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3rd Week of editing

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Hey Guys,

Almost wrapped the 3rd week of editing. We have two bonus days (Mon/Tues).

The editor and I have spent most of our time cutting smaller scenes together. Now with only a few small scenes left to go, we have started piecing the movie together. This is what is called the "rough cut" and is a very big step!

The flow of the movie so far is a lot more fast paced as I first thought. This is good news because some stuff that is scheduled to possibly be cut may not have to be. There is a few cool twists and turns in how things worked out, which adds some cool story elements. You will defiantly have to watch the movie at least twice to catch all the hidden messages.

The one praise I say over and over is "if I have never heard of a Sega Genesis (or Hockey), would this make sense to me".

For example, "One Timers" means nothing to someone who has never watched hockey. So the phrase "I love one timers" sounds like a dude that likes having one night stands lol. So I have to make sure I show a one timer or group that slang into context or I risk constantly explaining things to the audience and waste screen time.

Anyways that's my week 3 ramble. Thanks for listening :)


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Good point Mikey hockey even though I love it, is not in the culture in the states like baseball or football. Most people know what strikeout means but one timer I bet most don't

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Is this a non-narrative doc? If there is a narrator, is it you?

Thanks for the update, Mikey!

It's traditional (So far), no narrator. The character interviews drive the story visuals when they need context. That being said my interviews do help in a big way to do that. We are not set in stone yet, some elements can still change.

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Take a page out of the "Wolf of Wall Street", and every time someone makes a crazy hockey reference, pause the screen, and then cut to a NHL 94 video game footage displaying the act on display, with some type of narration.

That would enable all the "one timer references", or even for old hockey references, grab some 70's style game footage!

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Take a page out of the "Wolf of Wall Street", and every time someone makes a crazy hockey reference, pause the screen, and then cut to a NHL 94 video game footage displaying the act on display, with some type of narration.

That would enable all the "one timer references", or even for old hockey references, grab some 70's style game footage!

Hey Brutus!

Thanks for the idea.

I was thinking of doing that but decided against it because of story flow.

What you are referring to is a 4th wall break. Other examples are Farris Bueller's Day off, Flight Club, any Mel Brooks film and Deadpool.

That story device works best when you have cheeky main character in a fictional comedy. Stopping the flow of the movie to remind the audience they are watching a movie. Works amazing for those films but not so much in this, as the purpose is to immerse the audience. Keep the movie flowing. It's tough but we are working on it. We got 90 mins to tell the full story so I'm stuck to about 30-45 seconds to explain little things in a dynamic way.

But saying all this there is one point (maybe twice) in the movie where I do break the 4th wall.For emotional reasons not so much educational.

Edited by McMikey
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I've heard that editing is what ultimately determines a film's success, so here's hoping it's going well for ya!

Looks like you're in good hands and have made great progress already!

What started as an ambitious dream is beginning to look more and more like reality!

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