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  1. Team Name: Quebec Nordiques LD: Larry Murphy RD: Al Iafrate LW: Pavel Bure C: Jimmy Carson RW: Mike Ricci X: Wendel Clark 3rd D: Adam Foote G: Mike Richter
  2. I'm in for the return and would like to remain the Nordiques. I like the idea of the hot/cold addition to the game. Live draft I would be free on Wednesday nights and most weekend evenings (probably won't be of sound mind on weekends). -SlapshotSean
  3. 1: Minneapolis is a fantastic city and I'm not opposed to it at all but I would obviously always prefer a wee bit closer to ole indiana. Totally selfish reasons for that. 2: My chances would go up because if I had to, I could make it a day trip. 3: I'm not big on sunday tournaments. I like to party a little during these things and that wouldn't go over too well with my employer Monday morning. 4: I don't play as much snes so my attendance is not based on snes at all. Whatever "extra" tourney you add on, I'll probably jump on and play. 5: Chicago would be great but again this is for very selfish reasons. People from out of town will have trouble finding more affordable lodging and what not, but there is a lot to do in chicago if you do have to stay. 6: Once you rollover into March I'm basically not going to make it to any tourney until june because of high school baseball season so february is ideal for me.
  4. I'm up for this if it is still a possibility. Either system
  5. I would like in. I'm probably B or C.
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