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Kidswasted's ROMs


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Here's a list of links containing the ROMs I've created over the years:

  • All-Time Rosters(ATR) ROM - Contains the greatest hockey players from each franchise found in the basic 94 ROM
  • NHL 92-00 ROMs - Contains the rosters from each game from 92-00 in the 94 'shell' game
  • 3v3 Pond Hockey - Custom ROM with 3v3 forwards where any player(F or D) can play F(contains both 2-minute and 1-minute penalty versions)
  • World Cup '96 - Contains the World Cup '96 rosters
  • NHL 24 - ROM containing 23-24 season rosters. Will update Fall '24.

League-specific ROMs:

  • SNES Salary Cap S1 - Custom league from Summer '21 where coaches picked their own team within a set salary cap
  • SNES Salary Cap S2 - Season 2 of the above ran in Fall '21
  • ATR Salary Cap - Used in the All-Time Rosters season from Summer '22
  • ATR Player Draft - Custom league where coaches drafted players from the All-Time Rosters(ATR) ROM in Fall '22



Edited by kidswasted
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