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Everything posted by matthurray

  1. Yea... the league basically is filled with regulars. We have a new acting commish; the question is what is the philosophy of the league: cater to the players who are established, or offer this product to new guys who potentially have a lot to offer? Expansion would take care of 2 new players.... not exactly a large amount. It also would diminish the player pool rather drastically... that is 26 NHL94 players extra that now will need drafted. Although GDL2 draft was great, and the pool of players was adequate.... what path would improve the league the most? Caping at 24 and keeping a somewhat thin draft depth? Expanding and having teams with potentially glaring weaknesses in some areas? Or creating 2 smaller leagues to allow coaches to assemble talented teams created by a draft that doesn't have people guessing on unknown players?
  2. I vote no. I would vote yes for contraction. The last 5 rounds of the draft was like choosing the fat kid for dodgeball. 5 times. Although with enough positive interest, why not have 2 Draft leagues of 12-14 teams? Teams would be miraculously strong, people won't be starting Kelly Hrudey at goal, and all will be well. It's a drastic step... but I think it's something to toss out there.
  3. I just took 15 punches to the head during a "hockey fight" tonight. I didn't drop the gloves because it is a 2 game suspension... had I known he was going to try to end my life... perhaps I would've been a little more defensive.
  4. one thing I'd like to see: the scoring rate of short handed goals. The data will definitely be higher than NHL.. but at what rate? Is it proportional to the 40-45% rate you cite? Also... what is the scoring rate of 5 on 5? It is also higher than NHL 5 on 5. When you start comparing all of these pieces, then the data can speak about the scoring rates. Here's a eye's glance analysis: on average (median), the typical user in GDL scores above 4 goals a game. Over 15 minutes, that is a scoring rate of 4/15, or 1 goal every 3.75 minutes. Taken liberally, that means for about a 4 minute span, we expect a success ratio of at 1 goal 100% of the time. During a 2 minute penalty.... the scoring rate is 40%.... Now... statisticians should start throwing stones at me, (a la penalties that end with a goal aren't 2 minutes), but I'm hoping to make a point with all of the GDL data. I still feel 2 minutes isn't a huge deal. When I get a penalty... it doesn't bother me unless it is my stud player going out. Um... anyone gonna make a stab at a statistic report here?
  5. what a terrible day it is where we have to perform IP checks on our users. let him in. Last time I checked, NHL94 leagues are supposed to be about fun. Let's not take ourselves too seriously here; he is a decent player, he plays games. Can't ask for much else. Oh... and if you have a new user and you're not sure if it's hokkee... just crease-cut him 10 times in a row and if the guy rants, it's hokkee.
  6. 60 seconds is a blindingly fast amount of time. although it makes it match the real game more accurately.... I don't think it does a service for the videogame. Although I would estimate about 30% of all penalties are caused by the CPU... having penalties is nice to put people in the box who are overzealous with hooking (A button) or tripping (B button). I also don't think the nhl94 powerplay is as big of an advantage as the real life counterpart is.... so keeping it 2 minutes isn't that big of an issue. In my opinion.
  7. Seriously... calling Crosby overrated? You must be a product of the Canadian media that only cares to knock Crosby and call him a diver. Watch him for just one game and decide if he's overrated... he does stuff on the ice that will make you swear you just snorted crack off the back of a dead hooker. Swear it.
  8. It seems the infrastructure of the league is already set up. Hopefully D will be cool with sharing access of the page with someone able to handle the necessary duties. while we are at it... let's discuss potential responsibilities, and what we can do to improve hte league: responsibilities: run draft set up schedule handle potential conflicts for scored games boot users who are lagging in games played improvements: seen a few good things from DaDonch strict time deadlines for regular season and playoffs I think either Donch or EA would be well suited to run the league; there are others quite capable as well. We just need someone to step up. It doesn't look like D is around to make any executive decisions, so we can make them now, then pass them his way to see if he's cool with passing off the torch.
  9. wow... every fiber in my body says this could potentially be hokkeefan. if he wishes to play... no one is banning him from using IM and playing exhibition games. Perhaps he can rebuild his reputation through that method.
  10. Reading this thread.... I was thinking to myself, "I'm not going to post, because everyone is an ignorant butthole and only cares about their own opinion regarding this." Well here's my opinion (now I'm an ignorant butthole): I personally believe that running up the score on newbies is like beating up a kid with down syndrome. If you are going to run up the score, pick on a kid your own size. It is cool if you run up the score on me since I can hold my own against anyone; but it really goes against of a lot of what Evan built in this league (sportsmanship) to run up the score on someone without the skills and experience some other players have. I was happy to hear about kupuck19's story saying how gr81 laid back and threw out pointers. That is awesome. We should hear more stories like that. Draft league is different of course.... people masturbate over their stats, so we can't take that away from them. In addition, that league is pretty much a veteran only league (with small exceptions), so vets should be cool about taking a beating, because they should be able to dish out a few of their own. I hope that people who are using the argument of playing at a level of 100% competitiveness are saying this for only when they play against similarly matched or better opponents. No one respects someone who beats up on an inferior opponent.
  11. this "trudatman" is easily the most annoying person on this forum to date. let's send hokkeefan after him
  12. I'm sorry, but I think they are all hideous. They are along the lines of thinking these are awesome jerseys: can anyone add to these jersey catastrophes???? edit: p.s. I tried to add the 1990s canucks jersey, but the link won't work. help me out sons! simplicity is elegance: NY Rangers, Toronto Maple Leafs....
  13. I hope it's ok to post here... but it says i'm preferred for 20 games. I think I'd rather be 40 games. I thought I signed up for it, but I must have made a mistake. Can this be corrected? Thanks
  14. Bahr is my background. p.s. I bet Andy Warhol does lines of crack off of YOUR back! Boooooooooo ya!
  15. i used to use a logitech wingman, but the d-pad was super crap and I couldn't make good passes. I just bought an xbox360 controller and I enjoy using it.
  16. A lot of these rules seem ready to implement. I think you did a great job coming up with these ideas EA, and I can't see how to add upon them. As long as they are strictly enforced, they will certainly improve the standard this league has set. Is there a time-table for start of the GDL 3 season? I am hoping for a staggered start after Evan's league gets running.
  17. It looks like a couple of guys need to finish up their series so we can get the playoffs out of the way; they should be self sufficient at this. Just worry about next season, so it can be the best one yet! It's great to have you back.
  18. i'm not sure if you noticed, but case plays SNES
  19. I agree with Lidstrom.... although Eddie Belfour is like a cockroach.
  20. a) Sorry about the douches who can't find girls outside of gaming forums. I doubt they will stop, but maybe a few will with polite asking. Please stop throwing around empty threats of leaving. If the pandering is making your time spent here miserable, just don't come here. Manipulating people into apologizing won't work here; the average maturity level here is about 14 years old.
  21. I bet it has micro-crystals in it that let the government track you and put a barcode in the back of your head. Other than that, I want one.
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