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SNES Dynasty **TEST Rom" download

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TEST ROM-version 2!!

Here is the updated "TEST" ROM for Season2-1994. Please test it for any mistakes that I may have made.

Here are a few things to check:

  • Correct players on your team. Also, the names are spelled like the original ROM has them.
  • Correct jersey numbers.
  • Correct shooting hand. (Tony Amonte is the only error in the original ROM, it is corrected in Dyanasty)
  • Correct attributes. Sometimes my eyes bug out when editting so there may be mistakes.
I went through and CAREFULLY re-checked all players, jersey #'s, shooting hands AND attributes. Some attributes were corrected. They are officially all correct.
  • Correct lines. You also may edit the lines before the final version is released
  • Anything else that catches your attention.

Once all corrections for 14 teams are confirmed, then I will release the final version.

Coaches that need final approval:

  • Brutus
  • The Shron
  • Hazmat13
  • BobK
  • Kashim
  • BoKnows
  • Jonee
  • Chaos
  • Pondhcky
  • c4outlaws
  • jackandjose
  • BlackDevil
  • Xcing1030
  • Annatar

Season 2-1994 Test ROM #2...SNES-Dynasty-S2-94-TESTONLY-ver2.zip

Edited by c4outlaws
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Obviously, I can check all the numbers, hands, lines, etc, but since the game doesn't display accurate ratings in game menus, how would I know if you've made an error on actual attributes?

I'm only asking because I'm wondering if there is a program I'm not of aware of for SNES that would enable me to check this, and me, being just a dumb Gens guy, happened to not be aware of it.

Thx for ALL your help with the ROM!!

Really, really appreciated.

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There is a SNES editor that is somewhere in the forum. I think its version 0.81. Search for it. Thats what I use to edit the rom. You can check in there. Just open the classic rom and compare players to the dynasty rom.

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hey C4,

Great work on this test rom, this is actually really cool. As for my 'fix' requests...

1 - can you change the number of Don Beaupre from 33 to 35? should solve overlap issue

2 - can you change my starting lineup so my starting Left Defensemen is Calle Johansson, and move Nichlas Lidstrom to the bench please?


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First off, THANKS on the link for the editor. NEVER KNEW!

I'll be sure to try to help out some in the future. Totally killed on work right now, or I'd try to check everyone else's rosters.

I only caught one error on mine, Poulin has agility 65, and a few other 65's in there where you have him at 55's.

Other than that, Michigan is ALL TIGHT.

Again, mega-thanks bud.

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Hey, Schneider can be #23 and Kamensky can be #13. That should clear everything up on my end, except that bug where I take a shot and the other team's goalie blocks it. That doesn't seem quite right, I'm pretty sure the puck should go in the goal when I shoot.

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