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92 Classic Season 2 Playoffs Rom and Scores


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Last season with Toronto, I had the feeling I could beat any team I played, with the exception of NYR. I could not maneuver my slow players anywhere in range of shooting at the goal, without getting checked into the ice. NYR did not have much trouble with my defense either.

My Montreal vs Hartford series this season was not even close. I have never seen anyone use Montreal as well as AJ. They are a quick team with good shooters, although not physical. I still think in a balanced league it would be hard for anyone to win a title with Montreal. Without Mario playing this season though, those odds are cut in half for Montreal.

NY Rangers hold the physical edge, if both coaches play at an even level, then NYR will win. All I can say for Montreal, is, Pitt will be back with Mario and Line1 in Mac's next NHL92 league season, so if you want to win a title, this is the time.

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NY Rangers hold the physical edge, if both coaches play at an even level, then NYR will win. All I can say for Montreal, is, Pitt will be back with Mario and Line1 in Mac's next NHL92 league season, so if you want to win a title, this is the time.

Not so fast my friend. Who told you such a thing?

Mario has no assurance of a return and if he does it might be with very little in supporting cast.

Pittsburgh is ridiculous. The more I have played around with this game the more I am convinced they may be the single most dominant team in the history of video game sports.

No offense to Labs, but that is why I can not qualify him as an "A" player.

I hung with and even beat AJ with Pitt Line 2. I had no chance with the Oilers against AJ and EDM is a top 5 team, but not on the same planet as Pitt Line 2.

AJ and Raph have good teams and are outstanding coaches. They both could win it with anyone.

Look at every league and console they play in and on.

I believe it is the flesh and blood behind the sticks more than the pixels on the screen for the most part.

Pittsburgh being the exception.

Brutus with Philly and Dead with Toronto and Hartford also get a big thumbs up for performing well with rather untalented pixelated heroes.

By the way I love playing against you superior coaches I just hope you don't get bored hammering me.

My day will come and I am playing with just 2 buttons. I may have to change that.

Edited by CoachMac
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Okay Mac, I was just going by your dynasty rule, but I can see you have been thinking of a way do disassemble the Pitt juggernaut as well. In my new experimental rom posted in the forum, I divided Pitt into 4 different competitive teams. The team has so much talent that more than half of the great players never leave the bench.

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Okay Mac, I was just going by your dynasty rule, but I can see you have been thinking of a way do disassemble the Pitt juggernaut as well. In my new experimental rom posted in the forum, I divided Pitt into 4 different competitive teams. The team has so much talent that more than half of the great players never leave the bench.

Not so fast my friend. Who told you such a thing?

Mario has no assurance of a return and if he does it might be with very little in supporting cast.

Pittsburgh is ridiculous. The more I have played around with this game the more I am convinced they may be the single most dominant team in the history of video game sports.

No offense to Labs, but that is why I can not qualify him as an "A" player.

I hung with and even beat AJ with Pitt Line 2. I had no chance with the Oilers against AJ and EDM is a top 5 team, but not on the same planet as Pitt Line 2.

AJ and Raph have good teams and are outstanding coaches. They both could win it with anyone.

Look at every league and console they play in and on.

I believe it is the flesh and blood behind the sticks more than the pixels on the screen for the most part.

Pittsburgh being the exception.

Brutus with Philly and Dead with Toronto and Hartford also get a big thumbs up for performing well with rather untalented pixelated heroes.

By the way I love playing against you superior coaches I just hope you don't get bored hammering me.

My day will come and I am playing with just 2 buttons. I may have to change that.

Ok fair enough Coach, I didn't think of it that way. Sorry if I came off as a dick, obviously didn't mean that. Your an awesome bud. What we should do is play the original rom and no one pick Pittsburgh and maybe even NY plus a couple more. Some different options to chose from. I would be perfectly fine with that. I like a couple other teams that I wouldn't mind being. Maybe even forget the juggernaut rule if we do that. Love the league and concept, lets keep it going!!!

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The finals are done! I posted as a spoiler in case you want to watch the video. Note, I'm about 50/50 on actually making the video, and it wouldn't be until this weekend at best.






Congratulations to AJ for winning the cup! He really outplayed me in the series, I couldn't get anything going against his defense. Really smothered my offense, and I just couldn't stop his speedy players. And if I DID land a check, I felt I got a penalty 70-80% of the time, making life more difficult! Lots more I can say, but at the end of the day, AJ had the better day today.

Great league, thanks Mac for running another successful one!

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The finals are done! I posted as a spoiler in case you want to watch the video. Note, I'm about 50/50 on actually making the video, and it wouldn't be until this weekend at best.






Congratulations to AJ for winning the cup! He really outplayed me in the series, I couldn't get anything going against his defense. Really smothered my offense, and I just couldn't stop his speedy players. And if I DID land a check, I felt I got a penalty 70-80% of the time, making life more difficult! Lots more I can say, but at the end of the day, AJ had the better day today.

Great league, thanks Mac for running another successful one!

I just want to thank everyone for a fantastic league. We played all these games within two months and I think that is something more leagues should strive for.

A lot of fun playing with you buds, I look forward to playing some more '92 later in the year.

Thank you again Coach, you put together a great league bud, major ups to you.

Thank you King, your'e a hell of a player and it took my best effort to dispatch of you. You know so many ins and outs about the game that I can never let my guard down without facing the consequences.

If the footage does make it up I think it will be plain to see that Richer is a godsend for Montreal. In all previous leagues he has never touched the ice, I dont think its entirely fair to the people who have used MTL before me to be compared to this team. He is a big body, fast, and has a booming shot. Sure, the other 4 are all lightweights, but they become better players now that they have a big body to protect them.

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Sorry about the first picture, I grabbed it right as the screen was transitioning. The numbers are still readable if you look closely. Lupz went to bed, so he might have a better pic.

Game 4 was 6-4 LA. I forgot to grab a screenshot. Sorry!




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The finals are done! I posted as a spoiler in case you want to watch the video. Note, I'm about 50/50 on actually making the video, and it wouldn't be until this weekend at best.






Congratulations to AJ for winning the cup! He really outplayed me in the series, I couldn't get anything going against his defense. Really smothered my offense, and I just couldn't stop his speedy players. And if I DID land a check, I felt I got a penalty 70-80% of the time, making life more difficult! Lots more I can say, but at the end of the day, AJ had the better day today.

Great league, thanks Mac for running another successful one!


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Very interesting results. Congratulations AJ. I can see that NHL94 skills translate well into NHL92.

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^^^^ :grimace: My thoughts exactly.

We finished both '92 Leagues in 6 weeks with 98 % completion of games.

Great job and a great group of Buds.

Congrats AJ and KingRaph.

I plan on putting the Oilers through rigorous training all summer and buying a controller with 3 buttons to make a run at you guys.

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Great job guys, awesome league, but for me unfortunately not a fun game, I'd like to thank CoachMac for inviting me into the league, and for running such a smooth operation. For me I am retiring from 92 play, nothing to do with the guys in the league, awesome group of buds, I just don't have fun playing the 92 version that's all.

Congrats to AJ, and GL to Skeletor, and Brutus in the John Deere Cup!

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San Jose has been on a roll for me, so we'd be happy to be Best of 5, figuring that's enough to settle the score in the land of '92.

However, I'd not want to cheat Skeletor of a Best of 7 if he feels the need to stretch it out and hope for one of those glorious Game 7 style endings.

I'll be around later tonight in either case to try to get this done, post 10:30 pm central time.

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Great job guys, awesome league, but for me unfortunately not a fun game, I'd like to thank CoachMac for inviting me into the league, and for running such a smooth operation. For me I am retiring from 92 play, nothing to do with the guys in the league, awesome group of buds, I just don't have fun playing the 92 version that's all.

Thanks Lupz, no offense taken.

I am planning a small Original 6 94 league in the Fall using a rom I am currently working on.

Gump Worsley, Andy Bathgate, and the 1958 Rangers want you as the coach.

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San Jose has been on a roll for me, so we'd be happy to be Best of 5, figuring that's enough to settle the score in the land of '92.

However, I'd not want to cheat Skeletor of a Best of 7 if he feels the need to stretch it out and hope for one of those glorious Game 7 style endings.

I'll be around later tonight in either case to try to get this done, post 10:30 pm central time.

I'm completely indifferent to the series length. If you prefer 5 games, let's do that. I should be online tonight to finish the season as well.

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Thanks Lupz, no offense taken.

I am planning a small Original 6 94 league in the Fall using a rom I am currently working on.

Gump Worsley, Andy Bathgate, and the 1958 Rangers want you as the coach.

94 league count me in thanks.

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LA Kings vs SJ Sharks. We chose Best of 5, but didn't know who was supposed to b HOME!, so we mutually agreed if we got to a Game 5, to find someone online to flip a coin for us.

LA (Skeletor) went Home for Game 1-2, and SJ (Brutus) home for Game 3-4.

As it turned out, we needed Game 5, and AJ honored us with a mental coin flip and I chose Tails, and it was Heads, so Skeletor took Home Ice in Game 5.

Great series, all super slow Shark style. Game 1 I was leading most of the way, and Skeletor tied it late and took the lead w/ 27 secs left. I stood in front of his net for the next 10 seconds and failed to score. I managed to keep the rest of the games to similar styles, and even tossed in another SJ shut out!!!

Anyhow, great series Skeletor. That muddy ice couldn't have been easy to play through!

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