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MattyA - GENS

  1. Name, age, occupation, location, system
    Matt Asbury, 54, Vice President of DASpecialists (a healthcare data management company)
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    In short: Family, Baseball, Music, and Hockey.  The long answer is….I played baseball from the time I was 5 all the way through college. While in college I started playing with bands, so once I realized I did not have the potential for baseball after college, I jumped in a van and played bass guitar with multiple regional touring bands until my wife and I had quadruplets in 2009.  Since 2009, I have played no music and gotten back into baseball by coaching youth baseball.  We also had another baby, a singleton this time, in 2015. I generally spend every night watching the Atlanta Braves (Chop On, baby!) or other baseball games during baseball season IF I am not at the ball field myself.  During hockey season, I watch all the Carolina Hurricanes games that are broadcast locally or the national broadcasts on NHL Network and TBS.
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    MY roommate at the time and I bought the first NHL Hockey game for Sega Genesis in 1991, when it first came out.  We graduated to NHLPA the next year and then to the holy grail, NHL 94 in 1993.  But then, I moved on to NHL 95, NHL 96 and NHL 97 on Genesis before moving to a PS1 for NHL98.  The release of NHL94 Rewind on NHL 21 (Xbox One) got me back into NHL 94.  So, I drug my old Gens console out and started playing the old CART’s.
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    I became aware of NHL94.com / nhl94online.com back in 2020.  I must say that I kinda shied away from playing online once I saw some of you guys play (Kingraph, DanTML, snozoma & a few others) as I did not have the skills to even be in the same room with all you guy as I had not played 94, or any other 16-bit hockey, since 1998. But after a year and a half of playing 94 against the CPU, I wanted to play others-even if I get my ass kicked every time.  
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    My favorite thing is that it is still a “game”.  I play the current NHL series (21 being the most current) and they are like watching a TV broadcast.  They are fun, but not the fun like when I was playing Genesis in the early-to-mid 90’s and would play for 48 hours straight on weekends and fall asleep at my desk on Mondays.  Great times indeed…and feel this group offers the same possibilities!
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
    Compared to most people, my kids included, no. I do play NHL 21 & MLB: The Show on a regular basis, but the time I spend playing the 16-bit NHL games on emulators and consoles has decreased my playing of even those 2 games to a slow trickle.
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    Oh yes….BIG TIME!!!  I only follow hockey and baseball.
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    Up until I found NHL94.com / nhl94online.com, I did not even know these live tourneys existed, so as of right now have not been to any.  BUT that will change in the future!
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
    As my name is Matt, I just took how all the TSN/NHL Network/ESPN personalities always called players like Doug Gilmour “Dougie” and ran with it.
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
    Brian Bradley. I was living in Sarasota, FL when the first 4 16-bit Genesis games came out, so naturally when the Lightning started playing (1992-93 season), I bought season tickets that inaugural season.  Bradley was our “star”, so when 94 came out and it included my beloved Lightning, I obviously gravitated to him.  Fast forward almost 30 years and I live in NC and ama “huge Caniac”, I still have a love for Brian Bradley that will never be replicated!


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  1. Name, age, occupation, location, system
    (Jonaz99)Jonathan Plante ,44, Quebec,Canada
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    New and old computer and console, hockey,Baseball,Fly fishing
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    I was maybe 16 yrs old at the time...at a friend house making tournament it was the best time...
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    I was playing nhl 94 on my sega genesis...and i was thinking that it will be cool to play nhl 94 online and i have no idea that we can do it..i start searching on the web and i found nhl94.com
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    The feel of the game..i dont know its just fun ans well made
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play? Yes been playing since....a lot of years ..I have almost all console since early 80s to the ps5...i play some retro game like Mike Tyson Punch out and Snes punch-out,Baseball Star, Bad news Baseball,Pac-man colecovision, etc...and on to the Ps5 Nhl series (Nhl 22)...I must say that im a sports gamer lolll
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    Yeah for sure...Go Habs Go (but lets forget this year ok )
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    No never ...im new here but maybe one day
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why?)
    Stephane Lebeau i dont know why but i like to play with him hes smooth,quick,have a nice shot.....and my idole 99 the goat!!
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  1. Name, age, occupation, location, system
    Thomas Solarik, 39, Corporate Sales (Hillenbrand Inc.), Toronto, Genesis and at times SNES(TSB3/Super Mario/Legend of Zelda)
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    Custom roms on as many platforms as I can hack. Writer (4 books published), Hiking, and anything Google Sheets related
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    About when I was 12 or 13, my parents  (my dad), bought my brother and I a genesis with 3 games (Sonic, World Series and NHL94, a year bought 95). The love for hockey was already there and 94 brought me and my brother a lot of joy and fights. I can still remember scoring the first goal off the back of the glass hit the goalie and going in. Montreal v Chicago.
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    Started looking for updated rosters for football games and came across this site and wanted to see what it was all about. But, took over 20 years between the last time I played 94/95 to first playing online NHL94. First league, was the CDL C League this past year. Then developed with a few fine folks @kingraphand @segathon the WN95HL online league for NHL95.
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    1x Goals....my favorite part and obviously the fact as fun as it is today as back when 12 year old Thomas was playing, the true genius of the game and how simple but complex it is. 
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
    A lone gamer before this site came along. Mostly, Old retro games have always been my jam. The XBOX OG is the last system, modern system I played.
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    Montreal Canadiens/Winnipeg Jets fan both from the early 80s until now. NFL (played University Football myself) a huge 49ers fan. 
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    Never been.
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
    UltraMagnus...Growing up in the 80s everyone knew or heard of Transformers. Everyone loved Optimus Prime, but seem like he got his ass kicked alot of the time...Similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. But always won in the end. I just was drawn more to Ultra Magnus, his General and closest friend (viewed as a potential replacement for him for the matrix of leadership). Never to the focal point, but always there to service and jump in when needed, as well as loyal.
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
    Selanne...Jets...fast....and favorite player growing up.
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illegalsmileIV:XX - SNES

1. Name, age, occupation, location?
Clement, 40. I'm a freelance writer/journalist, living, and working, with my missus of 10 years in Birmingham, England. 

2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
I'm two-thirds of the way through writing a semi-autobiographical, though mainly fictional, novel, at the moment. Interests outside of writing include reading, Blues and Country music, painting, guitars, Cigar Box Guitars, harmonica, stand up comedy, retro technology and, obviously, Hockey. I also enjoy collecting vinyl records, rolling papers and typewriters, all while staying 4:20 friendly and being the best exponent of Dudeism I can be.

3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
I was around the age of 18 and I worked with a Russian guy, who I used to get drunk and stoned with on the reg, while we played GoldenEye and MK64. He introduced me to Hockey games with Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey and I introduced him to "Alternative Comedy," with The Young One's, Bottom and The Comic Strip Presents videos. He happened to mention how good the 16-bit generation of Hockey games were, NHL '94 particularly. I'd never played any sports games, back in the day. I was more into Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat, as a kid. I have been a complete Nintendo fanboy since around the age of twelve, so it wasn't long before I went and bought a long forgotten SNES again. (I'd owned one previously to the N64, but had sold it, along with all the games, to help pay for the brand new N64 console.) It was around the year 2000 when I repurchased the Super Nintendo, the console and the games could be found for pennies. I bought a ton of games from charity and junk shops, some of which were awesome titles you'd pay a fortune for today - Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Metroid and Harvest Moon, all of which I bought for no more than £1 each. One of the games I'd picked up was NHL '94, the game I'd been told so much about, on many a drunk and stoned N64 and Young One's marathon night. I played '94 and fell in love with it, I realised quickly, after getting hold of '95-'98, and NHLPA '93, NHL '94 was hands down the best Hockey game of the 16-bit era. Even then, I knew it was special. From that point on, twenty-two years later, '94 is still the game I play more than any other. (With honorable mention's going out to NBA Jam T.E., M.K. 2 and UMK 3.)

4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)

Without this video popping up in my YouTube feed, I'd have never have known about the community. But, yes, I was definitely playing prior to finding the community.

5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
The sheer simplicity of it, it isn't something you need to dedicate a huge amount of time to, before gaining a full understanding of the controls. Once you get to know the controls and a little understanding of the game itself, you start to see how differently weighted different teams are. You see the differing play-styles, the skating, you want to experiment with every team, the lines, manual goalie and off sides. And before you know it, you've been playing for twenty years, or more...

6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
Definitely. It started at the age of eight with a Commodore 64 and copies of Wonder Boy and Silk Worm, then I moved onto the Amiga 500, Cannon Fodder, Elite and Lemmings. Before I knew it, the Console Wars had started and I enlisted to serve my country, serving my time and fighting alongside Field Marshall Mario and Nintendo. This, I did with pride, right up until the release of the PS2. The PS2, for me, was the most exciting console since the release of the Super Nintendo. I later went on to buy a PS3 and felt cheated by the console, from that point on, I purposely turned away from modern gaming. By this time, I'd already bought a SNES and still owned my PS2, so I sold my PS3 and bought an Atari VCS. I followed that up with a NES, another N64, a ZX Spectrum and an Amiga 500. Nowadays, all I own are "retro" systems and computers. I prefer pixels over perfection.

7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
Hard Yes! I'm an Oilers supporter, but also enjoy watching the Wild and Bruins as well. Sadly, I decided upon the Oilers as my team, I still have no idea why, but there we are... Now, I'll watch pretty much any Hockey game, from any league. The only other sports I can really watch and take an interest in are Basketball, (Go Celtics!), and Baseball, (Go Red Sox!), but neither are as interesting, or as exciting to watch as Hockey.

8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
I have never been to a live tournament, would like to, but haven't yet.

9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
Illegal Smile was the name of my first band, it was named after the John Prine song. The IV:XX is just 4:20 in Roman numerals. I lowercase the "i," at the beginning purely because it's more aesthetically pleasing.

10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
It's got to be The Great One. I mean, just out of loyalty... [Taking off the rose-tints] Besides Gretz, I'd have to go with Yzerman. He was the first player who truly stood out to me as being different. Mistakes are non-existent with him, he's one of the few completely fully-rounded players, he can turn on a dime and shoot as quick and direct as a bullet from a gun.

Edited by illegalsmileIV:XX
Changing and improving punctuation and wording... Most of which wouldn't be noticeable to anyone, besides my perfectionist (and slightly OCD) self!!
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1. Name, age, occupation, location?
Evan, 37.9 (older than DanTML),  Electrical Engineering Technologist, Halifax Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
Mountain biking, sim racing, tennis, reading, foreign film, music (the music itself as well as audio gear)

3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
Played some Blades of Steel, Ice Hockey on NES and NHLPA Hockey '93 on Genesis at friends houses when I was a kid.  For some reason I didn't get a hockey game of my own until NHL 95 for SNES.  Started playing NHL 94 (SNES) with a friend who had it and for the next decade or so would continue to claim 95 was better years after I'd even played it but continued playing 94.

4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)

Got an invite to the first SoCHEL tournament because I was on some mailing list that I didn't consent to from attending the tournament in Halifax.  This led me to the Discord which definitely is what kept me hanging around.  I played pretty much weekly (drunkenly before and after the bars) up until I moved away from the friends that played in 2011.  Just a couple times a year after that.

5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
Definitely love the fact that you need to use manual goalie to be competitive.  Newer games if you try and control the goalie you're generally gonna have a bad time.   Also enjoy the 90s superstars I loved as a kid.

6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
I play the new NHL games online each year, mostly with friends on the same team the past few years. Love Dark Souls and Bloodborne, so pretty pumped for Elden Ring to come out.  Dead Cells is one game that's hooked me for the past year or so.  Fewer and fewer games are getting my interest these days, especially with all the 'games as a service' bullshit and whatnot. 

7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
Use to love hockey.  Would watch all of the playoffs no matter what.  At this point I'm pretty much just a NY Rangers fan.  I'll watch almost all of their games, but rarely tune in to any other games, even the Stanley Cup finals.  Just started watching F1 a couple years ago.  Heard there was a bunch of crazy crashes the first race of the season, so watched a replay of it and then every race since.  I love that you can take in the sport in pretty much its entirety with three hours of commitment every other week.  Also qualification and races are most often 10am Saturday and Sunday here which is perfect for me since I rarely put on pants or even think about leaving the house before noon on weekends.

8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
I learned the screen name of the guy that won the live tourney was dangler only after the fact.  Wasn't really a surprise since he dangles.

9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
There was one kid who started calling me Mooney.  I asked him why, and he said he saw someone with that last name in movie credits and thought it was a dumb name.  Started using it for things online back when nobody used their real name for anything,

10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
I'll go with a couple of my most used for SNES draft and salary cap league.  Pierre Turgeon:  good size, decently mobile with a great shot.  Pretty much a discount Sandstrom, who seems quite a bit more popular.  Rob Blake: crushing, mobile RD which are few and far between in the game.

Edited by Mooney
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1. Name, age, occupation, location, system?
John M, 35, Civil Engineer with the Public Water utility, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, SNES.

2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
Ice hockey, ball hockey, golf, sometimes play other sports like soccer and snowboarding. Love the ocean and being on the water. Enjoy traveling although haven't done much in last few years. Prefer to listen to podcasts over music.

3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
Not sure the exact timeline. I think it was late 90's. My siblings and I weren't allowed to have video game consoles growing up, any games we did play were on the computer. Until sometime in the late 90's my older brother bought a used SNES at a flea market or something. It came with like a dozen games and NHL94 was one of them. I honestly don't remember playing it that often when we first got it. It wasn't until I went to university where I decided to bring the SNES with me to play with my roommates, that's where I fell in love with NHL94. From 2006-2008 I probably played a best of 7 series with my roommates every day. So 100's maybe even 1000 best of 7 series were played over a 2 year span. A couple of my roommates were awful at the game but there was one roommate (Birdman86) who was competitive with me and we had a ton of fun playing it. We'd pickup a 12 pack of beer each from the Alexander Keith's brewery next door and sit down and crush NHL94 until all the beer were gone (about midnight) then head to the bar for a couple hours and often continue playing when we got home until we passed out.

4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)

It was in early 2008. Not sure how I found it, maybe just googling the game or something. I knew I was good at the game vs my friends and when I found this online community I was excited to try it out and see how competitive I was. My first online games were against JotaC, who was the defending SNES Classic champ at the time. I split games with him 1-1 using the keyboard and he was pretty shocked I think. He said I should join online and so I ordered a SNES controller adapter off of ebay and signed up for 2008 Spring Classic which I ended up winning with STL.

After graduating from University in 2008, I bounced around a lot over the next couple years changing jobs and locations, living in areas with very unreliable internet connections so I played a bit online from 2008-10 but my availability became less and less. It eventually became too difficult to sync up with players for games so I stopped playing from 2010-2017 until I was contacted by Halifax about the upcoming Halifax and Las Vegas live tournaments. I attended both of those events but then stopped playing again until SoChel 2020 came around and I fell in love with it again and have been online playing ever since.

5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
I love how competitive it is to play against someone with top end skills. There's no such thing as "cheap goals" against a great player because every goal is defendable with how you play either defensively or how you use your manual goaltender. You can have 10-9 blowout games, or you can have 1-0 super defensive games and either version is so much fun as long as it's competitive.

6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
Like I said I never really had gaming console systems as a kid, and I've kind of continued that into my adult life. I have a very addictive personality to games (luckily not drugs), so it's probably in my best interests to limit the amount of games I play. NHL94 is pretty much the only game I play although I will join the other community members in the odd game of Haxball or Risk.

7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
Yes, I've always liked playing and watching hockey. I'm a big Pittsburgh Penguins fan because I live in the same hometown as Sidney Crosby and have enjoyed following his career. I also follow the NFL and I'm a Patriots fan. I really like watching Golf, especially the majors and enjoy following the Raptors and Bluejays (admittedly only when they have good teams).

8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
I attended the small live tourney in Halifax, NS in 2017 just prior to going to the Kof94-2 tournament in Las Vegas. It was a lot of fun meeting all the different community members. The Vancouver guys (Jammer, Fed, Kris Mack) were definitely a big surprise that tournament because they were unknown to the community beforehand and they all did so well with Jammer ultimately winning.

9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
No real story to it. Anyone who has played me knows that I like to deke a lot which we used to call "dangle" when I played with my friends, so naturally when I had to think of a screen name dangler was my choice because it was an accurate description of my style.

10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
Probably Jeremy Roenick. I feel he often gets the recognition of being a great Sega player but doesn't get as much respect in SNES because of his size. His skills are just as good in SNES as they are in Sega, you just need to learn how to deal with his size to make him an effective player. If you can avoid the checks, he's certainly one of the top players in the game based on his skills.

Edited by dangler
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kidswasted - SNES/GENS

Name, age, occupation, location, system

  1. Chris A, 34, Software Support for an EdTech company, New Hampshire(originally from Massachusetts), SNES and Gens
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    Hiking, listening to music, guitar, movies, video games, watching/playing sports, brewing and drinking beer(love hefeweizens)
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    My cousin had 92(best intro music in the series. Reminds me of Road Rash). My older brother eventually got NHLPA 93 which had the player names and edit lines features. For some reason that was the last Gens EA hockey game we owned but my parents bought us 94 for SNES the next year. My next-door neighbor friends had 93 and 95 on Gens and 94 and 96 on SNES for some reason. We almost always played 93 Gens or 94 SNES just like I had at my house. 95 felt too fast and out of control so we always gravitated back to 93/94. We would play on almost a daily basis until about 2005 when we graduated high school and went off to college. What's funny is we would enable manual goalie and d-control in the menus but never figured out how to use either in-game although we didn't try very hard either. Both households apparently lost or threw out the game manuals and the internet was rather new. I would play 94 SNES every now and then on emulators over the years but mainly against the CPU. Although I've had almost 30 years experience with 94 SNES I had to learn how to utilize manual goalie on both consoles and one-timers in 94 Gens over the past 2 years as neither were present in NHLPA 93.
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    I found this site when looking for the 94 rom one day around 2010. Then I found updates rosters and things like that which was amazing. I believe I joined around 2010 as that was then a requirement to download roms from the forums. I would come back almost annually for the latest roster updates but didn't join any leagues or anything. I finally dove in once I received a SoChel invitation through EventBrite where I ran some 5k's through in the past.
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    10 minute real-time games, the fluidity of the skating, ease to play/difficult to master. I feel Gens is like chess while SNES is like checkers. I love both but Gens is more strategic with weights, different ways of scoring, etc. SNES is great to just pick up and play but still tough to master. It's more arcade-y to me which I love.
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
    Yes I took a break for a few years in the mid 00s but came back to own every generation of Xbox. Feel free to add me(kidswasted). I typically play the perennial COD games as well as Fortnite, Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon, Far Cry, Rocket League, Sea of Thieves. I have EA Access too which provides 10 hours of gameplay for all EA games each year. I rarely make it the full 10 hours each year in NHL and Madden but still play from time to time.
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    Yes I used to run a money fantasy league until it became too much of a burden. I still join random Yahoo leagues for fun. I follow the 4 main sports including the Six Nations rugby tournament(go Ireland) but baseball is dying for me. I don't catch as many live games as I used to outside of football. Bruins, Patriots, Celtics, Sox, Boston College fan here.
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    I have never been but would love to when COVID stops actin a fool.
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
    I originally joined as BergieandFries47 to gain access to the custom roms. This was in reference to one of my favorite Bruins of all-time, Patrice Bergeron, and my love of french fries. However I updated it after the SoChel invite to kidswasted. Kidswasted started years ago with my family and friends as sort of a SMH replacement. If someone does or says something stupid or funny we would always say "wow kid's wasted".
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
    Gens-Loved the Red wings on 93 as well as 94. I'd say Yzerman was my favorite on Gens growing up. I think JR or Bure are my current favorites. SNES-Neely/Bourque growing up. Sandstrom these days.


Edited by kidswasted
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15 hours ago, UltraMagnus said:
  1. Name, age, occupation, location, system
    Thomas Solarik, 39, Corporate Sales (Hillenbrand Inc.), Toronto, Genesis and at times SNES(TSB3/Super Mario/Legend of Zelda)
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    Custom roms on as many platforms as I can hack. Writer (4 books published), Hiking, and anything Google Sheets related
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    About when I was 12 or 13, my parents  (my dad), bought my brother and I a genesis with 3 games (Sonic, World Series and NHL94, a year bought 95). The love for hockey was already there and 94 brought me and my brother a lot of joy and fights. I can still remember scoring the first goal off the back of the glass hit the goalie and going in. Montreal v Chicago.
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    Started looking for updated rosters for football games and came across this site and wanted to see what it was all about. But, took over 20 years between the last time I played 94/95 to first playing online NHL94. First league, was the CDL C League this past year. Then developed with a few fine folks @kingraphand @segathon the WN95HL online league for NHL95.
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    1x Goals....my favorite part and obviously the fact as fun as it is today as back when 12 year old Thomas was playing, the true genius of the game and how simple but complex it is. 
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
    A lone gamer before this site came along. Mostly, Old retro games have always been my jam. The XBOX OG is the last system, modern system I played.
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    Montreal Canadiens/Winnipeg Jets fan both from the early 80s until now. NFL (played University Football myself) a huge 49ers fan. 
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    Never been.
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
    UltraMagnus...Growing up in the 80s everyone knew or heard of Transformers. Everyone loved Optimus Prime, but seem like he got his ass kicked alot of the time...Similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. But always won in the end. I just was drawn more to Ultra Magnus, his General and closest friend (viewed as a potential replacement for him for the matrix of leadership). Never to the focal point, but always there to service and jump in when needed, as well as loyal.
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
    Selanne...Jets...fast....and favorite player growing up.

you wrote books!  wow what kinds?


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  1. Name, age, occupation, location, system
    Jon B; 41; Director of IT for a health care company; Blaine, Minnesota; snes & gens
  2. What hobbies or other interests do you have?
    Cooking, baking, reading
  3. When did you get introduced to the game NHL'94?  How did it happen?
    I had 93 for SNES growing up, it wasn't that good. I met @segathon through the Tecmo community and played 95 at his Segathon Tournament. And then the pandemic started, I joined the 94 discord since I knew about it thanks to @halifax, signed up for SoChel, and started playing 94 for the first time in my life that spring.
  4. When did you get introduced to nhl94.com and the online community? Were you playing between these two dates?  (That is, between first becoming aware of game, and first becoming aware of nhl94.com.)
    Introduced to the online community via association with the Tecmo Super Bowl community, so I always knew of its existence since about 2006. Up until 2020, I had not played 94 in person or online. 
  5. What are a couple things that you love about the game?
    You can win or be competitive with any style of play, not all the most successful guys play the exact same way. Room for creativity in the gameplay as well, plus there are always different ways of performing new/existing techniques which adds to the fun and doesn't make the learning curve as rough.  
  6. Are you a gamer in general? What other games do you play?
    Yes. I own a Switch, so I play Breath of the Wild, Metroid Dread, Mario Party Superstars, Mario Kart. I am trying to get in to Football Manager on my PC, but the time commitment to be any good at it is daunting. 
  7. Do you follow hockey in real life? Any other sports?
    I watch hockey when I can, though I am an Oilers fan and its tough to find Oilers games on in Minnesota consistently. I follow cricket, rugby, and soccer. 
  8. If you have been to a live tourney, what was it like meeting the real people behind the screen names? Any big surprises?
    I have never been to a live NHL 94 tournament (my first will be in February in Minneapolis). Having been to plenty of live Tecmo Super Bowl tournaments, meeting the actual guys is always a blast. 
  9. What is behind your screen name? (Origin story, if there is one.)
    In the Tecmo Super Bowl community, I was known as QB_Browns which I chose since it was funny and generic. When I went to Segathon for the first time, I was called Tecmo Jon so all the guys there knew I was not any good at 95 and I was a friend of @segathonso I just kept it for the 94 community. 
  10. Favorite NHL94 player in game (and why)?
    I always thought Sergei Fedorov was so cool on the ice, so him I suppose
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