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If the Pens traded Crosby for..


Koivu For Crosby  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Koivu for Crosby?

    • yes
    • no

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Sir Dangler and myself engaged in pleasantries over tea and crumpets on magnificent summer day.

and we speculated a little.

Montreals Heart and Captain Saku Koivu


Pitsbergs Young Fresh Sid the kid

if Bob gainey was given this offer (yes i know would never happen)

do you guys think gainey would do it?

do Montreal fans want to see crosby in a habs jersey?

i for one DONT. I believe if crosby came to montreal EVERYTHING would be about crosby and i dont believe in the entire city being focuses on 1 hot head kid for a captain. it should be about the entire team.

Koivu is a solid team leader and has tought his young rookies well. Alot of rookies on the habs have made great progress in little time.

And most importantly he has heart.

Crosby is a diving loud mouth thinks hes better then everyone else. - Just my opinion.

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You're right..this trade would never happen..because no one in pittsburgh is that stupid to make that kind of deal.

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if gainey was offered crosby for saku koivu and he didn't accept it, he would immediately be fired.... then after the press conference revealing his dismissal, he would be shot by some montreal fan.... then after the burial, his grave would likely be robbed and we'd never hear about him again.... thats how big a mistake he would be making.... to say that saku koivu would better someones team more than sidney crosby is ludacris

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to say that saku koivu would better someones team more than sidney crosby is ludacris

here! here!


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If gainey let crosby come to montreal, it would be the biggest mistake EVER


cause i will personally, End crosby's career by breaking his legs and arms.

jail? be worth it. :P

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This trade would never happen. Although I feel Koivu is a better leader than Sidney Crosby, Pittsburgh wouldn't give up a strong player in the group of players that saved the franchise.

If I could choose, I'd take both :P

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Yeah Diving is not permitted in Montreal. It's part of the numerous instructions in the ''how da f**k you can park you car without having a ticket''

Between Mars and July

from 15h to 19h on Sundays

all days on tuesdays and thurdays

illegal on every other day

must change your car of side of street every 2 hours

must have a permit

No Diving Allowed

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Wags13
Yeah Diving is not permitted in Montreal. It's part of the numerous instructions in the ''how da f**k you can park you car without having a ticket''

Between Mars and July

from 15h to 19h on Sundays

all days on tuesdays and thurdays

illegal on every other day

must change your car of side of street every 2 hours

must have a permit

No Diving Allowed

Diving may not be allowed, but failed expectations certainly are allowed in Montreal.. damn near every year in recent memory.

Here comes the "24 CUPS" reply...

Hey I heard that the crypt where the 24 Cups are housed was so dusty that the next Indiana Jones movie was being filmed there..

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but failed expectations certainly are allowed in Montreal.. damn near every year in recent memory.

Hey I heard that the crypt where the 24 Cups are housed was so dusty that the next Indiana Jones movie was being filmed there..

Funny you should say that..last time pens won the cup? hm... those big 2 championships must be in a janitors closet that somone lost the keys to.

and yeah, here comes the 24 cup speach. whos got the most cups? Montreal. suck on it. because no one will ever pass it.

failed expectations? i believe crosby failed to bring home a cup. and he will continue to fail.

shut up wags

jelous pig

PS - we have a series to play, your never on aim.

but your on the forums being an ass

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Settle, children...settle :P

In all seriousness...no. This deal would not happen, unless both GM's were smoking tons of dope. Don't get me wrong, Koivu's a good player and a great leader, but he's not on the level of ability that Sid the Kid is on.

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Guest Wags13
Funny you should say that..last time pens won the cup? hm... those big 2 championships must be in a janitors closet that somone lost the keys to.

and yeah, here comes the 24 cup speach. whos got the most cups? Montreal. suck on it. because no one will ever pass it.

failed expectations? i believe crosby failed to bring home a cup. and he will continue to fail.

shut up wags

jelous pig

PS - we have a series to play, your never on aim.

but your on the forums being an ass

I have been on AIM every night for the past three weeks.. just wasn't on last night.. and tonight I've pinged you on AIM six times to no avail..

guess we'll catch up Thursday night..

Keep enjoying living in the past with MTL and presently being disappointed every season! :lol:

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Everyone insults Canada, I thought we were all used to it by now...then again, what would explain why I get hate mail from Cayuga? B)

To their credit though, like shaftman said, they did invent my #2 favorite sport :lol:

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i dont see why poeple acccept canada trashing...especially all the canadians on this site. no one says anything? fine.

and dont tell me its all fun and games, cause all it takes is 1 person to get offended. and that person is me.

ill begin my american trashing. see how you like it

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but is crosby really worth a koivu in MONTREAL

lol wtga

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