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  1. I also use xpadder. I have button combinations mapped so that I can hook with a single button press and fake a shot with a single button press. I also have the line change keys mapped to my controller and the mouse mapped to my analog stick so I can navigate menus with my controller.
  2. I don't think you can add photos. But you should be able to replace existing ones. I've never done it but it should be the same process as replacing any of the other image files.
  3. I would highly recommend a mapping program like Xpadder. This allows you to map keyboard keys to your gamepad and then esssentially play the game using the keyboard. I have found this gives the best control response. Benefits: 1. You can map key combinations to the gamepad buttons. For example, I have a single button that will fake a shot and a single button that will hook/hold. 2. Map the line change keys F1-->F8 to separate buttons. 3. Map escape and enter to separate buttons so you can pause gameplay and advance through lineup screens directly with your gamepad. 4. If you have an analog stick you can map the mouse to it so you can navigate the menus without a mouse. You can get Xpadder at https://www.xpadder.com It is 10 dollars.
  4. http://m.nhluniforms.com/index.html and http://www.frozenfaceoff.net/ are also great resources for modders.
  5. Release #3 of my jersey archive. I added every Edmonton Oilers jersey I could find, including their most recent jerseys as requested by PenguinFan1985. See above.
  6. hockey-reference.com is awesome and has every stat you can think of. It has a feature that allows you to export to csv files. https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/l/lemiema01.html
  7. Perhaps you could put 'sliders' in your tool that would allow the user to input base stats and then use the sliders to adjust the the stats behind the scenes that would increase d-man scoring, decrease goalie save%, etc.
  8. 30 for 30 short about Clint: http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=9255400
  9. New release of my jersey archive. See the top of this thread. It doesn't include much. I received a request for the recent Panthers jerseys so those are in there (although they aren't great since you can't detail torso bands). It also includes the Golden Knights' jerseys.
  10. I can't explain why, but I enjoy the process of creating jersey's and it occurred to me that others may find some use for them as well. So a while ago I decided to start compiling them into one location to make them easier to find and so I could upload them here in one big chunk. This is a project I've been working on for a while now and since I haven't been able to really dig into it for over a month I thought I would release what I have so far. My goal is to release updates periodically until there are no more jerseys to add, so it's pretty much never ending. If anybody has any requests, NHL or otherwise, I'd be happy to put those at the top of my list. Also, if you find any mistakes please let me know so I can correct them. Release 3: NHL95PC Jersey Compendium Release 3.zip NHL95PC Jersey Compendium Release 3.pdf
  11. I know this is a long shot. But does anybody know how to edit/modify the palette files? These are the files that are usually compressed in the .QFS files and I assume they determine which set of colors are used for the accompanying image. They show up in NHLInfo as !pal and I can extract them using NHLInfo. However I can't get them to open in GIMP and when I view them with a hex editor I can't find any useful information.
  12. Yes. I have started compiling all of the jerseys I have made over the years into one package to share on this forum. I don't have much time to work on it but 10-15 minutes per day. I hope to have something to share in a few weeks. Thanks for the interest.
  13. I received this message from petrmaly13 and I thought I would answer it in the forum so that others who may have similar questions would benefit from it. "Since few day I try to convert NHL95PC with a little help from Kiba. I can change players now with NHLinfo. I would like to change logos etc. My logos are in the game but with wrong colors. I like your conversion that you´ve posted but there are some mistakes (Florida, Carolina...). You know about it. Could you make a "perfect" 2016 conversion or tell me how to do it?:-) Thanx!" When you replace any graphics in the game with NHLInfo you have to make sure that the color palettes for both the original graphic and the replacement graphic match. The best way to do this is to take a screen shot of the original graphic while playing the game and then copy the palette from that screen shot into the graphic you are editing in GIMP (or Photoshop or whatever). Kiba has a great tutorial on this. It is not possible to make a "perfect" 2016 conversion because the number of teams allowed in the game (26 teams + 2 all-star teams) is hard-coded into the game. Without access to the source code there is no way to add teams to the game. So when making a conversion for 2016 you have to decide which 4 teams to not add (or 2 teams if you are going to overwrite the All-Star teams). When I made the conversion for 2015 I decided to leave the two worst teams out of the game (Florida being one of them) and overwrote them with Carolina. I also swapped some teams so that they would be in the correct conference (Detroit and Toronto for example are no longer in the Western Conference). This is why the audio does not match some teams. There is no way to change or edit the audio that I know of. I will not be making any more conversions because it is a lot of work and very time consuming and I actually prefer playing the game with the original rosters since I grew up with the NHL in the late eighties through the nineties and I don't really follow the NHL anymore as it is crap compared to what it once was when I was a kid I have been having fun with the jersey editor and I have a lot of different jerseys that I may post if anybody might be interested in them.
  14. Does anybody know if there a way to control the defense pair line changes? It seems like the game just cycles through them so sometimes the third pair is with the first line. And late in the game it would be nice if you could purposely put the top pair on the ice. I wonder if it is something that could be changed in the exe file.
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