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Everything posted by addisonbr

  1. Okay okay okay. Let's try to cool it down a little. This site embraces players of all stripes and skill levels... Part of the goal of the forums is to give people a place to ask questions about the game, learn what strategies work best and practice against other players. It isn't helpful when people get insulted for coming here for help. I'll make my Finnish brothers a deal... Keep the trash talking amongst each other, or with other users here that want to join in "the fun", and I won't keep asking why Sweden p0wns your country on the ice
  2. I think I'd more be in favor of assigning players in a given league a randomly determined draft order. This reduces the complexity of figuring out what to do about league turnover and new players. And it would also make me worry less about the good players who fight hard to earn winning records with bad teams, with the reward being not getting a good team next time either. (Or the bad players who tank games at the end of the season so that they can get Chicago.) Most fantasy football leagues do something similar, and I think it works okay.
  3. Easy boys. I actually see both of you online a fair amount - we might have a problem with some guys not getting their games in, but given how often you guys are logged in I can say with a lot of confidence it's not an issue with either of you. Doesn't matter who was supposed to call who, let's just see if we can get it done tonight... Only two points separate you in the standings, it's a huge game! Wish I could watch.
  4. I missed this idea the first time around; I kind of like it. Maybe there could be a way to randomize it when the schedule is generated so people would know well ahead of time who they would be playing as.
  5. I wouldn't personally be in favor of switching horses mid-stream, but it's worth considering for next season.
  6. I'm think it was me that said that. angryjay has gone on record as supporting the Intelligent Design theory of Manual Goalie Control, claiming that it is not up to you or me to question God's will regarding who has been granted M.G.C. skills or not.
  7. I believe so. When I used to play on XBand waaaaay back when, the CCC goal ("cross crease cheese", to borrow from clockwise) was universally loathed. You couldn't chat or IM during the game like you can today with a PC-based emulator, so people developed codes to let you know how they felt. Going to the pause screen and flashing the Instant Replay option back and forth for a few seconds meant: "That was a fantastic goal old chap! I would love to watch it repeatedly, except that we have a game to continue. I hope that at some point I become worthy of playing against someone of your incredible skill." Going to the pause screen and flashing the Exit Game option back and forth for a few seconds usually meant: "I believe that skating across the crease until my goalie falls down and then depositing the puck in the far corner of the net violates the spirit of the game, and I find your play quite frustrating. I suggest you go to your garage, seal the doors and windows, start your automobile and take a nap." That said, it's not particularly difficult to defend against once you get used to it. I suspect that once people get acclimated to the appropriate defensive strategy, it won't stand out as a problem. Well, I'm willing to cut new guys a little slack for being new and frustrated as hell at first. When I first started playing here I got dominated so thoroughly I started reading the classifieds looking for kittens to adopt so I could break their necks and maybe feel better (note: didn't work). But only one or two Get Out of Jail Free cards per user. It shouldn't take terribly long to realize that the culture here is NOT like the culture of most Internet boards, where people hide behind their anonymity to hurl insults in every direction. Evan puts a lot of time into this league for no reward other than the satisfaction of creating a great place for people to meet up and play a fantastic video game.
  8. Yeah. There is a base level of Goalie Control that you just have to have to be competitive. It doesn't take that long to get there, though, especially if you play the guys in this league and watch what they do. Once you hit that base level of proficiency, the rest I think comes down to how good of a poker player you are, and the guys who are the best at GC (a group which does not include me) are the best at anticipating what YOU'RE going to anticipate that they're going to do and then adjusting to that. (Sometimes you can foil a scoring attempt by NOT taking control of your goalie, if your opponent assumes you're going to make the most predictable maneuver.) To achieve this level of mastery, I suggest you all study this text on Goalie Control decision-making.
  9. Welcome. In the upper right-hand corner of your screen you should see an option for My Controls. Click through and on the left under personal provile you'll see an option for Edit Avatar Settings.
  10. As embarrassing as it is to point this publicly - I *AM* in GENS A! And I get my arse kicked on an embarrassingly regular basis. I think I'm 8-19. I plan to dip each of my A League players in honey and drop them naked onto a giant mound of fire ants when the season is over. In GENS B I have the same set of superheroes Naples39 does in GENS A, so it may not be the best reflection of my skills.
  11. I think this is totally true. Sometimes people just don't match up against certain styles. For example, I tend to have a lot of trouble against opponents that don't pull their goalie.
  12. Yes. It usually starts when I'm playing against my roommate and win in overtime by checking his goalie through the back of the net. I keep showing it on instant replay because it's seriously cracking me up, and I keep asking him if he wants to see it again. He sits there with his lips drawn in a fine line, refusing to look at me, patiently waiting for the end of game screen to come up so that he can look at the game stats which we are both addicted to. I replay the exact moment the puck crosses the goal as many times as I can really fast back and forth to really get the "room full of ambulances" effect going. Right about... now he finally shoves me off of my chair, which I knew was going to happen. Nevertheless, this is unacceptable, so I from my back I swing my controller like a medieval flail and hit him in the side. Of course, it is now on. It ends when we crash into the TV, which is owned by the third roommate. When he gets home, we inform him that the TV broke. We use the passive voice, because although we can tell that the TV is broken, it's not entirely clear who broke it. Or if a "person" even broke it at all. It was an old TV remember. Sometimes that just happens.
  13. He knows; he's just having fun. http://nhl94.com/forum/index.php?s=&sh...post&p=6823
  14. One of these days I fully expect Roenick to score two goals on one shot.
  15. Bump. Simply awesome. I hope you left some candy and some ladies for the rest of us.
  16. It does seem like backhand and Vocal probably shouldn't bother showing up
  17. I am becoming a believer in the Whalers. I played a few games with them earlier this week just to see what all the fuss was about, and it was like the ugly girl in class took off her glasses, got her hair done and bought a new outfit and turned out to be TOTALLY HOT. I'm like, hey sweetheart, you were here the whole time? Just two rows back of me in English and I never noticed you? You want to check out that party at Stewie's parents' cabin this weekend?
  18. Wow. He got in your head, ripped out the wiring and left you a changed man. Score one for kgman.
  19. Taking a break from the daily "Console? League?" posts, BSDaemon manages to completely ignore the Console and League information in Jamonica's header.
  20. To be fair, I didn't think BSDaemon was trying to blame the computer. Didn't sound like sour grapes to me, just an observation that it didn't look like there was an RD on the winning goal. An observation I agreed with at first glance, although I see what happened now. Maybe without the PP when he switched defenders it would have picked up a RW instead of the RD and the defense would have been in place, who knows - but I don't think that was his point anyway, I thought he was just making an fair observation. If more PPs ended up like this I would probably stop feeling like being on a PP is a bad thing...
  21. I think that's a very good idea. In the absence of a structural change to the profiles section, I've amended my own "Favorite Way to Score" info to include your suggestion.
  22. I used to do this but it kind of screwed up practicing my offense, always having two centers hanging out waiting for the one-timer. Now I just play a normal game but count shots by the computer as goals - if I finish with more goals than the AI has shots, I win.
  23. He's around. I played him tonight. AIM = boberreytwelve Give him a shout, he's fired up to get his games in.
  24. In GENS A at least two or three teams will complete their entire schedules (perhaps by this weekend). This would mean that nobody would be allowed a FF win. An owner like myself, who is bending over backwards to try to complete the schedule he inherited but is having a devil of a time getting responses from some owners, would get screwed out of games he'd otherwise like to play and try to win. And might miss the playoffs because of it. Gotta be honest with you, I care less about whether or not you get the #1 or #2 seed in your division than I do about hard-working teams being locked out of the playoffs because other owners won't play. I think the overwhelming majority of those would result in 0-0 ties. And eventually lead to teams being reallocated to B or C leagues, so I'm not that worried about it in terms of a "strategy" unscrupulous teams would try to employ.
  25. If the other owner posts zero times, yes.
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