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REFERENCE: Tile Molester reference screenshots


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no problem. happy to help. in the original 30 team rom there are no actual players. just numbers. all players have the highest possible rating in everything. it's scary fast, the shots are scary hard, and the goalies are scary good.

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no problem. happy to help. in the original 30 team rom there are no actual players. just numbers. all players have the highest possible rating in everything. it's scary fast, the shots are scary hard, and the goalies are scary good.

By the way, I will rename the palette bookmarks and add a * in the name for palettes that is a shared palette. In the tile molester screenshot it was explained but it could be good with a * just to instantly notice that "you might f**k something up in another place if you mess with this palette...

One thing I haven't understood yet, do you do the player uniforms in tile molester? never seen the uniforms in there so far...

EDIT: Is this tutorial the way people do it still? Or are there better ways?


I guess it would be easier to locate the palette in tile molester and just change it there by clicking the swatches... instead of going the HEX way


Last day of work before vacation :)

Answer to the question above:


Edited by perkabrod
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We all use NOSE in order to edit player sprites, rink colors, rosters and ratings. You can get it at http://www.romhacking.net/utils/290/. Another great program is EARE by smozoma, which you can get at http://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/10443-introducing-eare/.

Weehoo! Got Windows to work again using a chkdsk command when booting with the XP cd.. tried out Nose and smozoma's software. Amazing stuff, really!

And tonight I got even happier because I found out of a free cross-platform thing for OSX called Virtualbox (like vmware and parallels desktop except free)... and it exceeded all expectations with shared folders between OSX and virtual XP and so on... Activated spaces too so I can quickly switch between OSX where I run tile molester since it's java based...

Update on the bookmarks I've done so far:

Just noticed some bugs when importing palettes for the team rink logos. Everything was pretty messed up.. started to debug why it was messed up, it had to do with the bookmarks I've made.

I discovered that the palette number (palette 2, 3 etc) is actually stored when you bookmark the NAVIGATION bookmark, and not when you save a PALETTE bookmark, kind of weird but I'm gonna edit the xml now to correct all errors. Just thought I'd share that information for people who have the same problem.

What particular changes would cause the palette decimals to change when you alter the rosters?

On screenshot number 17 it is a note: "Always use the decimal offset of the Home Strip shown in NOSE when importing the palette as it can change when you alter the roster!"

I guess I can't bookmark those palettes because they might change for anyone doing their own different roster :(

Question # 2

There's a guide on how the change the puck color, home team puck.. But it does not mention the offset for the puck. Would like to make it more authentic in size, smaller... where do I go to?

Answer: Approx 7C30C 1x9 tiles, not sure how to know if that's exactly correct but at least all puck sprites and shadow are visible at that location

Edited by perkabrod
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# 1

Screenshot 15. Team Selection Logos

When you say don't use colors 2 thru 7, which colors do you mean? How do I know which 2-7 color swatches you mean?

EDIT: Seems to be first row since those are the only ones that keep being the same colors throughout all teams

# 2

Screenshot 14. Home & Visitor Team Selection Banner Palette

Is there only one Navigation Offset for all Team selection Banners?

Meaning I will only change the palettes when I mod?

I'm pretty confused about this one even though I guess it's explained pretty good in the text.

Edited by perkabrod
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  • 7 months later...

Ok, maybe if I describe what I'm doing, someone can tell me what the problem is. I want to replace the title screen in a custom NHL 12 rom. I navigated to the title screen in TM (1125A6), adjusted the appropriate settings (4bpp linear, 32x28 canvas size, palette offset 1152422 9bpp BRG 64 Motorola) and I see the original title backround perfectly:


I then exported the original title screen as a bmp and checked the image properties. I then cropped my new image to the same resolution as the bmp taken from the original (256x224):


When I import my new title image into the same place the original was, this is what it looks like:


Also, the original has a distinctly "Genesis" or "16-bit" look to it while my cropped photo looks like a photo. I'd rather have it look like it is from a Genesis game. I know I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what...yet.

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that's right. i forgot, but i save all my images as .jpg now. i've had that issue w/.bmp, too.

as far as looking less like the image you imported and more pixelated, smoz IS good at that. smoz, the blitz screen you sent me last year is what i'm talking about. you should post instructions on that, because i've made it work once, but don't remember what i did. looked for the options i wanted to use in photoshop and couldn't find them.

Edited by beavers33
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Alright, I'm getting closer!

When I looked more closely at the original bmp I exported from the original ROM, I noticed that the color depth was 24 bit and the image I had tried to use was 16 bit. I re-did my Lundqvist photo at 24 bit and it imported just fine and now it does have that "Genesis" look i was looking for.

The only problem now is adjusting the palette. I guess TM tried to match up with the photo, but is slightly off. I've read a little about doing it from a save state file but I need to do a little more research on how to optimize the palette when importing an original photo. The colors are pretty close so I guess I should be able to adjust the color tiles until it looks right.


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It's using the palette from the stamkos image, which luckily is pretty similar

valid/accurate colours in the image are RGB with values being multiples of ~37.

then when you edit the palette in TM, you use values that are multiples of 32. This'll make the pic look a bit dark in TM, but when you run the game, it scales them up to match your actual image.

anyway, the current palette is pretty good, so i'd just recommend changing one colour to be a better red (it's using a skin tone for the red splash in the background). Once the palette is changed, you'll want to re-import the image

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It's using the palette from the stamkos image, which luckily is pretty similar

Dirp, of course! I changed the palette in order to see Stamkos appear properly so that palette was still active, thanks. I guess I could also get the rbg values from the lundqvist bmp in Photoshop and edit the palette colors with the rgb values in TM.

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One thing you might try is using photoshop to bring the picture down to about 20-30 colours, then pick 16 of those colours that give good results in TM. This way you'll get some dithering so you don't end up with big blotches of the same colour in the ROM.

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You just read my mind a little bit. I was in TM working on the palette and comparing my shot to the Stamkos one and I thought "this would look a lot better if there were fewer colors...."

Edited by Bil
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  • 4 months later...

Hi Guys. Looking for some help changing the scrolling text/credits on the main intro screen. The screenshots guide mentions the two colors in the palette but not the offset or the size. Help much appreciated :)

@Bil : http://forum.nhl94.c...-molester-help/ this should help your palette issues.


Almost finished my rom but just noticed one more issue. During period intermissions there is text displayed "Stanley Cup Quarterfinals" etc.... How can I find this text also ?

Edited by brianon
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here's the easy way: open the file in a hex editor. search for the text with the editor's finder (search for text, not hex values), replace with an equal number of digits (or fewer with spaces afterward to fill the gap). save as a new file. test it. good luck.

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sweet. Playing around with it now. Seems to do everything I needed :D


Wow. All done. Thanks again. Just one issue remains. My colors for the team banners are now (and before the hex edit above) .. all changed. If I change them back in tilemolester it makes no change. In tilemolester they look correct but in game they stay the same :(

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I suggest that you reread the threads about that stuff. I'm pretty sure such issues have been covered and your question may be answered.

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Thanks. I found a few bits of information. I tried TLP also. It seems however that the banner colors (on the pause menu) cannot be edited. No matter. With the colors available I am close(ish) to happy with them :D

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I think I misunderstood your issue. I'm not a Genesis guy, so you'll need somebody else's help for that. good luck.

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So the colors of the banners on the pause screen seem to be connected to the rink colors (stadium colors to be exact). So I changed these (in NOSE) to give me a green and yellow and better red for my banners while not changing the crowd colors too much. Sorted :D

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  • 2 years later...

These screenshots are incredibly useful and contain everything you would need to edit most of the graphics in the game, many thanks wboy! I'm upset I didn't give this a whirl sooner!

I put all of the screenshots into a PDF as I found it useful to print out the screenshots for reference.

I also added a new screenshot for the Zamboni logo.


Download the complete PDF here: Tile Molester Screenshots.pdf

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Yup, this is the greatest most fun part about editing this game.

I have spent tons of time playing with this making different splash screens etc...

I have some major improvements coming to my 93 and 94 Original 6 roms and some other roms in the works.

I love this part of editing.

I hate the player rating part. Tough to get right or a good formula to use.

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  • 3 months later...
22 minutes ago, Jlsegafan2001 said:

At which offset is:

the banner for St. Louis

The ice logo for St Louis

And the team selection logo for St. Louis?


The screenshots don't tell me that.

You need to play with the different buttons to find the ones that advance through the ROM. You need to experiment and discover. People can't hold your hand through every single step.

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  • 4 years later...

Sorry for the necroposting, but I tried replicating the results in the EA Sports splash screen image... except I got this result.


Here's what I did:
I loaded the rom.

Then I changed the canvas size to 40x28.

I changed the codec to 4bpp linear.

I went to the offset where the EA Sports logo was.

I imported the palette from the existing rom.


And yet, this was the result. What am I doing wrong?


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