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Everything posted by smozoma

  1. I'm not sure aggression results in penalties, I could never find a correlation there when comparing Aggression ratings to penalty stats in my old Blitz league. Edit: I see that you did some CPU games and found a correlation. So maybe when under user control it doesn't do anything (much like the Checking attribute)
  2. I suspect it's the speed boost nerf that makes the game feel slow. Did you increase the energy depletion rate, too?
  3. You've got it right The nice thing about going with your RNG value of 7 (or a value of 8) instead of the original 9 is that it eliminates the overlap case where a player rated 1 higher than another in attribute (on the base 0-6 ratings) can be equal to a player rated 1 lower, if the better player is max cold and the other is max hot.
  4. Doesn't this already have hot/cold randomness minimized? It says "less variance in Hot/Cold rating randomization" in the description. If this is Chaos's hack, then it reduces the hot/cold effect from +/- 6ish percent down to 3 percent.
  5. Sure, put an emulator on there that can play Sega Genesis games (such as RetroArch with a Genesis 'core')
  6. Season mode: technically possible of course, but don't think we have people with the experience/skill to do it unless they had like a year of full-time work to dedicate to it. Part of the problem is that the game engine was rewritten in 95 (after being basically the same for 92-94) so nothing would "copy/paste" between the games and work. We haven't even added fighting from 93 into 94, and that's the same game engine.
  7. Yep, season mode was added in 95. 94 was one of the first games on Sega with a memory chip, so having playoffs and user records was all we got, it was probably added as an afterthought..
  8. KingRaph's ultimate strategy guide has you covered! http://nhl94strategy.com/
  9. A few hard-to-read ones in here... C10877(???) - Dennison, Minnesota, United States C14205 - Essex, Maryland, United States F15540 (15640?) - St. John's, NL, Canada H16917 - Ucluelet, British Columbia, Canada H17278(???) - Emmitsburg, Maryland, United States H22650 - Whitby, Ontario, Canada J14273 - Salt Lake City, Utah, United States No good geographical matches by letter in this batch...
  10. NJ, doubtful, but there were 2 per year in NY pre-pandemic. @kingraph @chaos any plans for NY?
  11. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/nhl-94-tournament-battle-of-vancouver-ii-genes-tickets-265762752547 Tournament run by @rcv
  12. You can now use these on the forum by typing :abbreviation or selecting them from the emoji list
  13. 00990 (already on the list) for anyone who wants to see it! https://twitter.com/nhl94dotcom/status/1490509130955698182
  14. oh yeah, with the "new" 32-team ROM, the base weight hack might cause problems. The goalie button hack also causes NOSE problems I think.
  15. No problem, I DM'd you the spreadsheet and an idea for how to fix the problem (looks like they were using Time on Ice to solve the problem.. so all else being equal, the player with the most ice time would get the higher star!)
  16. I must have removed the protection against not enough players in order to cram in more calculation logic Forgive me if I don't understand how this works anymore 11 years later:
  17. Ohhh I wonder if that's a divide-by-zero on the save percentage. Doubt I'll fix it.. It was hard to cram the assembly instructions for my formula into the same number of bytes as the old formula, since mine is more complicated.
  18. Check out line 950 in the .py file, it lists out the values used. If you want to add different logic rather than different values, that's waaaay more complicated. If you have any fixes to make in the file, such as the path, please add and share! The path stuff is around line 308, but assumes windows (backslashes)
  19. I think it's 0.2. A -1 can turn a 30 into a 29. 30/5=6.0, 29/5 = 5.8.
  20. So using a value of 4 gives the following odds for hot/cold? 2/8 odds of -1 (random values -4 and -3) 5/8 odds of 0 (random values from -2 to +2) 1/8 odds of +1 (random value of +3) And the +/-1 translates to +/-0.2 on the 0-6 scale (internally the game uses 0-30)
  21. nice there is a 3-stars hack already which gives nice results for 5-minute period vs games: https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/12181-tool-hack-applicator-aka-smozrom/
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