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KaBa78 last won the day on November 7 2022

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About KaBa78

  • Birthday 07/08/1978

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    Karlsruhe, Germany

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  1. In the pinball League they print and send them too, quite funny cause most of the younger players liked that :-D
  2. Working on that,,, if you have any other ideas happy to get them :-D
  3. Thanks for the input, the League results just where a filler. I although thought of more editorial Articles, but i would need help form the commuity for that kinda Stuff. It just needed something to show it could be users both sides. I would start collecting ideas.. New Roms, New Hacks, New Tournaments.. Portraits of the best players ect. If you have some more ideas just tell me ill collect everyhing and try to find some editors :-D
  4. NHL94 Magazin - The Monthly Round Up As playing in a Pinball League i get to know some little Pinball Magzines like the one from PINHEADZ. Having some night-shifts i tried to build one for us... I would need some Input / Infos / News to produce one every month but it might be quite nice having one ... Projekt: How to Fould: 1. 2. 3. 4. PDF Version to PRINT and FOULD at Home: NHL 94 TMRU_Front_Test_#1.pdf NHL 94 TMRU_Back_Test_#1.pdf Just give it a look and tell me if you like it so perhas we could start an Monthly issue of the "The Monthly Round UP". If you already have some input for the next Issue, like new Tournament Dates, Rom Updates, Internet links, most discussed Topics in the Forum ect. just mail it to me: info-KaBa78@e.mail.de Curious about your opinions... KaBa78
  5. Great STUFF. i really like it. Thank's for the work.
  6. I'm in i guess... kinda.. no idea how it's works... but in... simply cause SNES Rules even if you're playing 0:40 Seasons :-D
  7. Great WORK !!! How did you do that :-D No easy way i guess :-D Thank you
  8. Great do you already have an Discord acount ?
  9. Hello everybody, Since it is sometimes not that easy for EU players to play NHL94 leagues, I wanted to ask if there are enough EU players who want to revive the EURO94. Very much like SNES but also GENS :-D Maybe we can get enough for a small league together. Just write in at # Euro94 in Disccord or here in the forum. Is just an idea ... Player GENS SNES 1. dmm1000 X 2. Pearate X 3. Kaba78 X X 4. LaTormenta X X 5. Hot_sauce X X 6. Ice COW X 7. JMJ X X 8. 9. 10. ..... League Start :-D
  10. Definately C for me. If the league will be up next year too, you could think of the top 3 of B promotion to A and the last 3 from A moving down to B, like in European Leagues...
  11. Lets play the Finals and we'll see :-D
  12. Here are the Regular Season Stands + Not Played Games Minus
  13. @kidswasted perhaps... :-D We want to call it Spring League next year, so there might be a real Summer League. The problem is that most of the time the guys don't have that much time playing during that time. We might just ask how many we would be. An be kind to @Chaos asking him to set up another League.
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