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SNES invades Toronto

Bob Kudelski

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Considering the GENS guys are organizing some 2 on 2 gaming, I figured I should start a thread for us SNES guys to get something going for Friday in particular. Has anyone planned anything yet?

I'm planning on arriving early Friday afternoon and willing to meet up with other dudes to play some '94, shoot the s**t and just generally chill and be cool. Maybe we should even organize a dinner out (or just order PIZZA!). Holy s**t I feel like a ninja turtle.

I know some of you will be busy playing GENS 2 on 2, but regardless, these are the SNES guys from the forum that this message is directed towards (sorry if I missed posting your name here):

Tony Twist (SNES) (Toronto)

Halifax (SNES) (Saskatoon)

The90jacket (SNES) (saskatoon)

stheds2000 (SNES) (saskatoon)

tylerhill (SNES) (saskatoon)

The Video guy (SNES) (Regina)

schwartz (SNES) (winnipeg)

matticefire (SNES) (Alberta) -

Sweatcalfe (SNES) (Edmonton)

BobKudelski (SNES) (Ottawa)

omega_red (SNES) (Quebec)

etevans (SNES) (Quebec)

annatar (SNES) (Montreal)

BoKnows (SNES?) (Pittsburgh)

chaos (SNES) (New Jersey) - Flying

Schwabe (SNES) (alberta)

NorthwayNative (SNES) (Colorado) -

AngryJay93 (Genesis) (Californiayy) (SNES guy too!)

KingRaph (Genesis) (?) - Flying (SNES guy too!)

And of course, any GENS guys that want to join the light side of the force.

So who is interested in doing something '94 related on Friday?

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I will surely be interested in some SNES side game shenanigans. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a couple of guys from classic league who might be interested in personally paying back some of the games I took off of them. Nothing wrong with some fun cash games!

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If there's just a handful of us, I can offer up my hotel room for some SNES gaming Friday afternoon / night. I'll need to step out around 9PM to pick up my wife at Union but other than that, I'm all in for some SNES action.

Anyone want to go out for dinner around 6?

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I'm just getting into town around 4:30 but I'm definitely good to get a bite and a drink around 6 and if there's some NHL action after that all the better.

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I still don't believe this is happening

thought I might just pop in as the tournament started and left when It was done, but I'll have to try and come in earlier for the shenanigans!

Hey shaftman I didn't realize you were coming! You signed up? That means there's one more legit SNES player in the mix. Looking forward to seeing you bud.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sitting with a beer and having troubles getting to sleep tonight with Christmas being in 2 days and all.

Have we arrived at a consensus re: possible SNES 2v2 for Friday? If nothing is going, I'm going to grab a few brews and break up the GENS party.

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There will be a handful of us looking for SNES games, likely at the same hotel. A friend of mine is going to meet up with me then we have BobK, shaftman, you. There will be games at the DT if people want them.

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Hey SNES brothers, I'm looking to play some tune up games to try to shake off some rust. Anyone care to just hammer out games with me for a couple hours Friday evening? I got a snes and one controller, so ideally you'd have a 2nd controller but I could try to buy one if needed. Message me on here and we can figure out a time. I live in T.O. so would just come to your hotel probably.

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