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Posted (edited)

Alright, I haven't tested this as much as I usually do, but hopefully first time's a charm!

Please let me know if you catch any problems/errors and I'll do 1.1 or or whatever.





EDIT: Adding link for "outdoor" alternate version; details on page 2 of thread.


Edited by naples39
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Game plays a bit slow. Hitting opponents is like trying to hit confetti. My cpu controlled teammates often seem unaware of their surroundings.

6 hours ago, BillC52865 said:

Game plays a bit slow. Hitting opponents is like trying to hit confetti. My cpu controlled teammates often seem unaware of their surroundings.

My goal is to try to keep the range of player ratings from the original rom where only solid allstars get into the 80s rating range and if you're not first line or close to it you're not in 70s either.

This will result in slower play than ROMs like skip's where his ratings result in about +10-15 overall for every player compared to where I rate guys, and nearly every team has several guys in the high 70s and higher in his ROM. Way too many 5/6 agilities/speeds IMO!

I guess that affects player AI too?

Different strokes for different folks! I also think it's good to have different approaches, otherwise there's not much reason for skip and I to be doing the same thing!

  • Like 3

I do appreciate the different perspective, although I do prefer skip's ROM as his is more like the original NHL '94 where the best players are up in the 90s.  I'm curious (as I haven't seen an explanation) if your perspective is representative of a view that today's players aren't as good as those back in the 1990s?

Posted (edited)
On 3/9/2017 at 8:08 AM, The Dopefish said:

I do appreciate the different perspective, although I do prefer skip's ROM as his is more like the original NHL '94 where the best players are up in the 90s.  I'm curious (as I haven't seen an explanation) if your perspective is representative of a view that today's players aren't as good as those back in the 1990s?

This quote bugs me.
I don't know Naples from the man on the moon.


Naples bust his a--.  Making this rom.  Does amazing work and does it all for free.  Plus he has made some great roms from the 80's, 90's and 2000's.
I think he and Skip push each other and it makes both their roms better.
Skip didn't use to have player pics but I think the good competition between the 2 pushed Skip to get it done.

Skips rom is jacked up with way more highly rated players than the original rom.
Rated more like todays EA games.
This is awesome and appeals to many people.

Naples stays more true to the Original 94 ratings.
With only the very elite rated in the 90's
This is awesome and appeals to many people.

The Original rom has 11 guys rated above 90 and 27 more rated above 80.
So 38 guys on 26 teams.  Just a little more than 1 per team on average.

That's not very many.

It has nothing to do with who is better todays players or the guys in the 90's.
It is how a "Video Game" plays.

I make Original 6 roms.  That you may not like as I do not jack up ratings.
I try to stay true to the Original rom in the percent of players rated in the 90's, 80's, etc....

Those guys were not nearly as fast, or shots as hard as the guys in the 90's or todays players, but I maintain the same basic rating scale.
So the guy with the hardest shot in 1967.  Gets a 5 rating for his shot.  The fastest skater gets a 5 for speed.
Some of this also has to do with equipment used at the time.

If you like Skip's rom better awesome.

But IMO keep it to yourself or at least don't post it in Naples thread.

Edited by CoachMac
  • Like 3

Breakdown of Superstars in Roms.
I used an 80 Overall rating in the Original formula as a superstar though obviously that can vary as Klima is 76 in the Original.

NHL 94 Original Rom 26 teams 35 Skaters and 3 Goalies rated above 80. (1.46 per team)
Naples 2017 30 teams 34 Skaters and 8 Goalies rated above 80. (1.40 per team) (Heavy on the Goalies)
Skip 2017 30 teams 95 skaters and 18 Goalies rated above 80. (3.76 per team)
CoachMac NHL67 6 teams 9 skaters and 3 Goalies rated above 80 (2 per team)


I'm not trying to take anything any from naples at all, I'm just curious about his methodology.  I am equally as curious about how skip does his ROMs. I shouldn't have to say it, but I think anyone who puts in their own time and effort to continue the legacy of NHL '94 has to be respected.  I also played your throwback ROMs CoachMac and I appreciate all your effort regardless of which guy's ROM I like the best.  I love playing around with these games to see what you can come up with, what will be a new and different experience, so I like to try to find out what people are thinking when they do what they do.

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for someone's perspective, even if it differs from mine, because hearing everyone's perspective is valuable.  I understand that you may be offended by what I said or how I said it, but I have nothing but the best of intentions.

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Posted (edited)

I don't mind the comments.

The thing about making custom ROMs is that they can be whatever you want them to be. Obviously I'll never make a cent off doing these, and I'm never going to please every one, so I choose to make them along the rough guidelines of the original rom.

I feel it's an important part of the game to have real separation between the big stars. More important however, is not every team being jacked up to the overall quality of the best 2 or 3 teams in the original. Most teams will put out a NLC lineup of players in the 70s in my ROM. The Crosby, Ovechkin, McDavid will be 90s. The excellent-but-not quite there will be 80s or thereabouts. Playing the original ROM with mortal players just plays different, and I don't want every game in my ROM to feel like a game with the allstar teams in 94 original blend where nearly every skater is 80ish.

Some things that do separate my ROM player ratings from 94 is that defensemen skate better and hit less, and the goalies are better. I feel this is a fair reflection of how the NHL has changed since the early 90s. This generally leads to fewer goals too, which also seems fair. Either way, a team in my 2017 ROM wouldn't be out of place in original 94.

For instance, you look at Skip's ROM with a team like the red wings. They have 5 FWs 76 or higher, 2 77 dmen, and 2 goalies in the 70s. That would be one of the top teams in the original ROM. This year in real life, the Wings are a last place team, and guys like Dylan Larkin are looking at a 30-point season, yet is a 78 in that ROM.


I suspect the approach of skip's rom is more popular for some whiz-bang gameplay, but that's not the way 94 was designed to be played. Neither approach is "correct", but I really like the idea of keeping original gameplay feel and team/player differentiation. Playing with last place teams should play quite differently that first place---not just slightly less good but still all-star quality players from the original 94.

Again, otherwise I wouldn't bother make a ROM that just does the same thing as Skip's because there would be no point!

Edited by naples39
  • Like 6
3 hours ago, The Dopefish said:

I'm not trying to take anything any from naples at all, I'm just curious about his methodology.  I am equally as curious about how skip does his ROMs. I shouldn't have to say it, but I think anyone who puts in their own time and effort to continue the legacy of NHL '94 has to be respected.  I also played your throwback ROMs CoachMac and I appreciate all your effort regardless of which guy's ROM I like the best.  I love playing around with these games to see what you can come up with, what will be a new and different experience, so I like to try to find out what people are thinking when they do what they do.

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for someone's perspective, even if it differs from mine, because hearing everyone's perspective is valuable.  I understand that you may be offended by what I said or how I said it, but I have nothing but the best of intentions.

Thanks for your kind well thought out response.

I took your original post wrong.:wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great! I prefer naples39's versions because the speed is slower, making it harder to score, I find. Plus, the slightly slower speed is more realistic, and less arcade-like.

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Where can i get all the, Latest updated version? I already have Naples version I would like all of them.


Hey Naples,

I know you put a TON of work into these updates. And, no disrespect to anyone else making ROMs, but you're the king and no one is close. I was thinking of an alternate version that I'd make myself, but I have no clue about center ice logos and I can't seem to figure out how to use NOSE to alter your uniforms.

How about "Outdoor Games 17?" It'd be awesome if you'd put the outdoor game uniforms for the Pens, Flyers, Blues, Hawks, Leafs, Wings, Jets, and Oilers in their correct home and away slots. And, as maybe more of a pipe dream for someone who literally knows nothing of the process, the Stadium Series, Winter Classic, Centennial Classic, and Heritage Classic logos at center ice and change the Ron Barr/Doc Emrick text to read "Heinz Field, Busch Stadium, BMO Field, and Investors Group Field" in the intro, instead of their normal arena names. Is this possible? Obviously, the other 22 teams not affected could just stay the same as either your pre- or post-deadline ROM. It'd be amazing if you put something like this out, especially considering EA's neglect of outdoor games!

On 3/26/2017 at 1:46 PM, brianski71 said:

Hey Naples,

I know you put a TON of work into these updates. And, no disrespect to anyone else making ROMs, but you're the king and no one is close. I was thinking of an alternate version that I'd make myself, but I have no clue about center ice logos and I can't seem to figure out how to use NOSE to alter your uniforms.

How about "Outdoor Games 17?" It'd be awesome if you'd put the outdoor game uniforms for the Pens, Flyers, Blues, Hawks, Leafs, Wings, Jets, and Oilers in their correct home and away slots. And, as maybe more of a pipe dream for someone who literally knows nothing of the process, the Stadium Series, Winter Classic, Centennial Classic, and Heritage Classic logos at center ice and change the Ron Barr/Doc Emrick text to read "Heinz Field, Busch Stadium, BMO Field, and Investors Group Field" in the intro, instead of their normal arena names. Is this possible? Obviously, the other 22 teams not affected could just stay the same as either your pre- or post-deadline ROM. It'd be amazing if you put something like this out, especially considering EA's neglect of outdoor games!

Changing the pre-game arena names is very simple.

Changing a few uniforms also not hard, but gets messy because of home/away conflict. For instance, the Flyers away for outdoor game was black, but all other home teams in rom would be dark or black, so you would black v black games unless you make other accommodations to avoid the conflict.

Changing the center ice logos varies in difficulty, and really depends on how intricate the logos used were (I have no idea at this point).

Posted (edited)

All of that makes sense. However, I guess I figured the home/away issues wouldn't be that great, considering people would likely only use the ROM to play the outdoor matchups from this season. For example, you mentioned the Flyers' black "away" uniforms, which since they also wore them against the Pens at home could double as their home uni in this theoretical ROM. I wouldn't expect anyone to play Flyers vs. Kings at Staples Center, as they could just use the regular ROM for that. I just suggested leaving the teams not affected by outdoor play alone in the ROM, since it'd likely not be worth be hassle to take them out, and leaving them there does allow to make other potential matchups. As far as the center ice logos, again you're the expert there. I was just encouraged by the awesome 50th anniversary logos you gave us this year! 

This whole thing is just an idea I had in my head and threw out there. Obviously, I won't take any offense if you don't waste the time to make it! Haha. But I think it'd be something cool that a lot of us would play, and (maybe) become a cool annual alternate ROM between the initial and release and the deadline one? ;)

Edited by brianski71

So there will be an outdoor version? What about other Leagues?

On 3/28/2017 at 9:46 AM, wbgs_radio said:

So there will be an outdoor version? What about other Leagues?

Absolutely no chance of other leagues. I can do an outdoor ROM alt version in an hour or 2. Doing an entirely new league ROM is AT LEAST 40 hours, and probably much more. Not to mention I really have no interest in it, anyway.

15 hours ago, naples39 said:

Absolutely no chance of other leagues. I can do an outdoor ROM alt version in an hour or 2. Doing an entirely new league ROM is AT LEAST 40 hours, and probably much more. Not to mention I really have no interest in it, anyway.


That would be cool to see, When can you do that?


Giving naples ROM a chance. There's certain rhythm to playing, especially defense. I'm learning to time my cross-the slot passes (tricky, but fun when you roof it.) Would like to see a water bottle fly off the goal when those high ones go in.. I was wondering, is there a 2 uniform limit per team? I like the Kings' "Forum Blue & Gold" uniforms a lot. 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BillC52865 said:

Giving naples ROM a chance. There's certain rhythm to playing, especially defense. I'm learning to time my cross-the slot passes (tricky, but fun when you roof it.) Would like to see a water bottle fly off the goal when those high ones go in.. I was wondering, is there a 2 uniform limit per team? I like the Kings' "Forum Blue & Gold" uniforms a lot. 

Only 2 uniforms per team, one for home and away.

There is nothing I'd like more than a true re-make of NHL 94 with no limits on number of teams. I've made like a dozen custom roms for different seasons--it would make me so happy if I could put them all in the same ROM. Choose a team, choose what year's roster, choose from 10+ uniforms...*tear*

For instance, here's the Kings in my '87 rom which I think are the uniforms you like.


And WIP for outdoor rom. The center ice logos will take some tweaking though:





Edited by naples39

I think the ice needs to be, Tweaked as well maybe white?

10 hours ago, wbgs_radio said:

I think the ice needs to be, Tweaked as well maybe white?

White Ice sucks!

Naples can you make it snow during the outdoor games and please make the arena into a football stadium as well.

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, CoachMac said:

White Ice sucks!

Naples can you make it snow during the outdoor games and please make the arena into a football stadium as well.

Not possible or is it and not, All stadiums are foot ball some are baseball yup. Proper arenas for proper teams would be nice. Also blue ice sucks and makes no sense for outdoor at all.

Edited by wbgs_radio
1 hour ago, CoachMac said:

White Ice sucks!

Naples can you make it snow during the outdoor games and please make the arena into a football stadium as well.

I was waiting to announce this, but me and my team of artists I have completely re-done the game in unreal engine with polygonal graphics. With a little extra work, we will also have photorealistic coaches on the bench, 4 officials on the ice, and accurate team goal horns. 

Also adding AHL, KHL, SHL, and national teams. 50/50 if we can have every NCAA team as well.

ROM will be free and 512kb download.

  • Like 10
20 minutes ago, naples39 said:

I was waiting to announce this, but me and my team of artists I have completely re-done the game in unreal engine with polygonal graphics. With a little extra work, we will also have photorealistic coaches on the bench, 4 officials on the ice, and accurate team goal horns. 

Also adding AHL, KHL, SHL, and national teams. 50/50 if we can have every NCAA team as well.

ROM will be free and 512kb download.

Great Stuff Naples:big_smile:

In all seriousness.  Changing Ice color is one of the simplest graphic changes you can do.

All you need is NOSE.

Open the rom in NOSE



Change the first color box to EEE and you will have Ice so white you will think it is snowing.

3 hours ago, naples39 said:

I was waiting to announce this, but me and my team of artists I have completely re-done the game in unreal engine with polygonal graphics. With a little extra work, we will also have photorealistic coaches on the bench, 4 officials on the ice, and accurate team goal horns. 

Also adding AHL, KHL, SHL, and national teams. 50/50 if we can have every NCAA team as well.

ROM will be free and 512kb download.

Whoa. A full rehaul in the unreal engine? Once that project's complete, could you still play this on an Sega emulator? 

I would love to hear more about this project when you're ready!


31 minutes ago, dwyersp said:

Whoa. A full rehaul in the unreal engine? Once that project's complete, could you still play this on an Sega emulator? 

I would love to hear more about this project when you're ready!


I have contacted Naples and informed him that I am also insisting that he include fighting in his release and that he and his team work all-night in order to release the rom tomorrow.


6 hours ago, naples39 said:

I was waiting to announce this, but me and my team of artists I have completely re-done the game in unreal engine with polygonal graphics. With a little extra work, we will also have photorealistic coaches on the bench, 4 officials on the ice, and accurate team goal horns. 

Also adding AHL, KHL, SHL, and national teams. 50/50 if we can have every NCAA team as well.

ROM will be free and 512kb download.

Also let me get this right you redid the ROM in unreal engine for sega genesis or separate? Also will it run on DX9 and up? Me and my bro are really stoked.

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