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I'm Not Returning For Season 4


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As for going AWOL, it's a difficult thing to explain without you guys booing and hissing me out of the community. It's simply this:

I have lost interest in playing 94. Not completely, but enough that a full blown season is too much for me to play in. I can't stress the "play" part enough. I still love the community, and am the type of person who enjoys organizing and planning events for others to enjoy. This is why i've been trying to get my own league off the ground. I'm not going to be playing in GDL again, but i'd be dedicated to being the commish for it. However, like i've said, I don't feel I should be even in the running for candidates. Like I said, if nobody else is stepping up and dmitri does not have the time, i'd be glad to.

For the record, Donch wasn't 'forced' to name a replacement, per-say. I stepped down half because making the deadline would have been a ridiculous amount of games in a short amount of time, and again, half because i've lost interest.

Commence the throwing of tomatoes.

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As for going AWOL, it's a difficult thing to explain without you guys booing and hissing me out of the community. It's simply this:

I have lost interest in playing 94. Not completely, but enough that a full blown season is too much for me to play in. I can't stress the "play" part enough. I still love the community, and am the type of person who enjoys organizing and planning events for others to enjoy. This is why i've been trying to get my own league off the ground. I'm not going to be playing in GDL again, but i'd be dedicated to being the commish for it. However, like i've said, I don't feel I should be even in the running for candidates. Like I said, if nobody else is stepping up and dmitri does not have the time, i'd be glad to.

For the record, Donch wasn't 'forced' to name a replacement, per-say. I stepped down half because making the deadline would have been a ridiculous amount of games in a short amount of time, and again, half because i've lost interest.

Commence the throwing of tomatoes.

That's cool. Like I said, I didn't know the details.

However, given that you've lost interest in making it through a whole season as a player, it doesn't inspire great confidence that you would remain interested in commishing an entire season. It's nothing personal, just my thoughts in response to other coaches.

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Not to mention i took the risk in playing VC on the last night of the league, when smoz just sat by and got his 2 points handed to him.

I didn't know the points were going to be distributed that way :)

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Logan's a good player, but I would have concerns considering it appeared like he went awol this year and the league was forced to name a replacement. I'm not sure what the details were but I don't recall ever reading an explanation for it.

And DaDonch did a great job.

For the next commish, assuming Dmitry still wants to carry on the league through his website, there are three main roles I see. Conducting the draft, creating the rom, and administrating the season (including naming replacements, handling disputes, setting deadlines). It would be fine if we had two or even three commissioners that could split up the workload.

Good call Scribe. I was thinking something similar, maybe a Tribunal of the new commish (Dmitry) and a couple of other commish's to make critical decisions, maybe pull in Halifax and Evanb when necessary.

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