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  1. This is a very interesting mod. Thanks for finding this. I will have to give this a try when I get a chance.
  2. Yes that was the idea. That's basically what this code does, it works essentially as a player lock with some quirks. If you follow my instructions in the OP, you should be able to activate this hidden feature. To answer your questions, no, it has not been improved upon in any way. If we were to take a deep dive into it, maybe it's possible to turn it into something more robust but all I was ever able to do was to use it as described in this topic. In my opinion, even as it is, it adds a lot of depth to the gameplay. I will say that one thing that would make this mod even better is a camera modification that stays focused on the player that is being controlled, rather than who has the puck. What happens when you use this mod is that when you are controlling a player without the puck, while on offense, the camera still follows the puck, which means that the player you are controlling can go off screen. It would be nice to be able to make the camera stay centered on the player you are controlling, instead of the puck. Or at least on a specific player of your choice, rather than the puck. That would be something worth exploring, the camera movement and making it centered on a player instead of the puck. That way we can skate off screen away from the puck and not have the player you are controlling go off screen.
  3. The bins are unavailable when you are not logged. When you are logged in, you should be able to download the roms. I only ever released the smallest goal versions 1.0 and 1.1. I was planning on releasing version 1.2 which contained some experimental new goal CPU movement but I got side tracked with some other projects. If anyone is interested in smallest goal version 1.2 I could release that. What I tried to do was to make it so the CPU goalies don't overrun the goal itself. Since the smallest goal is so much smaller, the normal left right movement of the CPU goalie causes them to move beyond each post of the smaller goal when they move left or right depending on where the puck is when the opposing team is in the attacking zone. Ideally the CPU goalie should only move as far left or right to be in line with each goal post, but not to go beyond it. Well with the smaller goal, the normal goalie left right movement isn't exactly aligned with the narrower posts anymore since they move beyond the post. It's not a major problem but it was enough for me to try to improve it. Well I found a rom code that does adjust the CPU left right movement to not go as far left and right but with the values I found also caused some other glitches to the CPU goalie movement, which is why I never released it. However if anyone is interested I could release it. With the understanding that there's room for improvement. I also have the rom for medium goal which I also never released. There was just one finishing touch that I wanted to do before releasing it, but it's pretty much ready. If you guys are interested I could release that as well. My original plan was to apply my smaller goals (new goal artwork aligned with barrier code edits) to some of my favorite roms that have been released by other rom makers. But over the last several years I have been working on other projects and sort of got away from modding NHL 94 Genesis. But it's still a big passion of mine, and I'm glad that there has been some interest in my mods since I've been gone.
  4. Excellent work. I tested it and it plays wonderfully! Lillehammer, when Olympic hockey was for the amateurs. It was the last Winter Olympics before the "NHL / pro players" experiment in the Olympics started. Lillehammer is an anomaly in that it is the only Olympics to occur only 2 years after the previous Olympics and was the first Olympics to not be in the same year as the Summer Olympics. Between 1924 and 1992, the Summer and Winter Olympics were always held in the same year and which was referred to as the "Olympiad". That changed with Lillehammer in '94. Lillehammer '94 has a special place in my heart as I was very into the Olympics back then. There was a Sega Genesis game called Lillehammer '94 which got a lot of play, but of course that great game didn't have a hockey mode. So we can consider this the spiritual add-on to Lillehammer '94 for Genesis! That is great that you included the pre-qualification teams Great Britain, Japan, Latvia and Poland. I see how the tournament works. If you select any of the pre-qualification in the first game of the tournament, it becomes a 16-team tournament, but if you select two Olympic teams in the first game of the tournament, then there are only 12 teams with 4 teams getting byes. This will be fun. Thank you very much! By the way, what "more ambitious projects" are you working on? I've been meaning to apply the Medium Goal (a variation of the smaller goal mod) to some roms to make it harder to score and more skillful. This would be a great rom to make adjustments to and reduce the size of the goal.
  5. Joe Montana Sports Talk football was my GAME at as a kid. Oh man so many memories, the funniest was when you did a FG attempt on a 1st down in your own territory or something and the commentator's like "they line up for the field goal on the first down and I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" LMAO still cracks me up to this day. See this video @ 1:36 LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnvs5B_8ISo Also we can't forget College Football's National Championship on Genesis! Both were awesome, and as much fun as the old Maddens on Genesis were, I have to say Joe Montana Sports Talk and CFNC were my favs!
  6. Who could forget the Nerf Screamer LOL. As far as best football games, NCAA on PS2 was boss, also NFL Street and Madden on PS2 were great. Football games peaked on PS2 and Original Xbox!
  7. I am so glad to see the Green shirt guy finally reunited with his long lost leg. But now he's the only fan without a mirrored twin on the right side of the scoreboard! What happened to his reflection - every other fan looks in the mirror and sees themselves, but the green shirt guy looks in the mirror and all he sees an empty seat. And another thing - the Green shirt guy only has 1 leg, while the guy in the orange shirt sitting next to him has what looks like 3 legs!! Why does the orange shirt guy get to hog all the legs. Who needs 3 legs anyway, surely the orange shirt guy could spare a leg and give one of his 3 legs to the Green shirt guy!
  8. I'm sort of the opposite Bob, in that I think the logo is pretty cool looking but I find the name to not be good at all. It's one of the weirdest names of a sports team I've ever heard. And the fact that no ones ever heard of it, that it's a mythical creature. I think they tried to be bold with this name and do something cool but unfortunately I think it may backfire. The name itself is very easy to make memes about and I don't think this is a good thing. The other problem I have with it is that the name appears to have been taken from a Hollywood film Clash of the Titans and the producer of it is one of the co-owners of the franchise. So it just doesn't come off as organic or something about the city. Not only that, but the creature is said to be from the Atlantic Ocean not from the Pacific so that doesn't make sense for Seattle. I would have liked them to be named something real like Sea Lions or if that's too cheesy something else but based on something that's actually a thing in Seattle. At the end of the day, Seattle going the imaginative route like they did with a mythical creature may have worked if the actual name sounded better.
  9. Thank you very much for creating your wonderful collegiate hockey roms. I really like what you did with lowering the speed of the puck, passes being slower makes it a very different and unique NHL 94 experience. And also I noticed that you lowered the speed of C-button defensive speed bursts. So when you do a C-button speed burst you don't cover as much ground as normal. This makes the rink feel bigger and this makes it feel like you really have to sprint a lot to get to loose pucks. Also the speed at which skaters turn also seems to be slightly slower which feels very cool as well. I'm guessing you lowered some ratings to achieve this. Excellent work, when I get a chance it will be fun to really get into some long matches in your gameplay!
  10. For the shooting accuracy rating : ('94 on Genesis) Does the shooting accuracy rating affect only the shooting accuracy of CPU shots? What about user-controlled shots when manually directing a shot by holding down a d-pad direction? I don't think I've really tested whether shots will go off target more when manually aiming a shot with a player with a lower rated shooting accuracy like a defenseman. And also does the shooting accuracy rating have an noticeable affect on the accuracy of one-timer shots?
  11. Yes that's what I was referring to. The disabling one-timers code for '94 was a great find. Good on you for asking about it and props to smozoma for finding it. I was using that code until I created the smaller goal mod. Playing NHL '94 with one-timers disabled was really fun as I liked lower scoring games but many had asked about a way to make one-timers less accurate so I was happy to deliver the smaller goal mod to the community to accomplish that feat. Of course the article was written before these solutions to one-timers in NHL '94 were discovered, but even before these solutions were found, I still can't believe he would seriously argue that NHLPA '93 was a better game lol.
  12. Great article especially the Swingers part about righting a historical wrong but in no way shape or form can you use that to put NHLPA '93 ahead of NHL '94. Yes NHLPA '93 had fighting. Yes NHLPA '93 had some things better like being able to bring up the line changes without automatically clearing the puck but it was also way more limited and basic than NHL '94. From a Gameplay standpoint, NHL '94 is on a different level than NHLPA '93. It's a much deeper engine but it was an interesting point about the ratings system being so different with NHL '94's rating system being like an “everyone gets a trophy just for trying” mentality. I do think that NHL '94's ratings didn't exactly take advantage of the full range of possible ratings. So I think he has a point there that NHLPA '93 may have a more robust rating system, with more variety of ratings between players. But with NHL '94 a little bit of work adjusting the ratings goes a long way to make the gameplay have more variety. Maybe not as much variety as NHLPA '93 but you have to remember NHL '94 is a far superior engine and it's more fine tuned. Even with a less varied ratings system, the ratings differences that are there do make a noticeable difference and in some ways it becomes easier to edit the ratings in '94 than in NHLPA '93. I have developed a solution to the one-timer problem in NHL '94 by making the goal smaller so one-timers are less accurate. And there is also a code that turns off one-timers in NHL '94 as another solution to the problem. In NHLPA '93 you have exploits and a lot more glitches and cheap ways to score. At least one-timers are skillful and as the article pointed out is a staple to the series. Yes one-timers can lead to a lot of high scoring games in NHL '94 but the article also pointed out that the one-timer problem got worse in NHL '95 “with its weird Pacman-on-ice skating system”. But that just goes to show that NHL '94 had the physics down pat. No other game in the series can touch NHL '94 from a gameplay standpoint. It is a finely tuned hockey engine with the greatest fun factor of any hockey game ever. Lets face it, at its core one-timers are just flat out fun. That didn't stop me from finding a way to make them less accurate but the gameplay mechanic itself is legendary. It is unclear what version he is comparing the Genesis versions or the SNES versions however the one-timer video he linked is of the SNES version. I don't want to offend any SNES fans but honestly we all know that the Genesis version of '94 reigns supreme. I think it's important to specify which version he is comparing because the SNES versions of NHLPA '93 and NHL '94 maybe be closer than the Genesis versions as the SNES version of '94 has issues that the Genesis version does not. For example, the SNES version of '94 doesn't look as good graphically or run as good as '94 on Genesis, and the minor issues in the Genesis version of NHL '94 that the SNES version doesn't have aren't as big as the problems in the SNES version of '94. As great and as fun to read as the article is, it has to be said that the verdict of choosing NHLPA '93 based on Swingers or fighting or whatever is mind-bogglingly ridiculous. NHL '94 flat out destroys NHLPA '93. Yes NHLPA '93 is a great game in its own right but there is no way that it can be argued to be a better game than NHL '94.
  13. Big Bird was a natural on the ice. You don't want to end up along the boards with Big Bird. Bert running some major interference setting up the one-timer, in True NHL 94 fashion the refs didn't call it.
  14. This is a cool idea, a rom to better hone your skills with training. I'm particularly interested playing with the no skater team, because I recently discovered a camera mod that has the camera fixed on the bottom part of the rink (the goalie) throughout the entire game instead of following the puck. With the camera fixed on the bottom 1/3rd of the rink it makes practicing manual goalie a lot better. This would be great practice with less or no teammates so I am just constantly defending shots from the opposition the entire time while manually controlling the goalie. One thing though that I'd like to learn how to do is to hack the "switch player" logic so you can be in control of the goalie the entire game.
  15. @Minni_North_Star Hey! We share the same twisted dream of playing against a capable computer. That's been one of my goals all along and a direct way to address that is to make the goal smaller. This lowers the accuracy of shots in general and particularly one-timers. You'll experience a more capable CPU opponent if you play against teams with highly rated player ratings particularly shot accuracy. I see that you're preferred system is SNES but if you give my version 1.1 rom a try maybe this mod will convert you to the Genesis version haha. Yes the smaller goals are on both sides of the rink. Getting the smaller goal on the top goal required some tricks as you cannot edit the middle part of the top goal through the normal top goal artwork tiles but I found a way around it through another method. I also managed to adjust the puck collision with the posts of the top goal (and side / back netting) making that more accurate by bringing the whole of the top goal down by 3 pixels then re-editing the artwork. It was a painstaking task to achieve but it's really worth it as now when pucks do bounce off the posts, you'll notice that in my rom, they hit right off the post instead of being a couple of pixels off of where the posts appear to be. You'll notice in my rom that shots will miss high and will go over the net more and will go wide of the side posts more. So getting shots on target requires more precision and timing than ever before. Most one-timers for example will miss wide unless you time it right or you manually place the one-timer shot with the d-pad. As far as applying the smaller goal to only the CPU that's not possible as the code that makes the goal dimensions smaller affects the barriers of both goals equally as well as the barriers between the puck and the boards which create a slightly longer and wider rink. So there's more room to maneuver behind each goal for example. To your point though I can report that I have managed to hack the goalie A.I. to an extent for my version 1.2 which is still in the alpha phase. And you'd be happy to know that this hack does affect the home and visitor goal differently. So anotherwords the hack makes it easier to score on the visitor goalie than the home goalie. So if you want more of a challenge vs the CPU all you'd need to do is play as the Visitor team on this version 1.2. If you're interested in this new version 1.2 let me know : basically the reason why I haven't released it yet is because it features this hacked goalie A.I. that makes the Visitor Goalie leave the net open too often leading to cheap goals. However if you play as the Visitor Goalie you can always take manual control of the goalie in these instances. This version 1.2 is still a WIP with this hacked goalie A.I. but it definitely provides a great challenge vs a CPU opponent if you are playing as the Visitor team vs a CPU Home team if what you seek is a challenge vs the CPU this is definitely it : it just may not be the exact kind of challenge you had in mind lol. Basically what the goalie A.I. hack does is that it causes goalies to not stray as far left or right of the goal, because as you'll see if you test the version 1.1 rom, with a goal so small the goalies are programmed to skate beyond the side posts as if they are guarding the post of a bigger goal. With the smaller goal width this pre-programmed left / right limit puts them beyond the smaller goal's side posts. Still it's very playable even with this quirk but I wanted to get them to stop at the smaller goal's posts. I wasn't quite able to get them to stop exactly at the side posts but what I was able ot do is get them to skate towards the center of the goal when they reach the side posts now. So with this hack the goalies are programmed to turn and skate towards the center of the goal when they go too far left or right instead of stopping there. This works well with the smaller goal only it's not perfect as oddly the home goalie seems to perform this new motion more intelligently than the visitor goalie does as the home goalie ends up leaving less open space to score on when he turns and skates towards the center of the goal. And it's not an easy thing to adjust, control or balance since this hack was found purely by trial and error. If you're interested in this new hacked goalie A.I. this version 1.2 that, I'm working let me know, but in the meantime check out the version 1.1 so you experience all this for yourself and so you can observe what I'm talking about with how the goalies are programmed to go beyond the smaller goal's side posts. It's not a major problem or anything but it was enough of an issue for me to get into hacking the goalie A.I. so they don't overshoot the smaller goal's side posts as they are programmed to do since they are programmed to defend the wider side posts of a larger goal. With this new hacked goalie A.I. that I'm working on, goalies now will turn and dart to the center of the goal and will leave the net open which the CPU A.I. is quick to take advantage, which the Visitor goalie in particular has a tendency to do often. What's cool about it though is that the Home goalie doesn't really have this problem of leaving the net open when he turns and darts to the center of the goal, basically he he'll stay closer to the goal line when he does this so he can still react to a quick shot near the post whereas the Visitor goalie often won't, so as a result scoring on the home goalie is quite difficult indeed with this new hacked goalie A.I. And to be clear this issue has nothing to do with whether the home goalie is playing on the top goal or the bottom goal in a particular period. None of what I'm talking about here is an issue in version 1.1 which just has the normal goalie A.I. you are used to. And they still defend the smaller goal pretty well all things considered.
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