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Posted (edited)
Final ROM is available now! Download here


I made this hack based on xstioph's Olympic Hockey 2006 rom. It isnt done yet, but you can see the concept of it.

The changes:

-Rosters are updated based on the rosters of IIHF World Championship 2012 and 2013

-Jersey made/corrected

-Real stats and overalls for players, roughly based on NHL 13 ones

-The world's best 28 teams will be in the rom

-Real arena names

Currently the teams are almost ready/done:

-Norway (100%)

-Latvia (100%)

-Denmark (100%)

-Belarus (100%)

-USA (100%)

-Canada (90%: stats of 4 player isnt done yet)

-Czech Republic (95%: stats of 3 player isnt done yet)

-Sweden (95%: stats of 3 player isnt done yet)


When you are about to change your team, if your scroll through Ukraine (after Hungary, before Sweden) it will cause a graphical crash (i dont know why :S ), but the game does not crash. Just have to navigate through the menu on blind (match screen will be perfect again), so try to avoid it.

Edited by Kashim

Feels like the GENS engine running on a SNES holder. This is neither a compliment nor an insult, just saying, it reminds me so much of the gameplay and feel of NHL 94 that I recall when growing up, playing on the GENS. I have since been playing more SNES in recent months (due to weight bug, shot pass glitch, and all the garbage goals and goalie rams that are too common in GENS). Does this version eliminate all the aforementioned GENS garbage, while porting over the smooth gameplay, I wonder?


I am not intended to change the gameplay itself. But.... when I finish a team I play a test match with it and i noticed that somehow every time the gameplay changes bit by bit. It feels a bit smoother then the original.

So you mean the roms gameplay is closer to the GENS version?

Maybe with setting high checking rates for goalies eliminate the ram goals...


Yes, it feels like I am playing GENS. But, without all the GENS trash; just the feel of the skating, one timers, and shooting.

Posted (edited)

Final ROM is available now! Download here


+ World's best 27 teams (Korea Rep. removed, Ukraine moved its former place)

+ Made lines in the case of line changes on*

Line 1=Best, SC1, PP1, PK1

Line 2=SC2, PP2, PK2

Line 3=CHK

+ Home/Away jersey made/corrected

+ Players stats and overalls based roughly on NHL 13 ones**

+ Real arena names

- Graphical bug still exists at the former place of Ukraine (right now there is team named "ERROR", TRY TO AVOID it)

- Rarely at the end of a period if the game want to show highlights of the match of "ERROR" cause the same graphical bug

* Lines made on the basis of an exact match and do not indicate any strength difference between the lines

** Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania have juiced teams (only handness, weight and the numbers are correct) because of the lack of players in NHL 13

If you have any idea, suggest or problem, please leave a comment.

Edited by Kashim
  • 3 weeks later...

I found out what caused the glitch. I dunno why, but when I edit the slot of Islanders, I get the glitch. So the only method right now is keeping NYI as it is, and editing the other teams.

Bug fixed now, download links changed! Have fun ;)


Final Update 14/06/13
+ NYI removed, Korea Republic up (thanks for c4outlaws' help)
+ There are no juiced teams more: i used the real players with overall under 44 from NHL 94 as a template

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Is there a way to get the rom cause RapidShare is closed and i really want to see how it works plz

Changed the link, have fun ;)

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