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Attached is a file of summary statistics from Classic Summer 2020, all leagues.  One column = one league.  There are also some amalgamations of multiple leagues in the file.  GENS-ALL combines all Gens leagues.  SNES-ALL combines all SNES leagues.  SNES-A combines SNES-A-EAST and SNES-A-WEST.  So now we can finally say GENS PLAYERS PLAY LIKE THIS WHILE SNES PLAYERS PLAY LIKE THIS.


Key findings:

-Gens games average about 7.6 goals while SNES games average about 8.6 goals despite both having about 25 shots per game, meaning that SNES players score with 5% more of their shots than Gens players

-Scoring goes up slightly in period 3

-Shooting percentage drops substantially as you go down the A, B, C levels

-Gens games average about half a penalty more per game

-SNES players succeed at scoring on the power play about 4% more often than Gens players

-SNES players score slightly more shorthanded goals per power play than Gens players

-Gens players manage almost one more breakaway attempt per game than SNES players

-Gens players score their one-timers about 5% more often than SNES players

-Penalty shots occur at equal rates on both systems and we score them 36.4% of the time

-SNES games average 2 body checks more per game than Gens

-SNES players try 13 more passes per game and complete 11 more per game, for an increased success rate of about 3%.  Note that I have applied an adjustment to the completed pass numbers where by one-timer attempts are counted as completed passes (neither system counts a one-timer as a completed pass)

-SNES players score quickly after goals and period starts a little more frequently than Gens players (the GoalsScoredWithinXSecondsOfCIF means "Goals Scored Within X Seconds of a Center Ice Faceoff")

-The player leading after period 1 wins nearly 80% of the time.  The player leading after period 2 wins almost 90% of the time.


Let me know if you think of any interesting analytics that I could calculate.


  Classic_Summer2020_GENS-ALL Classic_Summer2020_SNES-ALL Classic_Summer2020_GENS-A Classic_Summer2020_SNES-A Classic_Summer2020_GENS-B-EAST Classic_Summer2020_GENS-B-WEST Classic_Summer2020_GENS-C Classic_Summer2020_SNES-A-EAST Classic_Summer2020_SNES-A-WEST Classic_Summer2020_SNES-B Classic_Summer2020_SNES-C
Games 1115 1018 280 520 271 256 308 260 260 260 238
Ties 0 8 0 4 0 0 0 1 3 3 1
Shutouts 78 62 18 19 19 16 25 7 12 19 24
ShutoutsPct 0.07 0.061 0.064 0.037 0.07 0.062 0.081 0.027 0.046 0.073 0.101
Goals 8508 8809 2297 4840 2012 1967 2232 2506 2334 2196 1773
Shots 27630 24945 6716 12418 6467 6434 8013 6504 5914 6377 6150
ShootPct 0.308 0.353 0.342 0.39 0.311 0.306 0.279 0.385 0.395 0.344 0.288
GoalsPerGame 7.63 8.653 8.204 9.308 7.424 7.684 7.247 9.638 8.977 8.446 7.45
ShotsPerGame 24.78 24.504 23.986 23.881 23.863 25.133 26.016 25.015 22.746 24.527 25.84
GoalsP1 2778 2904 763 1609 626 640 749 829 780 730 565
GoalsP1PerGame 2.491 2.853 2.725 3.094 2.31 2.5 2.432 3.188 3 2.808 2.374
ShotsP1 8952 7989 2200 3974 2087 2061 2604 2097 1877 2013 2002
ShotsP1PerGame 8.029 7.848 7.857 7.642 7.701 8.051 8.455 8.065 7.219 7.742 8.412
ShootPctP1 0.31 0.363 0.347 0.405 0.3 0.311 0.288 0.395 0.416 0.363 0.282
GoalsP2 2721 2799 715 1554 658 648 700 786 768 678 567
GoalsP2PerGame 2.44 2.75 2.554 2.988 2.428 2.531 2.273 3.023 2.954 2.608 2.382
ShotsP2 9012 8329 2178 4203 2135 2134 2565 2168 2035 2141 1985
ShotsP2PerGame 8.083 8.182 7.779 8.083 7.878 8.336 8.328 8.338 7.827 8.235 8.34
ShootPctP2 0.302 0.336 0.328 0.37 0.308 0.304 0.273 0.363 0.377 0.317 0.286
GoalsP3 2856 2995 787 1623 685 651 733 860 763 753 619
GoalsP3PerGame 2.561 2.942 2.811 3.121 2.528 2.543 2.38 3.308 2.935 2.896 2.601
ShotsP3 9188 8287 2254 4092 2131 2137 2666 2157 1935 2116 2079
ShotsP3PerGame 8.24 8.14 8.05 7.869 7.863 8.348 8.656 8.296 7.442 8.138 8.735
ShootPctP3 0.311 0.361 0.349 0.397 0.321 0.305 0.275 0.399 0.394 0.356 0.298
PPGoals 1206 1021 331 545 262 271 342 289 256 247 229
PPGoalsPerGame 1.082 1.003 1.182 1.048 0.967 1.059 1.11 1.112 0.985 0.95 0.962
PPTries 3007 2317 782 1209 682 686 857 614 595 565 543
PPTriesPerGame 2.697 2.276 2.793 2.325 2.517 2.68 2.782 2.362 2.288 2.173 2.282
PPSuccessPct 0.401 0.441 0.423 0.451 0.384 0.395 0.399 0.471 0.43 0.437 0.422
SHGoals 761 628 206 362 173 167 215 178 184 143 123
SHGoalsPerGame 0.683 0.617 0.736 0.696 0.638 0.652 0.698 0.685 0.708 0.55 0.517
SHGoalsPerPK 0.253 0.271 0.263 0.299 0.254 0.243 0.251 0.29 0.309 0.253 0.227
BreakGoals 693 505 203 287 140 165 185 156 131 106 112
BreakGoalsPerGame 0.622 0.496 0.725 0.552 0.517 0.645 0.601 0.6 0.504 0.408 0.471
BreakTries 4673 3447 1258 1780 1007 1095 1313 944 836 804 863
BreakTriesPerGame 4.191 3.386 4.493 3.423 3.716 4.277 4.263 3.631 3.215 3.092 3.626
BreakGoalsPct 0.148 0.147 0.161 0.161 0.139 0.151 0.141 0.165 0.157 0.132 0.13
OneTimerGoals 2641 2420 802 1350 593 627 619 668 682 582 488
OneTimerGoalsPerGame 2.369 2.377 2.864 2.596 2.188 2.449 2.01 2.569 2.623 2.238 2.05
OneTimerTries 9260 10515 2435 5243 2054 2263 2508 2714 2529 2581 2691
OneTimerTriesPerGame 8.305 10.329 8.696 10.083 7.579 8.84 8.143 10.438 9.727 9.927 11.307
OneTimerGoalsPct 0.285 0.23 0.329 0.257 0.289 0.277 0.247 0.246 0.27 0.225 0.181
PenShotGoals 124 122 30 76 29 27 38 44 32 22 24
PenShotGoalsPerGame 0.111 0.12 0.107 0.146 0.107 0.105 0.123 0.169 0.123 0.085 0.101
PenShotTries 342 335 81 186 70 83 108 110 76 83 66
PenShotTriesPerGame 0.307 0.329 0.289 0.358 0.258 0.324 0.351 0.423 0.292 0.319 0.277
PenShotGoalsPct 0.363 0.364 0.37 0.409 0.414 0.325 0.352 0.4 0.421 0.265 0.364
FaceoffTotal 17708 16650 4593 8789 4190 4045 4880 4516 4273 4137 3724
FaceoffTotalPerGame 15.882 16.356 16.404 16.902 15.461 15.801 15.844 17.369 16.435 15.912 15.647
Checks 57929 55046 17192 28763 13070 13160 14507 14796 13967 13532 12751
ChecksPerGame 51.954 54.073 61.4 55.313 48.229 51.406 47.101 56.908 53.719 52.046 53.576
PIM 7128 5206 1894 2700 1608 1620 2006 1366 1334 1286 1220
PIMPerGame 6.393 5.114 6.764 5.192 5.934 6.328 6.513 5.254 5.131 4.946 5.126
AttackDefendZoneTime 1435886 1269254 357482 645336 352276 327272 398856 320566 324770 326258 297660
NeutralZoneTime 571114 563146 146518 290664 135524 133528 155544 147434 143230 141742 130740
AttackDefendZoneTimePerGame 1287.79 1246.811 1276.721 1241.031 1299.911 1278.406 1294.987 1232.946 1249.115 1254.838 1250.672
NeutralZoneTimePerGame 512.21 553.189 523.279 558.969 500.089 521.594 505.013 567.054 550.885 545.162 549.328
AttackDefendZoneTimePct 0.715 0.693 0.709 0.689 0.722 0.71 0.719 0.685 0.694 0.697 0.695
NeutralZoneTimePct 0.285 0.307 0.291 0.311 0.278 0.29 0.281 0.315 0.306 0.303 0.305
PassComps 54943 61122 14768 31905 13005 12814 14356 16429 15476 13946 15271
PassCompsPerGame 49.276 60.041 52.743 61.356 47.989 50.055 46.61 63.188 59.523 53.638 64.164
PassTries 89506 94847 23274 48421 20767 21101 24364 24961 23460 22072 24354
PassTriesPerGame 80.274 93.17 83.121 93.117 76.631 82.426 79.104 96.004 90.231 84.892 102.328
PassPct 0.614 0.644 0.635 0.659 0.626 0.607 0.589 0.658 0.66 0.632 0.627
GoalsScoredWithin10SecondsOfCIF 121 126 35 66 26 29 31 44 22 34 26
GoalsScoredWithin20SecondsOfCIF 369 448 100 240 84 79 106 148 92 106 102
GoalsScoredWithin30SecondsOfCIF 675 770 174 421 160 156 185 248 173 185 164
LeadsAfterP1WinPct 0.787 0.801 0.802 0.78 0.745 0.812 0.786 0.797 0.764 0.823 0.824
LeadsAfterP2WinPct 0.875 0.879 0.889 0.88 0.863 0.888 0.861 0.873 0.887 0.873 0.881
TrailsAfterP1WinPct 0.213 0.196 0.198 0.218 0.255 0.188 0.214 0.203 0.232 0.172 0.176
TrailsAfterP2WinPct 0.125 0.116 0.111 0.115 0.137 0.112 0.139 0.122 0.108 0.118 0.114




Edited by Tickenest
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-SNES players try 13 more passes per game and complete 11 more per game, for an increased success rate of about 3%.  Note that I have applied an adjustment to the completed pass numbers where by one-timer attempts are counted as completed passes (neither system counts a one-timer as a completed pass)

And neither they should - because a  one-timer is a shot on goal (or have i missed something obvious) ?  

(BTW really great work Tickenest - but I  cannot see the logic in a one-timer being recorded as any sort of a pass )

Edited by dmm1000
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Well, I (and I think like anybody else) would argue that when a one-timer is attempted, the pass that sets up the one-timer shot should count as a completed pass as the puck got to the guy who was the intended target for the pass.  Neither game records the pass part of the one-timer as a completed pass.  Note that when a guy receives a pass for a one-timer, his player star never fills in, and apparently that is the criterion that the game uses to determine if a pass was successful or not.  I just don't think that this set up (not counting the one-timer pass as a completed pass) is a true reflection what happened during the game, and so I decided to make the correction.

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Ahhhh right that's different - to me "setting up a one timer " (yes that is a pass) - is distinct from a "one-timer"  I would see a one-timer as just that a "one-timed shot"  - the "act of striking the puck" as a result of (the first part ) a setup pass  

You're correct  - Just a different angle on the terminology

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On 9/6/2020 at 10:09 PM, dmm1000 said:

And neither they should - because a  one-timer is a shot on goal (or have i missed something obvious) ?  

(BTW really great work Tickenest - but I  cannot see the logic in a one-timer being recorded as any sort of a pass )

The bug in the game is that when you make a pass for a one-timer, the game immediately counts it as a pass attempt, but then it never counts it as a *completed* pass even if it gets to the recipient who then one-times it. So every 1-timer counts as a *failed* pass, which is wrong.

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yes correct Smozoma - I knew that - my query was because we had different definitions of the term "one-timer"  - my definition is that "one-timer" means  "the striking of the puck immediately on receiving a pass"   ( with pass being the 1st setup action  and the  "one-timer" being the 2nd action)

so in my definition it's a 2 step process - i think Tickenest was defining a "one-timer"  as BOTH the pass and the strike combined  into 1-

so when he said the following


Note that I have applied an adjustment to the completed pass numbers where by one-timer attempts are counted as completed passes (neither system counts a one-timer as a completed pass)

I couldn't figure how he could define the one-timer as a pass , when in my definition it was clearly a strike

Am sure i could have explained that in less lines  :rolleyes: 

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16 hours ago, dmm1000 said:

yes correct Smozoma - I knew that - my query was because we had different definitions of the term "one-timer"  - my definition is that "one-timer" means  "the striking of the puck immediately on receiving a pass"   ( with pass being the 1st setup action  and the  "one-timer" being the 2nd action)

so in my definition it's a 2 step process - i think Tickenest was defining a "one-timer"  as BOTH the pass and the strike combined  into 1-

so when he said the following

I couldn't figure how he could define the one-timer as a pass , when in my definition it was clearly a strike

Am sure i could have explained that in less lines  :rolleyes: 

Ahh ok, yeah i consider a 'one-timer' to be the shot (which happened to come off a completed pass)

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On 9/5/2020 at 10:56 PM, Tickenest said:

-SNES games average 2 body checks more per game than Gens

And I average 15 more body checks/game than most SNES players. Goals are pretty to look at and all, I guess, but body checks are memorable. It's just like my youth hockey coach told me (editor's note: Danny is referring to youth video game hockey here. He can barely f**king skate in real life.):

"If you ain't hitting, then you'll be f**king sittin'!"

In all seriousness, this is a dizzying amount of data, Tick, but it's really friggen interesting. Thank you for putting all of this together!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's got to be said...

This is an absolutely fascinating thread, it really satisfies my data gathering side. 

Honestly, thank you for the work you've put into this.


Although, the blue, red and green graphs send my eye's a little weird... Like sitting to close to the T.V., during Thundercats, when I was a kid... :blink:

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Thanks for the feedback!  In general I saved red for "negative" things (such as losses), although it does show up in some other places, too.  Red is a color that should be used with caution just because it causes a reaction in most people and can be distracting if there's too much of it.  That said, the red-green combination isn't colorblind-friendly.  I think I'll change it up going forward.

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