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Everything posted by IAmFleury'sHipCheck

  1. I think for the playoffs to be set in stone but I could be wrong. VC, is that what you meant?
  2. Congrats DaD! Have an amazing time with the newly named Mrs. Donche, be safe and bring back some stories!
  3. Congrats VC. Hey Hokkee, you stuck with it this season and you're still da man. I'm with you on keeping a flow during the playoffs. I expect to see some Hokkee flava coming down if things aren't going at a good pace. Til next season my friend.
  4. Yeah, Mike said he wasn't going to post it and didn't. That's really lame. The game has been saved for 2 weeks, what's the big deal in taking 2 seconds to upload it? It should have been logged since Sunday was the deadline. Mike, If there is something I'm not considering that would hold you back, send the file to someone else who's online and let them upload it. I'll be on later tonight if that's what you want to do.
  5. 2 games left... Carse -- talked to him and we're going to play within the next couple days MJuice -- cmon man, your brother said you were at home tonight and you still didn't get on to play... not cool
  6. It would be nice to see coaches post when they plan to play their 1st round so we can get an idea of when the next round should start. Lets be proactive these playoffs and not wait for a deadline to be assigned by D. Schedule your games, post when you're going to play and stick to it. Lets bang these out. Good luck to everyone.
  7. The Roenicks, er, I mean the Blackhawks are scheduled to play the Flames at 8:30 pm CST next Monday. These two teams will face off to play their entire 1st round series in a no holds barred battle royale fight to the finish. Best of luck to TessLog and I look forward until then. P.S. Decoder Ring
  8. I second Logan's response. The video just wasn't a highlight reel of goals. It was a great assortment of goals, hits and mishaps. Nice song choices and a lot of fun to watch!
  9. Hey guys, to all those who have games to finish, including myself, lets get those done even though the regular season deadline is over. We have a commitment to 56 games for the season and there's no reason why we can't complete that goal. I am available all day today. Going forward, I'll be available in the evenings. Looking forward to finishing it off.
  10. Well, you live long enough, I guess you're going to see everything. Congratulations on being the first girl to join this community and welcome. There's a lot of great people on here that will help you get started, as well as be eager to play anytime. Hit me up sometime if you want to get an exhi.
  11. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: "I'm currently laughing out loud at the moment. I believe you are mistaken since I did actually refer to this portion of your message in my last message. Furthermore, you stated that you shouldn't include that section in this forum thread. I did make mention that I pondered it for a moment but decided to forge ahead anyway. What a hoot. Please don't be upset. So how big is your penis?" I couldn't believe it either but that was the exact translation when I used my Carse Decoder Ring.
  12. I second that. I don't play any online games except NHL94 so I had no idea how this worked when I first joined. But guys like Addison, Gr8199, VC, Jesus, HABS were all a great help and displayed more than their fair share of patience with me trying to figure out everything. If you ever feel like playing an exhi or have any questions, let me know.
  13. You forgot the last part to that quote "... and don't think about using that in the gay thread. I'm just messing around. Sorry I haven't contacted you sooner to play our last game, I've been really tied up this week. I'll try to get it over with this weekend". Low blow Carse. Carse, do you know how I know your gay? Because you like to give low blows. lol
  14. I really don't know if this is happening or not... sorry, i just skimmed through... but if it's on... Chicago please.
  15. Carse, I would consider any time that we spend together meaningful, not meaningless... and don't think about using that in the gay thread. I'm just messing around. Sorry I haven't contacted you sooner to play our last game, I've been really tied up this week. I'll try to get it over with this weekend. Where's that monkeyjuice though???
  16. The tie breaker should be decided with a trip to Thunderdome. Two men in, one man out. I really see this as the only solution to the tiebreaker situation.
  17. Hurray, good point as usual. As interesting as that is to think about who actually owns a copy of nhl94 (I'm proud to say I have my original copy that BHF and I have actually played on my console)... who actually even owned a Genesis? Although, if you owned a Genesis console and didn't own a copy of nhl94, I think you would leave yourself open to even more ridicule. When I hear things like "my uncle owned a Genesis", I look down and shake my head. At the same time, it's nice to see the younger guys taking an interest and actually recognizing that an old school classic like this game is still The preferential game compared to the all talk, no walk gameplay of the new school systems.
  18. Thanks for the congrats, Dmac. I think there's a lot of guys in this league who could have matched those numbers if they had JR on their team. What can you say, JR is the ultimate force in 94... you can't do much wrong with him. I think Sandstrom putting up those numbers is a true testament of AngryJay's skills. I look forward to seeing how these upcoming playoffs pan out. Good luck to everyone.
  19. Skool, I don't follow wrestling... but by the sounds of it... it doesn't sound like you do either... good point nonetheless. He's had a good break and I really don't think he's going to be able to pass up another league. BHF, thanks for the gift to the draft league. You know I'm just the steward for Chicago until your return. Hope to see you next season.
  20. KingsCup did try to contact me last night but I wasn't around. For the last 4 coaches I have to play, please respond to this thread so I will make myself available for those times. Thanks.
  21. I have really only understood maybe 50% of your replies, this not being one of them. Maybe we need to change this thread to "Carse, you know how I know you ride the short bus?"
  22. KingsCup KG Man Monkeyjuice Snoboarder Not worried about my last game with Carse, I see him online quite a bit. To the other 3... haven't seen you guys on in awhile. However, I'm not on during the daytime so maybe that's why. I would like to finish up my games within the next couple days. If you guys could try to set up a time with a response to this thread, it would be greatly appreciated. The best time for me to play is after 7 CST. Thanks.
  23. Gone til Monday or Tuesday as well.
  24. Carse, you know how I know you're gay? B/c when asked about your favorite way to score, you answered with a guy's name.
  25. Carse, first of all, the only rule of this thread is to abide by the opening line. So when you about to attempt one of those lame lines that make no sense... my only wish is that you address the issue with "[insert name here], do you know why I know you're gay?" Which brings me to my next point... Carse, do you know why I know your gay? B/c instead of actually putting someone's name in the question, I know you were thinking next time to actually write the "[insert name here]" just to be that clever anal deboutant you really are.
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