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Blitz 04 - Trades (unofficial) - OLD


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(If you want to off up players for trade, please use the Trade Talk thread. This thread is for trades agreed upon by the coaches involved. Thanks.)

When you make a trade with someone:

  1. One coach must post the trade here (please include team names! Use the template below).
  2. The other coach must post a confirmation, including a quote of the trade (so I know what the heck you are confirming :eyes_droped:).

Also, here are the trade limit rules:

  1. You are only allowed to trade away or drop 6 players/assets maximum. (total before+during+after the draft)
  2. You can not re-acquire a player you traded away or dropped, this season (no yo-yoing) (unless you get him back to trade him away again).
  3. Before the draft starts: you can trade any of your guys.
  4. During the draft: you can only trade guys you have already drafted/protected, and picks.
  5. After the draft: you can trade any of your guys.

("dropping" players is for after the draft, during the free agent period)

If a number of coaches complain about a trade posted in this thread, it may be nullified.


Example trade:




To Florida:

Yake (F)

Ladouceur (D)

6th round pick (8th)

To Anaheim:

Mellanby (F)

Cirella (D)

6th round pick (16th)




To Florida:

Yake (F)

Ladouceur (D)

To Anaheim:

Mellanby (F)

Cirella (D)



Edited by smozoma
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    [*]You are only allowed to trade away or drop 6 players/assets maximum. (total before+during+after the draft)

    [*]You can not re-acquire a player you traded away or dropped, this season (no yo-yoing).

    If a number of coaches complain about a trade posted in this thread, it may be nullified.

    Okay. As always trade limit is lame.

    what the hell can't yo yo? that is also lame.

    Now most importantly:

    when a block buster trade goes down, the cry babies cry about it, it gets undone?

    thats just nonsensical.

    We could, In theory get together outside the forums, and complain on the forums just so someone we hate can't make any good deals.

Edited by shaftman
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Okay. As always trade limit is lame.

what the hell can't yo yo? that is also lame.

Now most importantly:

when a block buster trade goes down, the cry babies cry about it, it gets undone?

thats just nonsensical.

We could, In theory get together outside the forums, and complain on the forums just so someone we hate can't make any good deals.

trade limit is ok... it could maybe be extended to 8 or 10 but its not bad

but i agree with the blockbuster trade... I think if the trade was made then its done and overwith

unless its crazy... like miles occonnor for steve yzerman

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Okay. As always trade limit is lame.

what the hell can't yo yo? that is also lame.

Now most importantly:

when a block buster trade goes down, the cry babies cry about it, it gets undone?

thats just nonsensical.

We could, In theory get together outside the forums, and complain on the forums just so someone we hate can't make any good deals.

limit: keeps team identity, stops hokkee craziness.

yoyo: who even wants to do this?

block: trades should help both teams, not be one guy trying to take advantage of another. the rest of the teams lose out if one coach is bad at trading and inflates the skill on another team. i can't think of any trade other than the dropping of Leetch to the free agency pool being cancelled. your conspiracy theory is over the top.

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it could maybe be extended to 8 or 10 but its not bad

guys.. it's a DRAFT+KEEPER league. i don't want people overhauling their team each season. build through the draft and a few good trades, over time.

some seasons it'll be tough to build a good team, and in others, the stars will align

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I trade player A for Player B to coach 1.

I trade player C for Player D to coach 2.

Coach 1 then decides he would like player D I just acquired.

Coach 3 Has player E which I would like, Coach 3 Wants player A.

So I get back player A from coach 1. He gets Player D. Then I give Player A to coach 3 for Player E.

Make sense? This situation has actually come up a few times In the few drafts I've done.

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The reason I disagreed with the yo-yo thing is because:

I might end up with a player I already traded away, for the sake of re-trading immediately after for someone else.

Like in a possible 3 way deal.

ah, i see. i would have expected that to all be combined into just one 3-way trade. you can do that. you just can't trade a guy away, then get him back, and keep him. when you get him back, just make sure to note that it's to trade him away again.

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Are the protection rounds going to be like the last draft? Rounds 1, 3, 5, and so on, I mean.

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can we trade entire rosters? say Edm for NYI etc?

You could make a coaching change, switching the teams in their entirety (though this falls under the team change lottery). but you can't trade all the players.. you could trade the top 6 if you wanted.

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A trade has occured

Washington (FPB) Sends

Cam Neely

WSH's 2nd Round Pick

To Detroit (Hokkee)

Detroit (Hokkee) Sends

Tomas Sandstrom

DET's 2nd Round Pick

To Washington (FPB)

confirm for hokkee

please remember that the format is "To [team]" or "[team] gets", not the other way (from/sends)

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We have a trade to announce . . .

To nats1 (NJ/WPG)

Teemu Selanne :o

4th round pick

To me (QUE)

Gary Suter

2nd round pick

(waiting for controversy to start)

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We have a trade to announce . . .

To nats1 (NJ/WPG)

Teemu Selanne :o

4th round pick

To me (QUE)

Gary Suter

2nd round pick

(waiting for controversy to start)


good doin buisness with ya

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'Nother Trade!

To Montreal - Freyday32

Round 2 Pick (NYI)

Round 4 Pick (NYI)

To NY Islanders - MeatSkid1

Steven Yzerman

Round 6 Pick (MON)

Knowing that you have to protect a guy... I think this is a little unfair. Essentially MeatSkid has given up his (former) best player because he can only protect Yzerman, so he will be drafted away as well as not being able to draft a guy with the #1 or #2 pick (depending on how you set it up Smoz) for Yzerman. AND his 4th round (2nd round of drafting) pick too?? Sorry, just my two cents, but this trade is super one sided when you look at it.

Edited by Bo Knows NHL94
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Ding ding!


Chris Chelios

6th round pick


Craig Janney

2th round pick (Formerly New Jersey's, obtained by IQ25)\

EDIT: Balanced out deal with IQ25

Edited by RedWingDevil
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Ding ding!


Chris Chelios


Craig Janney

2th round pick (Formerly New Jersey's, obtained by IQ25)


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Knowing that you have to protect a guy... I think this is a little unfair. Essentially MeatSkid has given up his (former) best player because he can only protect Yzerman, so he will be drafted away as well as not being able to draft a guy with the #1 or #2 pick (depending on how you set it up Smoz) for Yzerman. AND his 4th round (2nd round of drafting) pick too?? Sorry, just my two cents, but this trade is super one sided when you look at it.

dont mind letting his 4th back, i think your right..but meatskid knew what he was doing and yzerman is a blitz superstar.

I think last season system was better, no starting with protection.

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dont mind letting his 4th back, i think your right..but meatskid knew what he was doing and yzerman is a blitz superstar.

I think last season system was better, no starting with protection.

Yzerman finished best pointer every season and best scorer 2 seasons out of 3.

He's a monster.

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First off, let's not forget that I, for lack of a better word, really suck. I need a player like Stevie Y to even give me a playoff pipe dream.

Second off, with the snaking draft system, there's no way we could've made it more fair. Since my pick for Yzerman would just not work at all, and since his 4th round pick is better than mine, the 4th and 6th were almost a necessity to add in to even it up.

Good trade, I say.

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Knowing that you have to protect a guy... I think this is a little unfair. Essentially MeatSkid has given up his (former) best player because he can only protect Yzerman, so he will be drafted away as well as not being able to draft a guy with the #1 or #2 pick (depending on how you set it up Smoz) for Yzerman. AND his 4th round (2nd round of drafting) pick too?? Sorry, just my two cents, but this trade is super one sided when you look at it.

yeah, this trade isn't too well thought out.. because it's really



6th round


2nd round

4th round

and throw away oates or fleury for nothing

there's no way you can build a good team... yzerman is good, but he still needs other players to keep pressure off him. he always had another really good forward to work with (hull, ciccarelli, tikkanen(great checker and fast)).

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