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[SNES] NHL '94 Altered 2012


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Hey guys, I've taken a brief sojourn away from the boards, but I am back to release my new updated NHL '94 ROM for the 2011-2012 season. Take a gander at some of the features:

* 28 teams w/players from the Opening Day roster (no Columbus or Ottawa -- sorry -- and Winnipeg is back in its old slot!)

* Completely overhauled the ratings, primarily using stats from last year. I put a lot of work into creating formulas for translating stats into ratings, making sure to emulate the balance of the original ROM.

* Updated advantages, portrait palettes, uniforms

* Utilization of pass/shot bias -- thanks to trudatman for the find.

* Playoff brackets from last year

* Line combos from opening weekend

* Smaller puck, player indicators (diamond-shaped), no arrows -- thanks to trudatman for help on this one!

* Altered in-game player numbers

* Other changes

If you have any questions/concerns/comments/bug finds, feel free to post. For ratings-related comments, I'll listen to ones regarding discrepancies in shot power, speed, or agility (and maybe goalie ratings), but I don't plan on major changes to the ratings as is unless it warrants it.

I plan to make periodic updates to the roster and minor tweaks to advantages/ratings throughout the season, so keep posted!

NHL \'12 Altered.zip

Edited by northstar91
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it's a tough call as to which teams get cut. Ottawa stayed in mine mostly due to the fact that they are already there. I cut teams that don't match up with slots/icons. I picked Phoenix and Nashville over Columbus and Minnesota. I see that he freed up lots of space and expanded stuff (like the expansion teams' roster space)... all that's beyond my skills and I imagine adding two teams is beyond his skills.

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it's a tough call as to which teams get cut. Ottawa stayed in mine mostly due to the fact that they are already there. I cut teams that don't match up with slots/icons. I picked Phoenix and Nashville over Columbus and Minnesota. I see that he freed up lots of space and expanded stuff (like the expansion teams' roster space)... all that's beyond my skills and I imagine adding two teams is beyond his skills.

Ya I get that you have to cut two teams, but I don't get why you would cut a team that's already in the game. (I'm just being selfish.)

Anyways, I was also wondering why there's no pointer to show where your skater is when he's off screen? I find it hard to know where the player I'm controlling is when he's off screen. This is a pretty important part of the game I would say.

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I always hated the arrows. if you are off-screen, you are "that way" -- off screen. there was so much unnecessary clutter in the original. it made it accessible and easy to learn, but it hurts the overall value, in my mind. I can't begin to express how much happier I am with no player indicators (numbers, stars, arrows). now if only I could get rid of the overlaid time and score window and only have it appear briefly after whistles and in the final minute of each period....

edit: Bob, it might be because your team sucks. in fact, yeah, it's that. personally, I like having some shitty teams to pick from, so I'm satisfied with excluding teams from the not-quite-the-worst pool, as I did with CBJ and MIN. ideally, we wouldn't bar anybody from Ron Barr's bar, if you bar what I bar.

Edited by trudatman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments, everybody! I'm glad that people are responding well to the new ROM. I've taken another break away from these boards, but let me reply to some stuff here.

DynamiteSJ: Vancouver may be a tad overrated, but just look at Boston now (mwahaha). Remember, I used last season as the template for the ratings. I'm going to refine the advantages about mid-season, and maybe tweak some ratings in my next update.

Bob Kudelski: I understand you are upset with my excluding Ottawa from the ROM. However, keep in mind that many people had them being in the lottery section of next year's draft. I had other reasons for including the other "bubble teams" (Minnesota being my home team, Phoenix being a playoff team last year, keeping East/West teams balanced). Believe me, if I could have thirty teams, they'd all be there (and I have tried). If I were to re-insert Ottawa, I'm going to leave out Winnipeg, NYI, or Phoenix.

As far as the arrows go, I don't really plan on bringing them back; if I do, they'll be modded to not be as an eyesore.

BTW: I'll have an update (with Ottawa, maybe) in a week or two.

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  • 1 month later...

Did you ever create your own editor for the game?

Wondering if someone knew how to tweak the current editor to show the players average rating...

It would be cool if you could save teams and upload teams if wanting to do transfers from rom to rom, or player type templates for quick making of players...

The average player rating would be amazing though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

or why? aside from Boston being WAY underrated, the weird logo colors were my biggest complaint with this ROM. glad he's still active, though, as the SNESers need all the help we can get.

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I think the problem with Boston is, they aren't really a skilled team.

They're a well coached, aggressive, chippy, hard hitting team, and for whatever reason are allowed to get away with a lot in the playoffs as seen versus Tampa Bay (The team with the best Powerplay during the playoffs), where they inexplicably managed to not get a single penalty in the 7th game, and VS the Canucks where they were allowed to use the Sedins as punching bags.

The stats in this game are mostly geared towards offensive players... There's Passing, Off. Aware, Shot PWR, Shot ACC, Agility, Stick Handling. Speed being a neutral stat. Then on the defensive side of things there's just checking, and def. Aware, and speed being good defensively and offensively.

Sooo it's hard to make a team that's "mean" be good at a game that doesn't reward mean teams as high ranked ones.

I had the same problem with mine... Although they were still rated fairly well.

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we'll have to agree to disagree. see you in the playoffs!

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  • 5 months later...

so, I have to point out that it wasn't me that figured out (or guessed at) the passing bias. I think it was a user named HockeyGirl or something like that that brought it to our attention. she was quickly scared off by the scrubs, so we are left to wonder what else she may have advised on, were she still around.

also, is it only in the preview and menu screens that a name with a hyphen will crash or glitch? if I remember right, you can't have a "Bergeron-Cleary" starting, but the rest of the game can handle it. if that isn't right, did you do anything special to make them work? can you teach me to expand the expansion rosters to full size and the others a little bit? I see you even expanded the Rangers. I want to understand how to do that. oh, and another thing is that you should use the checksum fixing program.

Edited by trudatman
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  • 5 months later...
  • 10 years later...
On 10/11/2011 at 10:16 PM, northstar91 said:

Hey guys, I've taken a brief sojourn away from the boards, but I am back to release my new updated NHL '94 ROM for the 2011-2012 season. Take a gander at some of the features:

* 28 teams w/players from the Opening Day roster (no Columbus or Ottawa -- sorry -- and Winnipeg is back in its old slot!)

* Completely overhauled the ratings, primarily using stats from last year. I put a lot of work into creating formulas for translating stats into ratings, making sure to emulate the balance of the original ROM.

* Updated advantages, portrait palettes, uniforms

* Utilization of pass/shot bias -- thanks to trudatman for the find.

* Playoff brackets from last year

* Line combos from opening weekend

* Smaller puck, player indicators (diamond-shaped), no arrows -- thanks to trudatman for help on this one!

* Altered in-game player numbers

* Other changes

If you have any questions/concerns/comments/bug finds, feel free to post. For ratings-related comments, I'll listen to ones regarding discrepancies in shot power, speed, or agility (and maybe goalie ratings), but I don't plan on major changes to the ratings as is unless it warrants it.

I plan to make periodic updates to the roster and minor tweaks to advantages/ratings throughout the season, so keep posted!

NHL \'12 Altered.zip 663.03 kB · 410 downloads

I like this. Really enjoy it.

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