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    Slapshot from the blueline for sure

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  1. Is anyone in the process of creating an updated ROM for the new season? I've toyed around with updating a few teams in NOSE with an older ROM but haven't decided on doing anything fullblown yet. It would be solid if there was a group of us that could all take on a division a piece and update the game as transactions occur.
  2. Is this the only OHL rom out there that people know of?? I would love to update one to reflect the new season's rosters.
  3. Link me to the new ones and I will try my best to update em for you
  4. Attached is the Updated NHL 97 Game for the 2011 season... Please provide me with some feedback NHL 97 2011.bin
  5. Not a problem at all. I am putting the finishing touches on this ROM and should have something up really soon. Once it's up I'd love some feedback on the rosters and anything else you can provide me with
  6. i'm having trouble opening this in my emulator... any suggestions??
  7. Just to give you an update.... Things slowed down over Thanksgiving but I'm at it again. I have 16 of the 30 teams completed. Shooting to have 20 done by midweek. Hope to have it done completely by the holidays. I've also been taking alot more time on the ratings to make them realistic. Once I have this game up and running I will be maintaining it regularly with the latest rosters so this isn't such a big project year after year.
  8. Thanks man!! just to give you and whoever else may care an update i am done with 12 of the 30 teams.
  9. Nawrockstar


    Is there a way to instigate a fight in this game or does it just happen out of nowhere? I have played about 6 or 7 games with 20 min periods this week and havent had one fight
  10. I've started updating this ROM with the rosters for the 2010-2011 season and I'm utilizing the rankings from http://network.yardbarker.com/nhl/article_external/nhl_11_player_ratings/3167303 to help me out in most cases. I'm done with 6 of the 30 teams at this point but I only started yesterday. I will keep everyone posted.
  11. Gotta say i love the NHL97 update for 2009 Any chance you're doing an update for the 2010 season??? GREAT STUFF HERE!!!
  12. I was just wondering if anyone was working on putting together new ROMS for the 2010-2011 seasons of the NHL, AHL, OHL, WHL and QMJHL. I had begun working on an NHL 95 ROM for the new NHL season but have been at a standstill lately. I hope to keep working on it in the coming weeks.
  13. what do i need to do to change the palatte? btw thanks for all your help in advance it means alot man!!
  14. I changed it so the format was set to Genesis... The Palette was set to RGB...there are no Genesis options under the Palete dropdown. any other feedback would be greatly appreciated!!
  15. I'm trying to make an OHL ROM for the 2010-2011 season (based on NHL 95) and while trying to edit the rink logos in Tile Layer Pro I didn't get the result I wanted. I followed the Editing Ice Logos tutorial http://www.nhl94.com/html/editing/edit_bin_icelogos.php and used 4 bit map files that I split in Photoshop from this file I put the four bmp files over the oilers logo in Tile Layer Pro and got this result after I saved the file and opened the ROM in my GENS emulator Doesn't look too peachy... any ideas as to what I can do to get some good results?
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