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Everything posted by Zalex

  1. If he does say tavais le pouce du doight aigusé(i cant hear well what hes singing) it means you had your thumb sharpened I should have written : The wire of your controller made you god-like.
  2. It's in the game by Bob This song got a Ga-vibe to it.
  3. Aoe 4 - 5 Chibougamo sebe/faganov are the aids
  4. Someone didnt read the warning. Oh and Im at university right now. Does that mean im not stupid ? Not at all.
  5. WARNING : The following is meant for entertaining purpose only. Nothing is this topic should be taken seriously so MODS DONT EDIT. Viewer discretion is advised. Are you looking for a job that pays well ? Tired of cheering for a sh*tty NHL team that cant win 35 games in a row ? Have you ever gay ? If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, then I got a solution for you. In order to make money and to be part of a top class NHL organization we simply have to buy our own NHL team and make it successful ourselves. Everyone on the forum would occupy a job that suits him well in order to build the best team ever in the NHL. Here's the list of jobs that suit the members best: Owner: Evan Because, Evan owns NHL94.com (worth estimated $600 million) so he got all the money needed to buy a NHL Franchise. President : Jeremy Roenick Because, it's not so much me, as it is Roenick he’s good(Hes about to do his thing with the thing). GM : Zalex Because, I have the smallest dick on the forum, and everyone knows that NHL GMs have small dicks(until Ray Emery becomes a GM, see NHL Trivia Madness). Assistant GM : Sebe Because, his dick isn’t THAT small. Coach : Habs Because he has a bipolar personality, he would change lines every 2mins like every normal coach does. Assistant Coach : Carse Because, Assistant coaches always whine to refs after a lost. National Anthem Singer: Bono (Boknows not the real Bono) Because when someone is named Bono, you know he can sing dam well. Goal Announcer: Freydey Because we all heard how great his voice can be when he yells (see Ga Tribute). Security : Halifax, Chaos, Shaftman, Icestorm Because, all our forum mods got the experience needed. They know how to deal with waffles thrower. Ice Girls : FPB, Houli, Nationals, SunGod Because there are no women on the forum, I had to choose the guys with the biggest boobs. Trainers : Dickon, Matthurray, Metzgerism, Vocally Because their boobs size didn’t meet the min. requirement to be an ice girl. Mascot : Tacoman Because, you won't need to tell the mascot to STFU. A mascot will always remain silent. (Anybody Home?). Scout (North America) : Angryjay Because he challenges every prospect to a Bof7 of NHL94, and if he gets beat, he then judge the youngsters to be NHL Material. Scout (Europe): SWOS Because Angryjay is too lagolas to play prospects from Europe. Team Doctor : Smozoma Because, that guy can fix anything, from a corrupt game file to a broken finger stuck in the coach’s ass. Zamboni Driver: Mav Because, after forfeting in the first intermission, to a 0-1 deficit, Mav found a way to stay on the ice by being the zamboni driver. Video Editor: Jesus Because, in order to show the crowd the most exciting videos, there’s no question Jesus is the man. He proved his skills before(see ).Beer Seller: Hokkey Actually Hokkey refused the job in order to stay sober. Janitor: Wags Because, at 52 years old, Penguins Fan and Big Mac eater, he got the perfect profile for the job. Scalper(and drug dealer) : DonnyBrook Because we all know Donny sells drugs. Waterboy : Orangeblack Because, anything else than putting water ( A ) in bottle ( B ) would be too hard for him to understand. Lets do it.
  6. come back u ga

  7. lool wtf is this ? DONNY FAN CLUB ?

  8. Some unknown stranger,Matt4awhile, released a few months ago what he called the song of NHL 94. This guy must register to the forum and join the community, hes in the f**king GA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a2g_UUCHBA After GA tribute, this is another masterpiece in the 94 world. Come on people, create your own 94 songs so we can release a hole album and go on a world tour.
  9. Chibougamo 5 - 4 AoE Chibougamo 4 - 2 AoE Aoe 4 - 6 Chibougamo Gamo>Homo
  10. Horcoff 4 - 3 Chibougamo Horcoff 5 - 4 Chibougamo Chibougamo 6 - 5 Horcoff O.T. Chibougamo 5 - 4 Horcoff
  12. Someone email the author and tell him to write an article about the madness that as become NHL94.COM GAGA I POSTED COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE TO RECRUIT NEW WACKS
  13. Probly too late, rom is already made and tourney is ongoing. But we play 2on2 like mad everyweek just for fun. What are you guys AIM ? We need some fresh meat to join the PINGAS
  14. The most WTGA, Trapon-Free game in Blitz History ? You be the judge. In this season game, Zalex(CHI) and Swos(BUF) battle for GA pride in the honor of Ron Barr. But remember, There is no such thing as a safe lead. Enjoy.
  15. Super Cunts 5 - 5 Chibougamo MOTHER f**king TIE Super Cunts 11 - 3 Chibougamo Chibougamo 5 - 6 Super Cunts Chibougamo 7 - 6 Super Cunts
  17. Zalex

    HBO 24/7

    Good f**king bye f**king fat ass
  18. BOTS ATTACK ON AIM, BEWARE princesstera204 10:17 am :-) h hi sweetie zalex1414 10:18 am ga princesstera204 10:18 am i hope you want to chat with a horny girl today... ;-) h zalex1414 10:18 am but i haver never gay princesstera204 10:18 am i am a little busy right now, just got a new laptop trying to set my cam up.. zalex1414 10:18 am i dont wanna see your ratface princesstera204 10:19 am i have a fetish for being on camera ;-) h zalex1414 10:19 am i have a fetish for goats princesstera204 10:19 am you can watch my webcam but you're not a kid right?? zalex1414 10:20 am im blind princesstera204 10:20 am k ..well im gonna show you ..k? zalex1414 10:21 am are you stupid? go kill yourself princesstera204 10:21 am http://*deleted* go there and my video will load, just click the green ACCEPT INVITE button at the bottom of the page, its 100% free to join you only need a credit card to verify that you are over 18 ;p zalex1414 10:22 am OMG IF DONT HAVE A CREDIT CARD AND IM OVER 18 I CANT WATCH YOU ? THIS FAILS HARD. LIKE ANGRYGAY COME PLAYOFFTIME princesstera204 10:22 am if you cum watch me i'll do whatever you want me to do... fill out your info, its free :-) h k? zalex1414 10:22 am ILL CUM WIHTOUT WATCHING YOU --- LOL I SPAMMED THIS ****, GOT RAT LIMITED
  19. I liked last year random TEAMS. BECAUSE RANDOM IS RANDOM. Carse didnt even say he's in. WTGA
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