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Everything posted by jer_33

  1. 10.6 Toronto/Jer_33 select: Connor Hellebuyck
  2. 9.6 Toronto/Jer_33 select: Evander Kane
  3. Toronto or Calgary. You can give Toronto to Aqua, if he is in.
  4. 7.4 NSH/Scamy select: Patrice Bergeron 7.6 Toronto/jer_33 select: Jeff Skinner
  5. 6.5 Arizona/Adam selects: Ryan Johansen 6.6 Toronto/Jer_33 selects: Cam Talbot
  6. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/poliva/97ed782c08ac17884b13/raw/52d3be5ac2f9caf4d677eb609250d28141ad6fbd/new-fightcade-romset.txt Both versions are on the list: md_nhl : NHL Hockey (USA) md_nhl94 : NHL '94 (Euro, USA) md_nhl95 : NHL 95 (Euro, USA) md_nhl96 : NHL 96 (Euro, USA) md_nhl97 : NHL 97 (Euro, USA) md_nhl98 : NHL 98 (USA) md_nhlpa93 : NHLPA Hockey 93 (Euro, USA, v1.1) md_nhlpa93a : NHLPA Hockey 93 (Euro, USA)
  7. TK - if you could download the newest version, and run it just to see if MD - NHL94 is on the list.. that would be great.
  8. I'm curious of a few things. 1. Obviously, how easy the set-up is. 2. How good the emulator is (based on it's popularity for fight games, I'm guessing it has to play well). 3. If it is better than Kaillera for lag/inputs etc... 4. For fights games, I think the site will track wins/losses.. I'm assuming it would do the same for sports titles. lots to think about...
  9. Fightcade is basically a match-making program, a lobby for fight game enthusiasts. On the backend it uses an emulator called FBA, which was designed to run MAME games (actual ports of arcade games). It also uses a different technology to play P2P (GGPO), one that is supposed to be easier to set-up (no issues with routers, and no need to port forward). Recently it has been updated/upgraded to Fightcade 2, which promises many enhancements, specifically the addition of Sega Genesis emulation. On the reddit page for this project (it is in BETA as of Oct 27), I found a copy of the supported roms. NHLPA93, NHL 94-98 were all there, not to mention NBA Jam, Madden etc.. As it is in beta, it can only be tested by folks with older accounts (you need to register to play on Fightcade). Anyone here a member of Fightcade since 2014? We need a tester!
  10. 4.6 Toronto/jer_33 selects: Adam Larsson
  11. 3.8 Chicago (dcicon) selects: Dustin Byfuglien
  12. 3.6 Toronto (jer_33) selects: Leon Draisaitl
  13. 2.6 Toronto/Jer-33 select - Mark Sheifele
  14. 1-6 Toronto/Jer_33 selects: Victor Hedman
  15. For the record, I only had 1 keeper last season (Messier). I do think that we should scale the retro guys back to 1/team, and/or limit the number of good retro players. The A guys are still putting together really good teams, without having to worry that they cannot keep them.
  16. Hurts me to do this, but will take.. aaggghhhh.. BOS.
  17. I believe @Depch just got tired of the international lag. He's still active on the boards, just stepping away from leagues.
  18. So my first hope was to get something out before the Classic deadline, which I've missed. My second hope was to get something out to try and dig up some veterans to play in skip's VHL5 league.. could still happen. I tried to put this together in 'private', editing an old post so that it wouldn't trigger as a reply.. but that didn't happen. So here we are.. I don't think this edition should be sent out any further than the boards.. but would like ideas and confirmation from the board admins, whether this is something we could email out to forum members in the future (perhaps quarterly, or for special events)? Also ideas of how that could happen? As for the content of the newsletter itself, I'm pretty satisfied with what I could put together in a couple of days.. future editions I'd be able to gather content over days/months. But if the expectation was that the newsletter would have a better formatting, or perhaps full-length articles.. I just don't currently have the time or expertise to pull off anything bigger. I feel the best idea would be to have editions of the newsletter as their own edition thread, where people could comment with additional content, as well as help point out any corrections. This 'forum edition' could be put together over a 2 week span, after which time it could be emailed to everyone. What does everyone think? Opinions? P.S. is there a link or thread with the 32-team rom template?
  19. View From the Booth v.1 Oct 31, 2017 Welcome to the inaugural edition of the official NHL94.com newsletter. We hope to keep everyone informed of all that is happening in our gaming scene, with a top-down look at events, leagues, forum happenings and Discord chatter. The view from the broadcast booth is often worse than some cheap seats in the arena, but journalists require a sweeping vantage point to see everything that is happening in the game. It seemed a suitable name for a newsletter that hopes to provide a bird's eye view of NHL94 and all of it's retro hockey siblings, so take a minute to get caught up with this edition of View From the Booth . If you were lucky enough to attend the King of 94 II tournament in Las Vegas, then you likely already know the outcomes. If not, let me just say that it was an incredible display of Sega/Genesis mastery. On the Sega-side, the most probable finals outcome played out with @kingraph and @angryjay93 meeting in the final game, with Jay pulling out a 5-3 win with Detroit over Raph's Buffalo squad. On the Super Nintendo bracket, we again witnessed the ascension of a relative unknown (at least to NHL94.com community). @Jammer - KO94IIsnes was able to punch his ticket to the finals versus @Bob Kudelski and win it all with an incredible 4-3 OT victory. If you wish to relive the final hours of the tournament, including some great commentating and celebratory laps you can watch the replay on Twin Galaxies Twitch stream here. With the build-up and successful staging of King of 94 II in Las Vegas NV now behind us, Fall leagues are starting to fill-up as player interest returns. Along with interest in preseason hockey and the eventual puck-drop on the NHL season, NHL94 players are returning to the site with hopes of building on last seasons successes and again proving themselves on the ice. Now is the time to get your name in for Classic, whether a seasoned veteran, a site lurker, or new to the site. If you're tired to playing against the CPU, take the next step and start playing some real competition. ONLINE LEAGUES: Fall Classic - The NHL94 Standard, for most this is their first taste of competitive online play. Sign-up here. VHL5 - A WBF draft league based on @skip's current NHL ratings played with the new 32-team NHL18 rom. Sign-up here, and/or check out the rom here. NHL94 Ladder League - @smozoma has started a unique ladder league, with no defined schedule so you can play whoever, whenever. Check it out here. Premium Retro (Season 2) - @CoachMac has dreamed up this beauty, a limited draft league with a retro twist. Possible expansion for Season 3. LIVE EVENTS: Nov 12, 2017 - EDMONTON, AB [NHL94 Sega/SNES]: Sign-up/details Feb 24, 2018 - GREEN BAY, WI [NHL94 Sega/SNES]: Sign-up/details, Facebook Event/RSVP Aug 11-12, 2018 - LONG ISLAND, NY [NHL94 Sega]: played during the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo ROMS/HACKS: NHL 2018 - by @naples39 - updated rosters/ratings/logos/uniforms, WBF (weight-bug fixed), speed-burst has been limited to 75%. NHL18 by @skip - updated rosters/ratings/logos/uniforms, WBF (weight-bug fixed), 1 minute penalties, and will be used to play @skip's VHL5 league. NHL18 rom [SNES] - Help needed to produce an SNES rom with current line-ups. @tru is looking for people who want to learn to hack/update SNES roms. 32-team NHL94 rom [GENS] - Thanks to the hard-work and dedication of @slapshot67 and @skip, the community is now ready for current and future NHL expansion. 34-team NHL95 rom [GENS] - @kingraph has been hard at work customizing the NHL95 rom to allow for current and future roster updates. A work in progress. FROM THE STANDS: Cast your vote for the possible location of King of 94 III. Forum thread. Forum members are dreaming about an NHL94 clone that would be easier to customize. Forum thread. TECH TALK: AIM is DEAD, join us on Discord [invite link]. Find some great tournament footage on Twitch, Ko94II pt1, Ko94II pt2, Ko94II pt3. RWExpo pt1, RWExpo pt2, RWExpo World Record Attempt. Thanks for reading folks, and as usual comments and criticisms are welcomed. If you have an idea for future stories, or links to anything related to the newsletter categories feel free to pass them along. Keep mashing those buttons. Bonus video for those of you who made it this far:
  20. Please red/comment here:
  21. Sorry guys, was working on a template for a forum newsletter, and decided to use an old post in order not to fuss up the forums.. but didn't seem to work. Obviously, ideas and criticisms are welcomed. Thought maybe, once we get this hashed out, we could have the posts pinned in the forum for easy access. Again, sorry for the confusion.
  22. I think you'd really like how the draft works in this league Coach (Blind bid, with limited rounds to fill out a 28-man roster). I've been playing since KOHL4 (with one or two seasons a calendar year). The coach-only game suits the hockey-sim crowd more than the retro player, but it's the only hockey sim I know of that you can watch your games live streamed from Finland. Also NHL95PC has an awesome number of utilities, the rosters are regularly updated, and the uniforms have many more options for alteration (and have logos on the front). If it had goalie control, it'd be superior to NHL94 IMO.
  23. Well, then we need to give the ladder rankings! Superstar, All-Star, Beer-league plug, Pylon... Ladder league would certainly become a great resource for splitting A/B division leagues in the future.. MOAR DATA!
  24. Played NHL Hockey on my first real PC. Wish I could remember the specs on that baby. There was a company in town that used to rent PC games.. not sure how they got away with it - I suppose the customers signed something stating that they would delete the game once returned. Played a lot of great PC titles that I otherwise could not have afforded.
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