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NHL 95 World Championship October 15th 2022 Toronto


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Update: originally scheduled for Aug 2020 then world went to crap.  But now it's this October 14-15 2022. See bottom post for updated info



Thought I'd make a more official post here as we are months away now for the NHL 95 World Championship.

Would love to have more buds join us. 

Ask questions here and feel free to reach out.. 

Gonna copy/pasta from what I have at http://www.segathon.com/nhl95worldchampionship/

NHL 95 World Championship


Where: Toronto Waves Egaming
When: 2021
Who:  NHL 95 Tribes from across the World from USA, Canada and Finland

Many kids in the 90’s grew up playing the NHL series on the Sega Genesis (and Super Nintendo) and have fond memories of it.  Leagues in college dorms and one night tourneys sprouted up among friends…..and some of those events are still happening today 25 years later.  The plan is for all of the NHL 95 Tribes to unite for one large Tournament on August 1st in Toronto at Waves Egaming.  You have a crew of buds that want to make the pilgrimage?
Send the Commish an Email at nhl95_a_thon@yahoo.com and we can add your to the tribe list.



Segathon:  Tourneys started in 2003.  10-25 guys mostly from same home town in Minnesota play a 1 night tourney for the Belt.  www.segathon.com 


Michigan/ Boston:  Been holding Tourneys since College as well, and also compete for a Belt.  Actually played the Segathon Tribe in 2011.


Tampere Sega NHL95 Tournament:  Finland’s yearly tourney is the NHL 95 Largest Event.  Been holding tournies since 2007 https://nhl95tampere.wordpress.com/


NHL 95 Championships:  Out of Waterloo Ontario, been doing Tournies since 2011.  Will be host of 2020 https://sbsb156.wixsite.com/nhl95championship


Highland Avenue:  Group out of Pennsylvania, doing official tournies since 2014  https://posluzinator31.wixsite.com/clinesnhl95


TheUnholygrial: RIP, was the grandaddy of them all.  When I googled NHL 95 they came up and saw their funny event recaps, reason we made segathon.com

Other Tribes Not Pictured Yet:

  • New Jersey Tribe: that made the treck all the way to Madison Wisconsin for a NHL 95 Tourney
  • Deer Hunt Camp Tribe: in the Hinterlands of Canada that play while chasing Wild Game
  • Riker’s Island Rules Camp: A Deranged group that plays 20 Minutes Periods
  • There are many other NHL 95ers out there from St Louis, to Weezer Tour bus to Parts Unknown etc.

    Currently having a United Nations Email Chain between ranking Tribes to figuring out details, here is what we have so far


  • Waterloo has booked Waves E Gaming in Toronto
  • http://www.segathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/waves-set-up-94-300x225.jpg
  • https://wavesegaming.ca/
  • Event Fee, looks $15 a person for venue, right now but that could change.  May add a shirt for event etc.  There will be no Prize money though, just bragging rights
  • They have a bunch of old school Tube TVs so we will be playing how the game was meant to be played.
    • We have a beer sponsor and working on to make sure we get a license for the weekend
    • Looking into a food truck


Below is tentative, could change but this is where we are at right now
Round robin with 8 pools (depending on how many players, we’ll divy up the pools accordingly. So it might be 8 pools of 4, or 5 , or 6 etc). Play each person in your pool once in the round robin.
Top 4 from each pool moves on to 32 team elimination bracket.
First two rounds are best 2 out of 3
Quarters, semis and finals best 3 out of 5
5 minutes periods
Manual goalies
No penalties, no offsides, no line changes
Madison Rules – so one player picks the two teams, and the other guy gets to choose which one he wants to use.


Edited by segathon
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Bumping this old post since it comes up high on the google search.

There is going to be a World Championship on October 15th 2022 in Toronto!

Sign Up here!



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