Apologies if there is another thread for this but I just wanted to say a huge thanks to @halifax, @kingraph, @smozoma and @danTML7 for all of your hard work during the two weekends of the Ko94 V tournament.
I suspect that I have probably missed some people here (whether visible or working behind the scenes) but you were the ones that, well, entertained me (and annoyed the hell out of my better half as I hogged the TV...) whilst watching a load of people I have never met play an almost 30 year old game on Twitch. What a time to be alive!
I get the sense that the whole thing was a logistical nightmare for obvious reasons, so fair play for managing to get everything running (almost entirely) smoothly. Next year, I will throw my hat into the ring, even if it ends up being more of a cameo than anything else. Mercifully, I will get summarily binned during the round robin, so will not have to suffer the indignity of the commentators laughing their asses off at me!!! (Not that you would do such a thing...)
Thanks again!