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Doc Update :)

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Hey Players! 

Its been a while but I finally have some news about Pixelated Heroes release. A few weeks ago I was approached by a start-up streaming service (in Silicon Valley) about doing an online Aviation News show (much like Philip DeFranco on Youtube). As we were in talks I mentioned Pixelated Heroes and I sent them the screener we have seen in Vegas and they loved it. My original goal was to get PH on a major streaming service and to be honest I have been so busy at work that it fell by the wayside. I burnt myself out getting the film ready for Vegas and needed a break,  that's why I have been away from the community. But know I'm reset and ready to start a new game lol. 

The new company submitted me their offer to stream Pixelated Heroes yesterday,  It is not a lot of money and by no means covers the production cost. But what they are offering that no one else would do, is to take my 4 Terabytes of extra footage and make it into enough small videos to make years worth of content to stream regularly. I believe this is the best for everyone, as a lot of you spent your time helping me out and I would hate for the footage to be lost on a hard drive on my shelf (there is a lot of cool stuff and stories). Including full interviews with the producers and programmers.

So basically, they will stream the finished full-length Pixelated Heroes on their new site. Then produce smaller videos from my footage and release them on a regular basis. All of this will be on a custom page so its all in one area. And who knows maybe we will do a sequel!   

I will for sure let you guys know more about the company and our plan once the deal is signed. But for now, keep your sticks on the ice.





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Hey Mikey,
so is the DVD scrapped? (I was really hoping to have a DVD with several hours of "extras" to see the interviews in full with the programmers...)

As for the streaming service, is it a competitor of Netflix?  Will it cost $ to join, or is it ad supported, or what?  And they will have your full movie, plus little "shorts" (a few minutes long)?  Or they are actually going to make a bunch of episodes (like 22 minutes or whatever a half hour show is?)

Finally, are they going to edit/make the full length movie with your raw footage, or are you still making that?

Thanks for the update!  Glad you are recharged now, brother! :) 

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5 hours ago, aqualizard said:

Hey Mikey,
so is the DVD scrapped? (I was really hoping to have a DVD with several hours of "extras" to see the interviews in full with the programmers...)

As for the streaming service, is it a competitor of Netflix?  Will it cost $ to join, or is it ad supported, or what?  And they will have your full movie, plus little "shorts" (a few minutes long)?  Or they are actually going to make a bunch of episodes (like 22 minutes or whatever a half hour show is?)

Finally, are they going to edit/make the full length movie with your raw footage, or are you still making that?

Thanks for the update!  Glad you are recharged now, brother! :) 

Hi Aqualizard! I will answer all of your questions as soon as I have more info and a deal in place bud. But in short My movie will stand and they will produce new content with the raw footage. DVD's are still up in the air at this point as it will most likely lose money and it may be better to have all the content Online instead.

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Hey Mikey, great to hear from you again and see that you’re recharged. It’s important to set the time aside for that. I’ve taken a lot of time myself to recharge myself for the online community and I think I’m ready to start posting a bit again.


anyways, back to the documentary. I think what this company wants to do with the content sounds great. You get to have the stand alone movie that you worked so hard on and other videos dedicated to other stuff that I think the hardcore crowd will really be into. I know I’m interested greatly in the interviews and would just love to have that raw footage available at the click of a button.


i wish the money was a bit better for you, I know you spent a lot of your own money traveling, creating the movie, holding the two tournaments ,etc. I just want to say thank you for doing that. I know for me personally it has opened a lot of doors to travel and meet people from all over. All of the live events have been my favorite part of the nhl 94 experience. Who knows where we would be as a community without the live tournaments and your documentary. 


Thank you again a bud and please keep us posted on future developments as they come in.

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