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Kesler loves 94!


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Decent article. But I don't really see a big difference in his "American" viewpoint on how hockey is played in the US vs. the way it is in Canada.

Grit comes from a lack of natural ability / skill. He says Americans are more gritty.

It's the same in the 94 world. Canadians are known for their sexy 94 playing style, while Americans are crappier so we can call them gritty

CANADA :dal_skater_hand_grab:

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Grit > Talent

Grit + Talent = Champion

Talent is God-given.

Grit you earn.

Given my choice I will take a grit, it becomes increasingly difficult to find these days.

I don't disagree with that at all.

But I do disagree with what Kesler is saying. If anything Canadian hockey players are just as well known, or more well known for their grit/physical game than American players. There are all kinds of Canadian NHL'ers who grew up on farms or from tiny little farming communities with blue-collar backgrounds. And there are lots of kids who probably experienced something very similar to Kesler growing up, only they were in Canada instead.

The ice skating on the pond comment by Kesler is such a cliche - you would think Kesler, having lived in Vancouver for years would know better. But then again, maybe he is just trying to troll some of us :)

I am a fan of Kesler's game and a Vancouver fan, but there is like no chance at all of ever playing ice hockey outside here. Living in Vancouver I grew up with tons of street hockey, roller hockey and NHL '94. Not much different than him.

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Excellent Question, Thanks for asking!

noun: grit
  1. 1.
    small, loose particles of stone or sand.
    "she had a bit of grit in her eye"
    synonyms: sand, dust, dirt; More
    gravel, pebbles, stones
    "the grit from the paths"
    • (with numeral) indicating the grade of fineness of an abrasive.
      modifier noun: grit
      "220-grit paper"
    • a coarse sandstone.
      plural noun: grits; noun: gritstone
      "layers of impervious shales and grits"
  2. 2.
    courage and resolve; strength of character.
    "he displayed the true grit of the navy pilot"

    courage, bravery, pluck, mettle, backbone, spirit, strength of character, strength of will, moral fiber, steel, nerve, fortitude, toughness, hardiness, resolve, resolution, determination, tenacity, perseverance, endurance; More

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