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dmm1000 last won the day on May 25 2023

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    One Timer Via Goalie Rebound

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  1. (blizzard) IN - (provided theres a slot available - recent years signees probably have priority) ....... so C league , but don't mind any level
  2. count me in Chaos - thanks
  3. Great Job van Osbourne - it deserves a a league to be created with the 94 World Championships - Could even be used to decide the NHL94 Sega Genesis World Champion each year
  4. superb Rom seamor - just some feedback - one bug happened twice playing the CPU (as All Stars 94) (me Tampa) in the "Challenge" Final - an Allstar 94 player sent to the bench for a foul - as he took his place on the bench this happened - but the rom is good and i feel somehow the CPU plays tougher than traditional 94'
  5. yes correct Smozoma - I knew that - my query was because we had different definitions of the term "one-timer" - my definition is that "one-timer" means "the striking of the puck immediately on receiving a pass" ( with pass being the 1st setup action and the "one-timer" being the 2nd action) so in my definition it's a 2 step process - i think Tickenest was defining a "one-timer" as BOTH the pass and the strike combined into 1- so when he said the following I couldn't figure how he could define the one-timer as a pass , when in my definition it was clearly a strike Am sure i could have explained that in less lines
  6. Provided you've downloaded the retroarch package from nhl94online (right middle of page) .......when you extract that retroarch zip file - theres a DirectX Installer subfolder - inside that theres a dxwebsetup.exe file - install that - then if it asks to reboot when installed do that and you should then have sound
  7. Ahhhh right that's different - to me "setting up a one timer " (yes that is a pass) - is distinct from a "one-timer" I would see a one-timer as just that a "one-timed shot" - the "act of striking the puck" as a result of (the first part ) a setup pass You're correct - Just a different angle on the terminology
  8. And neither they should - because a one-timer is a shot on goal (or have i missed something obvious) ? (BTW really great work Tickenest - but I cannot see the logic in a one-timer being recorded as any sort of a pass )
  9. hey DrBill -Welcome just want to say as regards to which game is the best / most popular etc IMHO (and I'll stick my neck out and say most others) its NHL94 - I grew up with them all up to NHL98 - but NHL94' has BY FAR the most fluid passing, player skating and turning, and checking , the variety of ways to score is better than all the rest, it's the goalie control (a skill in itself) - and its the camera angle / view of the Ice Rink that just feels "right" - it's the totally realistic satisfying gameplay mechanics that puts NHL94 head and shoulders above all other Hockey Video Game Titles ( including those on the modern consoles of 2020 - nice graphics but rubbish gameplay ) I think EA have finally recognised this, and some sort of (hopefully worthy) re-imagining of NHL94 in the form of a Title called NHL94' Rewind is on the way soon which is supposed to be multi platform - that's all the info we have at the moment But players of all the EA Hockey Titles are Welcome to the Community - but yeah it's a testament to the popularity of NHL94', that because existing veteran players wanted to keep playing and promote the game and its' ability to be played online, that this website www.nhl94.com and also an online league game s / statistics tracking website http://www.nhl94online.com were created. Welcome to the Party
  10. Yes I'm up for gens possibly...... European players come out come out wherever you are ...
  11. was gonna send you a thumbs up kingraph but the emoticon doesn't exist so i'll leave that one for chaos
  12. Purely from a potential bug found perspective - as of right now (after many refreshes) Position number 11 (dmm1000) is missing from the Gens C bracket - see attached
  13. dmm1000 takes BOSTON
  14. hi Halifax i'll have a go at the C league ONLY on SEGA Genesis - thanks
  15. Hi seamor i'll take Clarkson (dmm1000 also on discord)
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