 12th overall = +25 balls


3rd Round – Lottery balls RESET. Begin aggregating balls from Round 3 thru Round 10. Each Rd affects the next.

To Start: Tier 9 = 75 balls, Tier 8 = 50 balls, Tier 7 = 40 balls, Tier 6 = 20 balls, Tier 5 = 15 balls, Tier 4 = 10 balls, Tier 3 = 6 balls, Tier 2 = 3 balls, Tier 1 = 1 ball

Next: **Add 5 extra balls to Consolation Tourney winner. This is the 2nd and final addition for tourney winner - AdamWoodrow


4th Round – continue aggregating from Rd 3. Nobody can ever go below 1 ball.

3.1 = -7 balls from Rd 3 count - AGGREGATING

3.2 and 3.3 = -5 balls

3.4 and 3.5 = no change

3.6 through 3.8 = +2 balls

3.9 and 3.10 = +5 balls  

3.11 and 3.12 = +7 balls


5th Round – continue aggregating balls.

4.1 = -10 more balls

4.2 and 4.3 = -5 balls

4.4 and 4.5 = no change

4.6 through 4.8 = +1 ball

4.9 and 4.10 = +5 balls

4.11 and 4.12 = +10 balls


6th Round

5.1 = -10 more balls

5.2 and 5.3 = -5 balls

5.4 and 5.5 = -3 balls

5.6 through 5.8 = +3 balls

5.9 and 5.10 = +5 balls

5.11 and 5.12= +10 balls


7th Round

6.1 = -10 more balls

6.2 and 6.3 = - 5 balls

6.4 and 6.5 = no change

6.6 through 6.8 = +1 ball

6.9 and 6.10 = + 5 balls

6.9 through 6.12 = +10 balls


8th Round

7.1 = -7 more balls

7.2 and 7.3 = -5 balls

7.4 and 7.5 = no change

7.6 through 7.8 = +5 balls

7.9 through 7.12 = +7 balls


9th Round

8.1 = - 5 more balls

8.2 and 8.3 = -1 ball

8.4 and 8.5 = no change

8.6 through 8.8 = +1 ball

8.9 through 8.12 = +5 balls


10th Round

9.1 = -5 more balls

9.2 through 9.5 = -3 balls

9.6 through 9.8 = +3 balls

9.9 through 9.12 = +5 balls

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Is it too late for a noob to join? I set up and played an exhibition game last night and it worked well, so I at least have that to go on. Also are any other leagues are going to start soon? And any plans for a league with the teams as they actually are like for Skip's or Naples ROMS without a draft? Thanks!

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7 hours ago, GoTitans21 said:

Is it too late for a noob to join? I set up and played an exhibition game last night and it worked well, so I at least have that to go on. Also are any other leagues are going to start soon? And any plans for a league with the teams as they actually are like for Skip's or Naples ROMS without a draft? Thanks!

Hey bud! We're going to remain at 12 teams for this season, but I can add you to the waitlist if you'd like? That means if any coaches have to drop out this season, you can take over their team. we use mine & Slapshot67's ROM for this league.

I am not sure if there is a Spring NHL'94 Classic season, but KingRaph would know. PM him, and I'll pm you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry guys, league is on hold until after the spring. We'll use same teams and same lottery results for VHL7 in the late summer/early fall of 2018.

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