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time for best of both countries to battle it out

frey and me vs whoever usa

Posted (edited)

i took the time and totaled all the usa wins by individual players to see who should face 2 candians (frey and habs?) for the summit cup! first heres all the usa wins so you can double check me if you want (its really late, i probably screwed up somehow)

GM1: USA 8 @ CAN 2 jesus/soh vs frey/habs

GM4: CAN 1 @ USA 8 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM6: CAN 5 @ USA 6 habs/hokk vs witt/soh

GM9:CAN (houli/IQ25) 1 @ 3 USA (donnybrook/jesus)

GM10:CAN (houli/IQ25) 2 @ 10 USA (donnybrook/jesus)

GM11:Ice/Jesus USA 6 @ Habs/beartime 0

GM12: Habs/BearTime 4 @ Jesus/ice USA 5 ot

GM16: USA (Witt, SOH) 4 @ 3 CAN (Freydey, Smoz)

GM19:USA (jesusplaysnhl94, SOH) 6 @ 3 CAN (sebe, flamingpavelbure)

GM20:USA (jesusplaysnhl94, SOH) 4 @ 2 CAN (sebe, flamingpavelbure)

GM22: CAN(IQ & Houli) 1 @ 3 US(MrOneTimer & Witt)

GM24: USA (polite, SOH) 4 @ 3 CAN (habs, freydey)

GM25: USA (polite, SOH) 5 @ 2 CAN (habs, freydey


GM35: 10 USA(carse/witt) @ 2 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM36: 11 USA(carse/witt) @ 1 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM37: 14 USA(carse/witt) @ 1 CAN(tuba/iq)

GM40: 1 Can (Houla/Gihtar) 10 USA (Carse/Witt

GM41: 7 USA (carse/witt) 6 CAN(habs/frey)

GM50: CAN (habs/shaft) 7 US (SOH/carse) 11

GM51: CAN(habs/shaft) 6 US (SOH/carse) 7

GM52: CAN(habs/shaft) 3 US (SOH/carse) 7

GM53: CAN(habs/shaft) 4 US (SOH/carse) 5 (OT)

GM54: US (SOH/carse) 8 CAN(habs/shaft) 6

GM55: US (SOH/carse) 6 CAN(habs/shaft) 5 (OT)

GM56: USA 9 (Bo, Carse) , 4 CAN (frey, habs)

GM59: USA (Ice, Bo) 9 , 4 CAN (Frey, Zalex

GM62: USA (Ice, Bo) 4 , 2 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM66: usa (bo, Carse) 9, 4 can (frey, hokk)

GM67: usa (bo, Carse) 7, 5 can (frey, hokk)

GM69: (Carse/Deathblood) Usa 10-7 Can (Hokkee/IQ)

GM70: Usa (Carse/Deathblood) 5-2 Can (Hokkee/IQ

GM72: USA (Carse/SOH) 9 - 8 (FREY/SHAFT) CAN


GM76:CAN (Zalex, Hou) 4 - 5 USA (Ice, Matthuray) ot

GM77: CAN (Zalex, Hou) 7 - 8 USA (Ice, Matthuray)

GM79: USA (bo, SOH) 6 - 4 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM81: USA (Carse/SOH) 9 - 5 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM82: USA (Carse/SOH) 7 - 6 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM83: USA (Carse/SOH) 6 - 5 CAN (Frey, Zalex)

GM88: CAN (smozoma/houli) 4 @ 7 (donnybrook/icestorm) USA

GM89: CAN (smozoma/houli) 2 @ 4 (donnybrook/icestorm) USA

GM90: CAN (habs/sonix) 6 @ 7 OT (jesusplaynhl94/jrodimus) USA

GM91: CAN (habs/sonix) 2 @ 4 (jesusplaysnhl94/jrodimus) USA

GM95: CAN (louie4teen/digdugg) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/SOH) USA

GM96: CAN (louie4teen/gihtarman) 3 @ 7 (jesusplaysnhl94/SOH) USA

GM98: CAN (louie14/digdug) 3 @ USA (SOH/donny) 4 (OT)

GM99: CAN (louie14/digdug) 6 @ USA (SOH/donny) 7 (OT

GM102: CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 0 @ 1 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM103: CAN (Freydey/houlanov) 1 @ 4 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM104: CAN (Freydey/flamingpavelbure) 2 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/boknowsnhl94) USA

GM105: CAN (zalex/freydey) 3 @ 4 (icestorm/donnybrook)USA

GM107: USA (icestorm/donnybrook) 6 @ 2 (zalex/freydey) CAN

GM109: CAN (houli/smozoma) 3 @ 6 (carse/donnybrook)USA

GM110: CAN (houli/smozoma) 1 @ 5 (carse/donnybrook) USA

GM113: Canada (Smo/Shaft) - 1 @ USA (Ice/Wags) - 5

GM114: Canada (Smo/Shaft) - 4 @ USA (Ice/Wags) - 5

GM115: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6 OT

GM116: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6

GM121: USA 4 (Wags/Ice) CAN 1 (Shaft/Oldschoolnhl94er)

GM123: (houli/iq25) CAN:4 @ USA:5 (sarcdoc/iceguy)

GM126: CAN (louie4teen/james7798200) 5 @ 8 (jesusplaynhl94/donnybrook94) USA

GM127: USA (jesusplaysnhl94/SOH) 4 @ 2 (smozoma/sebe) CAN

GM128: CAN(smoz/FPB) 3 @ USA (SOH/Donny)4 ot

GM130: USA 7 (jesus/SOH) @ CAN 5 (smoz/frey)

GM133: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 6 @ 3 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM135: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 6 @ 4 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM136: USA (SOH/donnybrook) 12 @ 7 (sebe/houli) CAN

GM137: (smoz / houli) CAN 6 @ 7 USA (SOH/ jrod)

GM138: (smoz / houli) CAN 5 @ 6 USA (SOH/ jrod)

GM145: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 5 @ 8 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM147: CAN (Freydey/Zalex) 3 @ 5 USA (Carse/Boknows)

GM151: USA (SOH/bo) 7 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 5

GM152: USA (SOH/bo) 8 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 3

GM153: USA (SOH/Carse) 6 CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 5

GM154: USA(SOH/Carse) 14, CAN (rynweimyer/Houlanov) 7

GM155: USA (carse, soh) 7 @ 2 CAN (Frey, IQ)

GM158: CAN (Sebe/Zalex) 1 @ 3 USA (Shifty/DonnyBrook)

GM161: (SOH/Shifty) USA 10 - 1 CAN (Hokkee/Shaft)

GM162: (SOH/Shifty) USA 6- 4 CAN (Hokkee/Shaft)

GM165: CAN (Zalex/Guitarman) 4 @ 6 USA (Shifty/Carse)

GM173: CAN (Habs/Zalex) 3 @ 7 USA (IceStorm/Carse)

GM174: USA (IceStorm/Carse) 7 @ CAN (Houly/Hokkee) 4

GM175: USA (IceStorm/Carse) 6 @ CAN (Houly/Hokkee) 5

GM176: USA (IceStorm/Carse) 10 @ CAN (Houly/Hokkee) 1

GM178: CAN (Habs/Smoz) 5 @ 7 USA (Jesus/Carse



GM184: Freydey/Zalex) 3 @ 6 USA (IceStorm/Carse)

GM187: CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 3 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

GM188: CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 5 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

GM189: CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 4 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

GM190: CAN (freydey/hokkee*) 1 @ 4 (jesus/donny) USA

GM191: CAN (freydey/hokkee) 0 @ 5 (jesus/donny) USA

GM192: (Carse/SOH) USA 9 - 2 CAN (Smoz/Houli)

GM193: (Carse/SOH)USA 3 - 2 CAN (Smoz/Houli)

GM194: (Carse/SOH)USA 5 - 3 CAN (Smoz/Houli)


carse - 43

SOH - 42

donnybrook - 22

jesus - 21

icestorm - 20

bo - 11

Witt - 10

clearly it should be carse and soh for team usa in the final. i didnt count but if i had to guess i would say the team the won the most games would have probably have been the team of SOH/Carse anyway so it works out both ways. lets go boys!

go usa!! :angry:

Edited by donnybrook
Guest Wags13
Posted (edited)
time for best of both countries to battle it out

frey and me vs whoever usa

If you want best of both countries then why are you picking Frey as your teammate? :D


GM115: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6 OT

GM116: USA (Wags/Ice) - 7 @ Canada (Houlanov/Shafter) - 6

GM121: USA 4 (Wags/Ice) CAN 1 (Shaft/Oldschoolnhl94er)

These were obviously the games that turned the tide- hahaha- 3-0 this year baby! :lol: :lol:

Edited by Wags13

carse - 43

SOH - 42

donnybrook - 22

jesus - 21

icestorm - 20

bo - 11

Witt - 10

clearly it should be carse and soh for team usa in the final. i didnt count but if i had to guess i would say the team the won the most games would have probably have been the team of SOH/Carse anyway so it works out both ways. lets go boys!

go usa!! :lol:

thats pretty cool deady, but the most representative format would be with the W%.....that would mean wags would be the captain of team usa..yah nvm, keep that format

Guest Wags13
Posted (edited)

hahaha great reply! you did forget to read the fine print -ten game minimum played

Edited by Wags13

Ya I'm not dillusional, just competitive as hell, but ya VC/Jesus/Carse should prolly decide which two should play.

But dammit I want at it. Nice rally boys



USA 2 - 4 Can

USA 6 - 5 CAN OT


USA 3 - 2 CAN

USA 100



  • Thanks 1

Well done my USA brethern. Excellent tournament fella's. The participation was outstanding. Couldn't ask for a better finish.

When does series 3 begin? I think we should put a poll up for what players are on the ROM (Miller should definitely be the USA goalie), Or have the option of either Miller/Thomas.

CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 3 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 5 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

CAN (IQ25/Tubahero) 4 @ 7 (carse/donnybrook) USA

I EXTREMELY regret not turning off my power bar when Tubahero logged on. (no offense, but still . . .)


USA 88


Keeep yoooour eyyeeeeee, onnnn theee fruuuuuit.

Legendary comeback by the United States of 2on2.

A statue of cheddar cheese will be erected in Voc and Carse's honor for the winning the battle of Gettys2on2'sberg.

Burger king crowns for every one involved, good show!

Posted (edited)
I EXTREMELY regret not turning off my power bar when Tubahero logged on. (no offense, but still . . .)


nah u dont have to, u guys new to the 2on2 thing and your both rookies! GGs

Edited by Freydey

Team USA, you definetely owe me at least two slurpees and a hooker. And IQ, please, PLEASE call these large tanned men off of me, I swear to never mention the number "2" in your vicinity ever again...

Guest Wags13

I love how team Canada is selling out Meatskid.. kinda reminds me when I called out team USA players last year and was "banned" for it.

Team Canada- you're now banned

America's Cup baby!

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