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Wind-down league


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Hey guys. Hope everyone is enjoying the season so far. Looks like we've got some tight races!

So I was thinking today... usually with 3-4 weeks left in the season people start to get bored, get starved for games, and the forum goes dead. So, why not start up a mini-league just to pass the time?

Does anyone have any ideas?

- We could keep the current league teams, or draft new teams

- draft teams based on current win %

- the 'quirks' league ive mentioned a few times before

- pick whatever team you want every game

- etc.

I could whip up something quick to log scores, kind of like nhl94online.com has.

I'm also open to running a mini season wind-down league for both snes and gens.

Anyone interested? Halifax? j3w1sh2k?

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Hey guys. Hope everyone is enjoying the season so far. Looks like we've got some tight races!

So I was thinking today... usually with 3-4 weeks left in the season people start to get bored, get starved for games, and the forum goes dead. So, why not start up a mini-league just to pass the time?

Does anyone have any ideas?

- We could keep the current league teams, or draft new teams

- draft teams based on current win %

- the 'quirks' league ive mentioned a few times before

- pick whatever team you want every game

- etc.

I could whip up something quick to log scores, kind of like nhl94online.com has.

I'm also open to running a mini season wind-down league for both snes and gens.

Anyone interested? Halifax? j3w1sh2k?

I'd be into it in a second

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Hells yeah, I would be down.

Here's a crazy thought, what about a league that partners snes and gens? Whatever coach gets PIT on the gens and snes would consolidate their records into one mass league. So if there were 10 games that each coach would have to play, then your total record would actually consist of 20 games with the addition of your partner from the other console. The only thing we would have to coordinate is that if there were 10 teams, everyone would have a partner and the teams would have to be mirrored.

Then if it goes as far as playoffs, split up your team and play on your respective console... just traditional style playoffs. But maybe both partners end up taking the championship for ultimate bragging rights.

I don't know, I just thought this might be a fun format to consider, especially for a 'wind-down' league.

But BSD, whatever you decide, count me in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Count me in too fella's

any thought of having line changes on?

Only if lines were required to stay as default. Nothing sucks more then having to go in and switch around all your lines before every game.

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Count me in too if possible (GENS)

About line changes, its wierd, when i used to play back in the day, it had to be line changes, i didnt like playing without them. But now, after having played my first season at nhl94.com, ive got used to no line changes...... But i would like to have them on for this wind down league.... just for something diff...

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