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Gens A opening rd poll: all vote!


Should teams be reseeded after r1  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Gens-A: Should teams be reseeded only after r1?

    • Yes, Reseed so top seed plays lowest seed after play-in
    • No, Do not reseed, leave match ups set ex: 3v(6 or 11)

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I talked to halibud tonight and he told me to make this poll and let the Gens-A players decide what they think is most fair to everyone. I voted for reseeding once after the play-in round because I think being #1 in reg season should mean you play the worst seed for your 1st playoff game, #2 seed plays 2nd lowest seed, etc.

Edited by Carse
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I understand Carse's view, it's the way we've always done it. But go back through any season, and you'll find a thread or two or three with someone saying "play your games slackers!". Chaos and I wanted to reduce the chances of delays and speed up the playoffs in hopes they don't take two months like last season(that's longer than the entire regular season!). Lengthy playoffs are just annoying. I think everyone can agree to that.

Here's a current prime example of how we think our format will happen to benefit.

After just one day of playoffs in SNEA A2...both the 1v8 and 4v5 series are complete. With last season's format,we'd have to wait for the other series to be completed in order to re-seed before we find out who plays who (the exception is if 7th beats 2th).

Now rc69fabs (1st) and the90jacket (4th) can play each other in round 2 without having to wait.

We all know life stuff happens, what if those guys had to wait until later in the week (or even next week) to play. Then something comes up with one of them (have to be away 3 or 4 days for work)....then we delay even further. This is hypothetical of course, but the point is with this format, it always allows for the playoffs to move quicker than with the one we've used.

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on the other hand, it makes your 40 games season...pointless.

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the main thing that should be under debate is the advantage...

is such a advantage gained really worth letting the playoffs drag on?

a majority of people could have completed a 40 game season in that time...

i know in a locked bracket there is some advantage.

but obviously that isnt enough for you guys

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I'm a believer that part of the advantage of getting a high seed should be that you get an "easier" path to the finals. I understand the point about playoffs being dragged on, but to me, I think that the reseeding should happen. Make the regular season success or lack of success worth something. Just my 2 cents, I'm not in A so I didn't vote, however.

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This new format cant prevent 2 coaches of not showing up to play their series during the 2 week deadline. Some series will still drag on and take more time than needed. It doesnt eliminate the problem.

Lets say coach A has played his first round series and his 2nd round series already with this new format. On the other hand we have coach B with 0 series played.

Sure this new format allows for coach A to play his 2nd round series faster but does that make the playoff go faster? NO. because in the end Coach A cant move to third round until coach B has played his 2 series. Coach A still has to wait.

If you use this format, playoff will still take some time to be completed AND the matchups will be fucked.

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on the other hand, it makes your 40 games season...pointless.

I disagree that the 40 game season was pointless. The top 4 guys get a bye in the first round and the bottom 4 guys were eliminated from the playoffs.

This new format cant prevent 2 coaches of not showing up to play their series during the 2 week deadline. Some series will still drag on and take more time than needed. It doesnt eliminate the problem.

Lets say coach A has played his first round series and his 2nd round series already with this new format. On the other hand we have coach B with 0 series played.

Sure this new format allows for coach A to play his 2nd round series faster but does that make the playoff go faster? NO. because in the end Coach A cant move to third round until coach B has played his 2 series. Coach A still has to wait.

If you use this format, playoff will still take some time to be completed AND the matchups will be fucked.

You are absolutely correct. This could happen. But this can happen with the current format as well. In fact, it's the best case scenerio, which is still the worst case scenario for the way we've always done it. I never indicated that it would eliminate the problem.

I remember the gens playoff from last fall, starting in later november and ending in early march. 3 and a half months! How many times in those playoffs were we waiting for one series to finish...just to re-seed.

All my point is, is that the brackets are set up so that if two guys who've won their first round, are set up to play each other in the next round, they can play right away and not have to wait for reseeding to take place. If they have to wait for re-seeding(when they could've played now), one of them could then become unavailable for a period of time and delays the next round even longer.

I asked carse to do this poll because if there was a strong majority in GENS A favor of changing, we would change it.

Right now, I see 4 gens A guys like the format, 4 don't like it and 4 did not vote. We will leave the format as is.

I realize we can't make everyone happy but we do think it will help speed things up. Hopefully those that disagree will still play their series regardless.

Even though you may hate me right now, just know that I still love you.

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so humm how many series have been played so far? :mellow:

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