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Week 1 Schedule:


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Okay. here are the first week of divisional games:

Dallas (Silva Division) @ Edmonton (Silva Division)- Tuesday

Detroit (Silva Division) @ Chicago (Silva Division)- Tuesday

Calgary (Silva Division) @ Winnipeg (Silva Division)- Wednesday

Toronto (Anderson Division) @ Buffalo (Anderson Division)- Wednesday

NY Rangers 4, Boston 3 (OT) (Tuesday)

Quebec (Silva Division) @ Dallas (Silva Division)- Thursday

Vancouver (Silva Division) @ St. Louis (Silva Division)- Friday


Game of the Week:

Pittsburgh (Anderson Division) @ Montreal (Anderson Division)- Friday

All games are to be played by Friday night at 11 PM, CST. As soon as your game ends, post results here. Good luck!

Edited by dalstarsfan
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How's the game distribution gonna be played out? Remember to check the guidelines of each league just so you get a general idea how many games do you want for all teams.

Although it seems to me you want it to make it like RL NHL. Just let us know how many total games you want to have.

Edited by RedWingDevil
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beavers, you played the game two days earlier that its supposed to be played. Don't do it again. Ill coount it though

Edit: Screw the days the game is on. New rule: Play your game anytime during the week> Deadline is Saturday at 9 PM CST

Edit again: Mav, let me know what time Friday you want to play our game

Edited by dalstarsfan
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beavers, you played the game two days earlier that its supposed to be played. Don't do it again. Ill coount it though

Edit: Screw the days the game is on. New rule: Play your game anytime during the week> Deadline is Saturday at 9 PM CST

Edit again: Mav, let me know what time Friday you want to play our game

Good thing, there's no way I could have played Thursday.

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wow set game times? I really don't have enough time im sorry

In the other leagues I play like 7 in one day cuz thats when I'm on

To make it easier for a replacment I will just drop out now

sorry not enough time

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wow... this league is so jumbled and so confusing!

lets stop play and get everything sorted out

first I think we should have a 1-2 week trading period

it just doesnt work to change the rom constantly

and second im so confuesed with how to put the stats up i got no clue

third there should be a scores sub forum so beavers33 doesnt have to put his score up on all of the threads to get dalastarsfan's attention

also I can't imagin how the suspension would work... its the hitz league which means no pentaltys... instead of suspensions we could try maybe no pentaly for injurys?

I just think we need to slow things down and get organized

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Agh, there's no way I'll be able to play before the deadline. Because I can see this happening a lot, and to be honest I just can't get "in" to this league (and also I will get whooped, throttled, etc.), I drop out. GGs.

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And there is no deadline. As long as you play before I post the next week.

That's a short deadline :o

If you look at the other leagues, they schedule a whole bunch of games at once.

This allows people to play at their convenience. Sometimes you don't play one week, then you play 8 games in one day...

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