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Freydey last won the day on December 11 2019

Freydey had the most liked content!

About Freydey

  • Birthday 08/22/1990

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  • Location
    MontrÉÉal, QuÉÉbec
  • Interests
    Games.....Hockey....Go Habs Go....Ski.....GAGA.....Soccer.....rodeo with Carey Price.......Mark Streit.......oh and of course NHL 94!!!!

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  • Preferred System
    Any System
  • Favorite Way To Score
    Screw up your GC on wrap arounds (lol asstorm)

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  1. 2 v 2 How do we GA? @Mofapes #TheGaAwakens
  2. Joined December 22, 2007 - Last visited November 26, 2016

    Ask not what NHL'94 can do for you, but what you can do for NHL'94. All gave some, but Freydey gave all.:dal_skater_hand_grab:

  3. W T G A I'd like to say my farewells to the 94 boards. It has been a great adventure since me and my boy joined this forum....almost 10 years ago. :| I think we managed to corrupt enough people on this forum, according to the numbers of wtga i read on these boards. Time flies, so did my 94 passion. I didn't really have any fun playing in the last leagues i've been part of, at a point where it was hard for me to find the time to play the games. I'd like to thank all the guys around here for providing a great and FREE online experience of a great game, especially the big shots managing the leagues. Big thanks to Evan, Smozoma, Kingaa, Halifax, Brutus and all the other guys who worked hard on this forum and spend a lot of their time managing the leagues properly. Big shout-out to Jesus, habs, asstorm, zalx (ofcourse) and all the other cracknuts (metropolite) who gave me the perfect buzz, late at night, with the craziest 2on2 action. And of course, thanks to all the guys who let me win some of these leagues over the years! Peace out
  4. say what? My series is over already!
  5. I feel you buddy. I have lost interest in 94 as well.
  6. Il do my best..Il get home around 1030ish
  7. can do that but later like 11pm
  8. Where's jesus? Creator of 2on2, would stay til 3 am to tell you weird stories about life and 94 wtga? http://jesusplaysnhl94.ytmnd.com/
  9. won't be available tonight...but will be this afternoon and tommorow night!
  10. Hey peeps, i'l be on til laton tonight to play some gaaas... Will be on sunday as well, after 8pm eastern time. I can schedule some games for this week so let me know via this topic or pm. got games against: -Ba55 -jackandjose -atomicraven -darko -jer33 -aqualizard -zeppelin -uncle seth jones -Lupz
  11. going on vacation for the next 2 weeks starting tommorow... you might as well replace me now cause i'm def not sure that i'll reach this deadline.
  12. Just played habs Que 6 - 3 Chi Que 7 - 5 Chi
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