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Everything posted by smozoma

  1. It seems like there is a Canada/USA split. In Canada, everyone played NHL94 on SNES as a kid, and in the USA everyone played on the Genesis. When I was a kid (in Ontario), my friends and I rented a SNES from the video store every few months. We never even considered renting a Genesis. I have no idea why, that's just how it was. Maybe we never got the Genesis ads so never got that "Does what Ninten-don't!" influence, and Nintendo had the cultural monopoly due to the NES (I didn't even know Sega Master System existed until just a few years ago). So if you look at the world King of 94 ratings, the SNES ratings are almost entirely Canadians, and the Sega ratings are mostly Americans: SNES / Sega Another thing that influences why Sega has a good update scene but SNES doesn't is simply that 20 years ago there was a guy called wboy who did a ton of great work hacking the Sega version, and created a point-and-click roster editor called NOSE. He also added more teams to the game, and figured out how to edit the graphics. So there are a lot more resources and possibilities available for hacking the Sega game, so there are more hacks for it.
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173370/Slapshot_Rebound/ Free for the time being
  3. Like I mentioned, it adjusts your image to match the existing palette in the ROM. Change the colours in the palette to better match your image, then re-import your image. It's explained in detail in the guide Jkline wrote above.
  4. Your image needs to be the correct size. 6x4 is 48x32 pixels.
  5. I think you have to hit Esc or Enter or something to "apply" the image. You'll notice the colour details change when it does it (changes to the palette colours). Then save after that.
  6. Don't change the codec when importing your image. Let TM convert your image to the same codec as the original image. (you'll need to set the palette appropriately before doing this)
  7. Interesting.. I suppose if this actually worked it would be neat on an emulator where you could stretch the screen to get the proper aspect ratio. https://www.hdretrovision.com/blog/2017/1/18/genesis-games-in-480i-too So you'd probably look through a trace of the game for where it accesses $C00004 and change the data written there, probably to $8C83
  8. 99% sure they don't have the source code. Source code repositories and versioning weren't a thing back then. The code was probably kept on some computer or tape backup that was lost 20 years ago. One of my favourite games is the "Cataclysm" expansion from 2000 for the game "Homeworld." A few years ago they released a remastered version of Homeworld, but there's no Cataclysm expansion for it.. because they lost the source code. NASA taped over the original moon landing tapes, BBC taped over the original Doctor Who tapes... Hell I used to have my own code repository on a computer in my basement, and I have no idea if that thing works anymore or what the passwords were etc
  9. If you try now, as long as you have already installed 21, I think you can buy Rewind from the store for $9.99.
  10. I hope so! last time I heard it was $30 for 21, or $65 for both..
  11. I'll just activate my fake desync detector...
  12. Apparently Rewind is US$9.99 in the store if you bought NHL21 separately. This was for Playstation.
  13. I never ran a league with that mod, because I figured there were a few guys who might try to do that. I can still think of a couple guys who have played recently who might possibly do something like that to get the upper hand when it mattered.
  14. couple notes: Using EARE, you actually can't completely eliminate home advantage. There's still a slight advantage for some reason (see the 0/0 teams in the table): https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/17660-homeaway-advantages-analysis/ smozROM can only eliminate hot/cold, there isn't a tone-it-down option. IIRC hot/cold ranges from -0.6 to +0.4 on the 0-6 scale. (On SNES it seems like +/-2 or something wild). One thing that always worried me about using the "show true ratings" hack was that you'd have some unscrupulous people who would fake a desynch if they saw Roenick was cold at the start of the game. So I think it's best to either remove hot/cold or leave it like normal where you have to FEEL if a guys is hot or cold.
  15. First couple Ko94-V streams added. Over time I'll also split them up onto youtube.
  16. It's an honour just to be nominated What I'm really liking this year is the focus on growing the game. From making the emulator easier to use, to having a read-to-go tournament every few weeks, lots of ROMs for the offline guys, and league/tournament streams to get people excited. Next year:
  17. Best bet is to go on the Discord (http://nhl94.com/joinus). Try to join a game with someone who already has it working, as a sanity test. Then they can help you figure out your hosting.
  18. Install 21, and then check in the store on your ps4 and you should be able to buy Rewind on its own agreed installing 21. Please tell us the price when you do it this way, because we don't know it either. I agree, EA made a compete mess of this release. Strong-arming people into buying an 80$ game to get rewind isn't earning them any fans. There's a reason I never buy the new games, I never play them and they're quite expensive. I have 06-13, barely played them.
  19. The checksum routine can be disabled like this: https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/109-rom-hacking-ea-genesis-games/&tab=comments#comment-89392
  20. Added tip to ditch Norton anti-virus.
  21. Looks nice! Would be cool if there were some graphics glitch hack that would cause static on the screen, which would look like snow falling . Nothing comes to mind though.
  22. I've also had 2 Mitch Marners on the ice at the same time. They definitely did something that screwed up line changes, thouhg I'm not sure what. I still haven't had it crash on me.
  23. https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/20118-classic-gens-all-time-in-game-player-stats/ https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/20119-classic-snes-all-time-in-game-player-stats/ (in the Classic league subforum)
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