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  1. I'm excited to release an updated ROM for SNES with current rosters as we haven't had one in a few years now. I've been working on it the last month or so. Some notes about the ROM: 28-team ROM replacing Campbell and Wales All Star teams with Nashville Predators and Vegas Golden Knights Quebec becomes Colorado while Hartford becomes Carolina Arizona(Utah), Columbus, Minnesota, and Seattle are all excluded as they were further down the standings. I hope to rotate the two All Star teams with the best of this bunch(including NSH/VGK) Jerseys have been updated to match their current home/away colors Rosters are current through the 23-24 trade deadline. I may have missed some add/drops but will look again this Fall Advantages for Home/Away/PP/PK/Offense/Defense have been set up based on each team's 23-24 performance Player portrait tool was run so everyone should have stock images Lines are set based on overall, not by real life lines. Again, I will revisit this Fall when free agency has essentially ended. I've set 1-minute penalties Defense Control is enabled by default Implemented a new hack from @McMarkis that reduces hitting the post and allows more goals. We'll see how it goes. I've attached a CSV containing the rosters as well as team rankings Special thanks to @AdamCatalyst for sharing his NHL 24 rosters with me and providing some tools to grab ratings from EA's NHL 24 game. I was able to use both as a starting point before going through the rosters myself to make alterations. Thanks to @McMarkis for his various ROM hacks(1min penalties, post hack, etc.) as always. Team Ratings: Here are the team ratings. I've also attached them as a PDF: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RMbjeMnrHyScHlpqyxi0z_NtFbjS1fnW8RdJ4ifLIJQ/edit?usp=sharing Jerseys: NHL 24 Team Rankings - NHL 24.pdf nhl24.smc SNES NHL 24 Import.csv
  2. With SDL dwindling down we're getting ready for the next SNES league. I am running a Salary Cap league where you put together a team of your choice and stay under the cap. This season we will be using my All-Time Rosters(ATR) rom containing the greatest players from each franchise. How it works is everyone builds their own team using a pricing sheet I have come up with sorted mostly by overall with some adjustments based on player weight. For anyone familiar with my previous Salary Cap leagues- I am removing the rule from previous seasons where a team would need to have a top and bottom player having a difference of no more than $40. However, I've created a new, hopefully, more flexible rule where a single bench player(4F or 3D) needs to be a minimum of $60. I'm also adding a second goalie but with an extra $60 to the cap to bring it to $800. The template below includes the Price List as well as a Team Template tab for you to experiment with two lineups, as well as an example team I created to show you for reference. Download a copy for yourself to create your own lineup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oMhnH2VmJKL-Sil8ZYoORvBXoTDmFCejWV7oGDuflvY/edit?usp=sharing Some things to note: Your lineup will consist of 6F, 4D, and 2G(new this season) using the ATR rosters Your team must be under the cap meaning $800 is the maximum salary your team can have. You don't have to spend the entire $800 if you choose not to. A bench player(4th F OR 3rd D) must be $60 or above(coach's discretion on which). 30 GP - Everyone plays every opponent 6 games each(3 home 3 away). I'm planning on having at least two divisions: A and B but may add C if there are a lot of signups Post your desired team here. First come, first serve on teams. I'm reserving Boston . I'm keeping this to the existing teams in the default 94 template(i.e. not updating Quebec to Colorado or anything like that). I'd be open to utilizing ASE and ASW if someone wanted. I'm not updating jerseys either this season. The team advantages will be the same for all teams just like SDL Penalties on, except offsides Manual goalie No line changes Submit rosters to me through Discord by Sunday night 7/24. I will be updating the ROM as the rosters are being submitted. Please submit your roster and lines using the following format: Line 1: LW-C-RW, LD-RD, G Line 2: LW-C-RW, LD-RD I will not be posting anyone's rosters publicly until all rosters are submitted to me. You will all find out once the ROM is finalized. Let me know if I missed anything or if anyone had additional questions. I will reserve everyone's season 1 teams(minus the actual players) unless you want to drop out, trade with someone else, or pick up a team that hasn't been used yet. Teams available: ANH, BUF, CGY, CHI, FLA, HFD, LA, NJ, NYI, SJ, STL, TB, WSH, WPG Teams: BOS @kidswasted DAL @stewy DET @Straka82 EDM @dcicon5148 MTL @annatar NYR @Mooney OTW @Bob Kudelski PHI @TheWiz84 PIT @dangler QUE @McMarkis TOR @TheProfessor VAN @koke_45 ATR_Salary_Cap.smc
  3. I've compiled a list of all-time SNES Draft League(SDL) player stats, league winners, and personally awarded players/coaches when I was bored at work last week. It also includes a player lookup tool to view past stats. Please note: SDL 12 A/B were voted on by the league. All others were judged by me personally based on stats. I may retroactively create polls on previous season winners so it's a group effort. This is a read-only document but you can download a copy and edit it locally. I will do my best to update it after each season. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hAgc9O5rm8U0q9Nugunk2xBXq1vyYi80R6ZsNITuMJY/edit?usp=sharing
  4. I've compiled a list of all-time SNES Classic player stats, league winners, and personally awarded players/coaches when I was bored at work last week. It also includes a player lookup tool to view past stats. Please note: There were no player stats recorded on the site between 2008 Spring and 2012 Fall. This is a read-only document but you can download a copy and edit it locally. I will do my best to update it after each Classic. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TduzmJBMq2-Iw7mNfAun5bmVMI8v56LP48dVI8nksBQ/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Hey Everyone, I decided to make a World Cup '96 ROM containing the 8 teams who played(CAN, CZE, FIN, GER, RUS, SLO, SWE, and USA). These teams replace STL through ASW but the jerseys and banner colors are updated. The attributes for NHL players come straight from NHL 97. All others I used my best judgement based on WC statistics. I didn't bother to check for non-NHL player weights, #'s, or handedness. Those guys are mostly bench players anyways. I included Pavel Bure on RUS who was injured for the real-life tournament. Even though goalies don't matter in SNES I included Hasek on CZE who declined to play. I implemented @McMarkis goalie pull hack(press L+R buttons to pull goalie during live play) as well as 1-minute penalties hack. I also enabled D-control to be on as default. Every team is neutralized, as far as home/away/pp/pk, just like SDL. In order to fit the number of players on each team I had to trim first names to a first initial. Therefore, the player cards could not match up. I still ran the player card updater so at least everyone is one of the stock images instead of an incorrect NHL player. Center ice logos were also updated to the all-star team NHL logo. I've attached the attributes as well as the ROM. Please let me know if you run into any issues while playing the ROM. Enjoy! WC96.smc World Cup 96 Import.csv
  6. I've been thinking of new ideas for ROMs and decided to make a 'Pond Hockey' aka 3v3 ROM where 3 skaters(regardless of F/D position) make up the LW-C-RW positions. I've gone ahead and edited the lines for every team. Some have all forwards on the 'Best'(no line changes) line while some have 2 forwards and a D man. I also made it so any player(F/D) is eligible to play a forward position via Edit Lines. Because there are technically no defensemen, D-control does not work. I feel this adds to the fun on getting back to play defense. Attached are the 'Best' lines I've set up. I'm looking to eventually run a league using this ROM sometime towards the end of the upcoming SNES Stock league and before Spring Classic '24. Please let me know if you notice any bugs and I'd be happy to fix them. 2/18/24 Update - Added a 1-minute penalty version thanks to @McMarkis pond_hockey_nhl94.smc Pond Hockey 3v3 Lines.pdf pond_hockey_nhl94_1min.smc
  7. Hey Everyone, I'm running a league using my 3v3 ROM(3 skaters per team) for SNES. It will most likely be one division and everyone plays each other 1 home/1 away. Penalties will be on, except offsides. Penalties will be 1-minute instead of 2-minutes (thanks to @McMarkis) with manual goalies and 5-minute periods. All skaters, including defensemen, are selectable at LW-C-RW. Since there are technically no defense positions, d-control will not work. Let me know if you're interested. Draft will most likely be next week(week of 3/17) and will be based on reverse ELO. The default lines are below but they can all be edited: Confirmed coaches: @kidswasted @koke_45 @Mooney @McMarkis @Stantonator @dcicon5148 @noodles @Bob Kudelski @om94 @annatar @Tickenest @jenhanios @TheWiz84 @Triple A @dangler @niuhuskie224 @TheProfessor pond_hockey_nhl94_1min.smc
  8. Today is the day I have been waiting for since last Summer. The All-Time Greatest Players ROM is finally being released! Some notes about the ROM: 28-team ROM replacing Campbell and Wales All-Star teams with Original Six and Expansion All-Time All-Star teams. I used the 70s Orange/White/Black All-Star jerseys for the Original Six and the 95-96(Purple/Black and Teal/white) All-Star jerseys for the Expansion jerseys. Used different team/same franchise jerseys including DAL/MIN, QUE/COL, HFD/CAR, WPG/PHX Home jerseys are light jerseys, regardless if it was ever their home or away jersey Included some fan favorites over others(i.e. Terry O'Reilly, Bob Probert, Wendel Clark) but did my best with including HOFs. It was really tough for the Original Six teams for sure. Some players were great but didn't make the cut due to others with more Cups, All-Star votes, stats leaders, and/or HOF. Some players appear on multiple teams but the attributes are different depending on the team(i.e. Gretzky better on EDM than LA). Players in general would need to have played at least 3+ seasons with the team to be included. Most players have Endurance of 3. If anyone uses this ROM for line changes let me know. I'll need to edit the Endurance for everyone and that will change their Overall score. I didn't want everyone to have inflated Overall due to Endurance. I tried to keep some famous lines together which will reflect if line changes are on. Otherwise I just made the best available line based on overall. Players have abbreviated first name with their full last name(i.e W Gretzky). I have not updated player cards yet but might do so in the future. I hope to 'port' this to Gens once I get a handle on NOSE. Thank You's: @clockwise - General roster input/PHI roster input/Jersey idea @CoachMac - Attributes template @Bob Kudelski - General roster input/OTT roster input @Sauce - Roster input @kingraph - Roster input/Overall calculation @halifax - Roster input/SNES Godfather @seamor - TB Roster input/ROM input @smozoma - Roster input/Attributes/ROM Genius @Jkline3 - Jersey links @chaos - ROM questions/Roster Tool/Website Genius @statto - ROM Editor @Xstioph - ROM Editor/SNES ROM badass @dangler-HUGE thanks for hex editor navigation/fixing the abbreviations on ANA/FLA by altering the hex code If I left anyone out please let me know! You guys were all a great help whether it was actively helping me or from forum documentation. Links used: CoachMac's Rating Template My All-Time Greatest Team Forum KingRaph's Overall Attributes Calculation Smozoma's Attribute Descriptions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHL_All-Star_team#Teams https://www.hockey-reference.com https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/ https://bleacherreport.com/articles/837952-nhl-lines-ranking-the-top-15-most-famous-lines-in-nhl-history https://bleacherreport.com/articles/662187-nhl-ranking-the-top-50-line-combinations-of-the-modern-era https://thehockeywriters.com/ http://www.sportsforecaster.com https://www.hhof.com/LegendsOfHockey https://www.trucolor.net/portfolio/national-hockey-league-franchise-colors-1917-1918-through-present/ http://nhluniforms.com/ Update 3/22/21: Version 4.0 is attached here with the following adjustments: @dangler fixed player abbreviations on FLA and ANA to match every other team. Now all teams have first initial, full last name. Update 1/31/22: Version 4.2(4.1 had 2 injury player replacement issues that were fixed) 3 names were corrected due to typos 45 players handedness was corrected - The main ones were M. Richard, Cook brothers, Carlyle, and Stamkos. All others were mainly bench players. Updated 10/5/22: Version 4.3 is attached here with the following updates: Team/Player updates: NYR-Flipped Bill and Bun Cook as they were incorrect in previous versions QUE/COL-Removed Erik Johnson and replaced him with Cale Makar TOR-Removed Bob Pulford and replace him with Auston Matthews EXP(Expansion All-Star team)-Removed Peter Forsberg and replaced him with Brett Hull Updated through 21-22 season(McDavid, Marchand, Barkov, Huberdeau, Kucherov, Hedman, Vasilesvky, Makar, Bergeron, Matthews all increased) Fixed weight for the majority of players thanks to @dangler for noticing this Slightly updated Team Ranking Sheet attached and shown below. Trimmed down ANH and FLA to 18 players so I didn't have to abbreviate any names. This allows me to continue to use statto's ROM editor for future updates. Player portraits updated(only if one existed for them in 94). Otherwise, they'll get one of the placeholder portraits. Updated 10/4/23: Version 23(4.4) is attached here with the following updates: Team/Player updates BOS-Added Oates/Removed O'Reilly DAL-Added Robertson/Removed Payne NYI-Added Sorokin/Removed Greiss PIT-Added Guentzel/Removed Apps Jr. QUE-Added Rantanen/Removed Duchene SJ-Added Karlsson/Removed Ragnarsson VAN: Added Hughes/Removed Kearns, Added Pettersson/Removed Lever, Added Miller/Removed Kurtenbach WPG: Added Keller/Removed Nagy Updated attributes through 22-23 season(mainly award winners and top 10 players in various season stat categories) A handful of legacy players attributes were slightly boosted Slightly updated Team Ranking Sheet attached and shown below Added ROM version on intro(flying puck) screen Updated 2/18/24: Added additional version with 1-minute penalties thanks to @McMarkis Team Ranking Sheet(sorted by overall starting lineup): Jerseys: Things I want to work on: Setting penalties to 1 min instead of 2 min Creating new player cards Jersey Sheet.pdf All-Time Greatest Rosters Team Ranking.pdf ATR23.smc ATR23_1min.smc
  9. NHL 94 SNES This post contains information about editing the SNES version of NHL 94'. Similar to the thread created on the GENS side, I thought I would try and get this going on the SNES side as well. I have also created a GITHUB repository (NHL 94' SNESVault), that contains a disassembled version of NHL 94' for SNES. The goal is to have the GITHUB repository contain all the documentation and code for the SNES version of NHL 94' Last update Last Update 10.10.2024 SNES 94' Editors SNES 94' Editor [Team / Player editor] @statto nhl94e [NHL 94' Player name & stats editor / Import new Player profile images] @haydenkale SNES 94' Tools SNES 94' Hacks Tool [Apply all available hacks to an existing ROM] @McMarkis SNES 94' Roster Tool [Export/Import Rosters to/from csv files ] @chaos SNES 94 Player Card Updater (PCU) [Updates all player profiles in a SNES '94 ROM] @chaos SNES 94' Bug Fixes Y Button Bug Fix [Prevents knocked-down player from instantly standing up when the Y button is pressed.] @McMarkis Hot Cold Bug Fix [Applies proper Hot/Cold Bonus of (-3 to +3) instead of Max 15 when bonus was negative] @McMarkis Missing Extra Attacker Bug Fix [Properly swaps extra attacker like GENS in Edit Lines.] @McMarkis SNES 94' Hacks Enable Hidden "30 Second" Periods @McMarkis Enable 1 Minute Penalties @McMarkis Enable Defense Control [Slight modification to the Defense Control with some bonus content] @McMarkis original by @smozoma Pull CPU Goalie earlier when losing [Pull the goalie earlier and decide by how many goals] @McMarkis Real Time Clock [Enable period and penalty durations to correspond with actual real-world time.] @McMarkis original: @Brodeur30 @kingraph Manual Pull Goalie [Use the L+R Trigger to pull the goalie] @McMarkis Disable Interference Penalty [While keeping all other penalties ON] @McMarkis Disable Penalty Shots [While keeping all other penalties ON] @McMarkis Disable / Reduce puck hitting the post [Removes insane number of times the puck hits the post.] @McMarkis Skip EA + NHL Flying Pucks Intro [Now only takes ~4 seconds to load the game] @McMarkis Allow all players for every position [Edit Line Hack to allow Forwards & Defense to play any position] @McMarkis Save & Show Body Checks Per Player [Record Body Checks For/Against. Display Checks For in Player Stats] @McMarkis SNES 94' Graphics Decompress2 [Extract/Decompress Player Profile Images from SNES 94' rom] SNES 94' Audio & Music [TO DO] SNES 94' Game Genie Codes [TO DO] Tutorials ROM Hacking School for SNES 94' SNES 94' Roms Older [SNES ROMS] Xstioph's Corner [ROMS by the original HEX GOAT] @Xstioph SNES Debug Emulators MESEN2 [SNES emulator with excellent debug tools] BSNES-Plus [SNES emulator with great debug tools] Geiger’s snes9x [SNES emulator with good debug tools] no$sns [SNES emulator with good debug tools] vSNES [Old tool used more for graphics save state debug] SNES 65c816 (Assembly) Info 65c816 [Opcodes for Super Nintendo] SNES 65c816 Tools ASAR [SNES assembler / ROM patcher] DiztinGUIsh [SNES disassembler & trace log capture tool.] LunarAddress [SNES Address Conversion from SNES to PC location] Coding Tools VS Code [Multi OS tool used to edit the disassembled SNES NHL 94' ASM files] HxD [Windows based Hex editor for editing a compiled SNES rom] Beyond Compare [Multi OS tool used to compare files for changes/differences] F.A.Q What is GITHUB
  10. The Real NHL '94 (1993-94 trade deadline rosters, created 2009, updated 2019). This rom is based on the actual 1993-94 season, while the original rosters were roughly based on the rosters from the 92-93 season, with a pretty much fictional Florida Panters and a very inaccurate San Jose Sharks. I've based my stats mainly from EA's NHL '95 with a mix of my own. I calculated stats based on players performances from the 94 season. You could consider this a roster update. I mainly made it for my own personal use, but when I was gonna put the "Ice Hockey" rom hack I decided to finish up this one as well. -Reworked rosters, jerseys (almost all jerseys has been at least a little bit altered), all new player stats. -Brodeaur, Osgood, Yashin and more rookies that debuted during the 94 season. -Over all more even teams, and even third lines are pretty decent. Readme: Video preview of the new uniforms and rosters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3378dibIRc Ice Hockey Edition (created 2009) Features small, medium and large players. Just as in the NES classic Ice Hockey. Though not visually noticeable, you'll sure notice the difference when you play. There are a few way's you'll be able to keep track of which type of player is which while playing. All necessary info can be found in the readme, if you have any questions, just ask. There are only two teams, with all fictional players (thought it might be most fun). The All Star teams are the ones replaced, so the default NHL teams are still there. Detailed readme: http://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?showtopic=4213&view=findpost&p=73663 2 on 5 Contains one hacked rom per team. Each rom gives the specific team only two players! Perfect for two friends to battle through the Stanley Cup, or just to give a more challenging single player experience. In case you're stuck with an old version of this, along with misc fixes, these are some additions: -All Star teams are included (still not available in playoff) -Works with line changes -Default home team is the same as the selected rom 1 on 1, 2 on 2 and the 3 on 3 roms Jeff wanted a 2on2 rom, so I've put one together, I made a 1on1 rom as well, in case it would get requested later. 1on1 features only one center on each team, 2on2 is C+LW and 3on3 is all three forwards, no defenders, so it's all offense baby! NHL.94.2k6-SE (predecessor to the "juiced" rom) This is a rom I worked on last year (*edit 2024: this was written in ~2006).. All players have 100 on all stats, so expect some fast paced hockey with great passing and hard shots! The thing is I made custom rosters, a kind of All Stars rom, with the great players that played for each team during the past decade or so. I might have favored swedes in this rom, for that I apologize. I'm not sure if I ever intended to release this rom. But I figured, why not. I know I had a lot of fun with these "perfect" players. I recommend playing with line changes on/auto 2007 All Star Teams I made this in spring, not sure why I didn't release it at that point. Well it's the two All Star teams from the 2007 season. They should be correct as far as it's possible. Uniforms etc. Although I had to improvise on the second set of uniforms as there was only one per team. NHL.94.1on1_xstioph.zip NHL.94.2on2_xstioph.zip NHL.94.2k6_SE.zip NHL.94.2007.All.Stars_xstioph.zip NHL.94.3on3_v1.1_xstioph.zip NHL.94_2on5.zip NHL.94.Olympic.Hockey.2006.zip NHL.94.Ice.Hockey.Edition_xstioph.zip NHL.94.The.Real.NHL.94_xstioph.zip
  11. I've always wished I could play the whole EA hockey series from 92-00 with the feel of NHL 94 so I made this project for everyone to enjoy. Sadly, season mode, trades, or create-a-player features that appeared in later games are not present. However, I've compiled the rosters from the various games and made a SNES ROM for each year. ROM Notes: Extracted rosters from NHLPA 93 - NHL 98 from Genesis(manually transcribed NHL Hockey (92) rosters by matching the jersey numbers in the ROM with players for that season and team using Hockey-Reference.com) and NHL 99 and 2000 from PC. Some games had a 0-15 attribute scale so I converted to 0-6 to match 94 Player Overall calculated using @kingraph’s player calculation Team Bonuses(Home/Away/PP/PK) were set based on their season’s stats Lines set based on top overall players for each team Team Overall for all ROMs updated(except All-Star and Easter egg teams) Trimmed every team in every ROM to 20-24 players(except ANH and FLA which are trimmed down to 18 players) by removing the worst overall players due to byte limitations I did not update jerseys and team colors for any teams in each ROM, except franchise team changes, noted further below Player portraits updated for each ROM(only if they had one in 94) Adjusted menu matchup based on the previous year’s Stanley Cup Final teams ROM-specific adjustments: NHL Hockey(92)/NHLPA 93: Re-labeled All-Star teams to Campbell and Wales Updated Dallas Stars to Minnesota North Stars including team name, menu banner, and jerseys NHL Hockey(92): ANH contains the rosters from the Disney Mighty Ducks movies HOL(FLA) is Hollywood Hockey made up of players from Slap Shot, Youngblood, Mystery Alaska, and Goon EXP(OTW) is the Expansion team from my All-Time Rosters ROM SIX(TB) is the Original 6 team from my All-Time Rosters ROM Swapped NHL ice logo for HOL/EXP/SIX. Unable to swap menu logos yet NHLPA 93: ANH contains the rosters from the Disney Mighty Ducks movies HOL(FLA) is Hollywood Hockey made up of players from Slap Shot, Youngblood, Mystery Alaska, and Goon Swapped NHL ice logo for HOL. Unable to swap menu logos yet NHL 96: Compiled top players by overall for each conference for the two All-Star teams as there was no 94-95 All-Star game and no All-Star teams Corrected stick-handedness for many players by referencing NHL 94/NHL 95 NHL 97/NHL 98: Updated Quebec Nordiques to Colorado Avalanche and Winnipeg Jets to Phoenix Coyotes including team name, menu banner, and jerseys. Ice logo updated to NHL logo(unable to edit menu logo). Additionally, for NHL 98 I updated Hartford Whalers to Carolina Hurricanes including team name, menu banner, and jerseys. Ice logo updated to NHL logo(unable to edit menu logo). Playoff matchups updated where Colorado(Quebec) moved to the Western Conference Corrected stick-handedness for many players by referencing NHL 94/NHL 95 NHL 99 Updated ASE to Nashville Predators including team name, menu banner, and jerseys. Ice logo updated to NHL logo(unable to edit menu logo). Playoff matchups updated where Toronto moved to the Eastern Conference and added Nashville to Western Conference "All Stars" contains a 50/50 combination of World and North American All-Stars NHL 2000 Updated ASW to Atlanta Thrashers including team name, menu banner, and jerseys. Ice logo updated to NHL logo(unable to edit menu logo). No All-Star teams as all 28 teams are being used Team Ranking PDFs are included in this post-Sorted by Overall Team Rating and then by Starting Lineup Rating Roster sheets are here if anyone wanted to use them for Gens or whatever: 92-00 NHL Rosters.xlsx 92-00 Team Rankings.zip 92-00 ROMs.zip
  12. I've decided to run a single division Dynasty league, with separate championship and consolation playoffs, using the 92-00 ROMs I've created(see attached). Each coach will pick a team to use for ALL 8 seasons. Coaches are not allowed to change teams throughout the 8-season league. The complete league would consist of 8 short(20-30gp) seasons, one for each ROM, while skipping 94 since we always use that during Classic. It would be over a period of a few months in between various Classic and SDL seasons. We will be using the same rules as Classic: 5-minute periods, penalties on except offsides, manual goalie, line changes OFF. Team selections will be in order of skill level(part ELO/personal experience) with B players having higher picks since we'll be using a single division each season. However, since the 92 ROM doesn't have ANH, FLA, OTT, etc those won't be selectable until they appear in a later season's ROM. If someone really wants to pick, say, OTT (ahem @Bob Kudelski) from 93 onwards they can just pick a bottom tiered team in 92 for a single season OR just wait to join the 93 season. I mention this because ANH and OTT especially get decent towards the end of the decade. I'm looking for dependable players to get games in rather quickly. Since there are 8 seasons(leagues) it will take a few months to get through all ROMs. I'm more concerned with finishing each season quickly and possibly taking a little time between each season so it's not a grind but that could change as the league progresses. If you want to play a season here and there that's fine but please don't quit during your team's weaker season(s). You may not get the same team if you drop out a season and return for a future season. If your previously used team is still available when you return it will be automatically assigned to you. If someone else took over the team in your absence you can choose a new one at an equal or lower tier according to the Team Ranking chart(see below) that is available. I plan on having a FINAL playoff(after 2000 playoffs) to be played after all seasons are completed. Final playoff seeding would be based on cumulative standings from all seasons. All participating teams make the Final playoffs. A "Super" ROM will be created where everyone picks a single season roster they used from any of the 92-2000 ROMs. If they want to use a 94 roster for the FINAL playoff they can do so even though we're skipping that season for this league. Below are the team rankings which include a year-to-year chart on team rankings, tabs containing team lineups per ROM, as well as by team. I've also included the Team Rosters sheet that contains the rosters and player attributes for each ROM. For other info on these ROMS go here: https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/25062-snes-nhl-hockey92-nhl-2000-roms-in-nhl-94/ . One thing to note is for the 99 and 00 ROMs I sourced the rosters from the PC version where weights were finally corrected by EA(i.e. Sundin being an 11wgt in 99 and 00 instead of 7wgt from 92-98). You can see the weights in the Team Rosters link below. Team Rankings/Lineups Team Rosters(attributes) Interested/Semi-interested list(if you want to be added/removed to/from the list below just let me know): @kidswasted @koke_45 @dangler @Triple A @TecmoJon @Mooney @annatar @angryjay93 @TheProfessor @Skankhunt @Bob Kudelski @stewy Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/149631645589176321/1033019757336731668 92-00 ROMs.zip
  13. I need serious help... I want to add custom names to players, maximize skill points and stats and change some rules... I also want to change the photos of players in NHL '94 with other images for private use... How did I go about all this!?!? Can someone please help me???
  14. Alright buds it's time I finally run a SNES All-Time Rosters(ATR) league using my ATR ROM. I have attached the ATR ROM to practice with and explore as well as the team rankings and the entire roster list in CSV format. This will be team draft, not a player draft. I will run a player draft in the future. The league signup deadline is 2/6. We will conduct the team draft sometime during that week but won't start the season until at least the SDL playoffs begin. This gives you time between now and the draft to test teams as well as time to practice your drafted team before the season starts. Draft order will be randomized using a draft randomizer website. There will be A, B, and C divisions. If you have a preference please let me know. Otherwise I will place you into the division I think you're suited for. Every team will play each other 6 times(3 home/3 away). A and B divisions will play a 42-game season. C division has 9 teams with a 48-game season. The team advantages will be the same for all teams just like SDL and Salary Cap. Penalties on, except offsides Manual goalie No line changes Top 4 in each division will make the playoffs with a Bo7 for each series Playoff tie-breakers: Games played, head-to-head record, overall goal differential, overall GAA, overall Save % All-Time Greatest Rosters Team Ranking - Sheet1.pdf All-Time Rosters Game-Ver4.2.smc ATRv4 Default Rosters.csv
  15. Alright boys. Now that Classic is underway I want to start preparing for the first league I will be running which will start after Classic ends. This 76-game league will be relaxed in terms of schedule as it will take place over the summer, which happens to be a time where people actually like to do fun things outside. This league will be using the default 94 rosters similar to MikeGartner22's Gens Summer Salary Cap league he ran last summer(however I won't be requiring a 150gp season). How it works is everyone builds their own team using a pricing sheet I have come up with sorted by the average SDL draft ranking. There are some caveats including the salary cap you must stay under as well as having a top and bottom player not having a difference of more than $40. The template below includes the Draft Ranks based on the average taken between SDL 5 and SDL 6, the Price List, a Team Template tab for you to experiment with two lineups, as well as some Example Teams I have created to show you that you could actually have a $100 player on your team and still remain under the cap. Download a copy for yourself to tinker with. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KsQycKYs229e96hRgo8ZOqRwsNpNmwWG/edit#gid=630035108 Some things to note: Your lineup will consist of 6F, 4D, and 1G using the default 94 rosters Your team must be under the cap meaning $740 is the maximum salary your team can have. You don't have to spend the entire $740 if you choose not to. The highest and lowest salaried players on your team cannot exceed $40 from each other. I have built in formulas on the Team Template tab to let you know if you've gone over. 76gp season to be played throughout the summer. If everyone plays their games sooner then we can set up playoffs sooner. TBD on number of teams that will make the playoffs as well. Post your desired team here. First come, first serve on teams. I'm reserving Boston . I'm keeping this to the existing teams in the default 94 template(i.e. not updating Quebec to Colorado or anything like that). I'd be open to utilizing ASE and ASW if someone wanted. The team advantages will be the same for all teams just like SDL(Offense/Defense/PP/PK/Home/Away as 4/4/1/1/1/1). See Smoz's pic chart below. Penalties on, except offsides Manual goalie No line changes Submit rosters to me through Discord by 6/27. I will be updating the ROM as the rosters are being submitted. Please submit your roster and lines using the following format: Line 1: LW-C-RW, LD-RD, G Line 2: LW-C-RW, LD-RD I will not be posting anyone's rosters publicly. You will all find out once the ROM is finalized. Let me know if I missed anything or if anyone had additional questions. Teams: BOS @kidswasted NYR @Mooney OTW @Bob Kudelski HFD @TecmoJon PIT @dangler EDM @koke_45 TOR @mikey_mac94 WPG @Gambi MTL @Heinz57 QUE @lego DAL @Decadent BUF @Grillbit WSH @annatar SJ @Fed CHI @dcicon5148 STL @INDIO FLA @slipperypete VAN @halifax is back! DET @TheProfessor PHI @Jammer - KO94IIsnes SSC_21.smc
  16. Hello everybody, Since it is sometimes not that easy for EU players to play NHL94 leagues, I wanted to ask if there are enough EU players who want to revive the EURO94. Very much like SNES but also GENS :-D Maybe we can get enough for a small league together. Just write in at # Euro94 in Disccord or here in the forum. Is just an idea ... Player GENS SNES 1. dmm1000 X 2. Pearate X 3. Kaba78 X X 4. LaTormenta X X 5. Hot_sauce X X 6. Ice COW X 7. JMJ X X 8. 9. 10. ..... League Start :-D
  17. ### SNES NHL94 Summer League 2020 ### If chaos agrees, I would organize anothers SNES Summer League. ### Register ### Just post your nickname here. ### Rom & Rules ### Rom and Rules an in the normal SNES League, fom the NHL94Online.com site. Rom for the playoffs ist the SNES Playoff Rom, fom the NHL94Online.com site. ### Draft ### A random generator determines the order of the draft. ### Format ### SNES Summer League is an one divion league. Any Team has two home and two away games. The top half Teams, last time 8 Teams, (has to be an even number) quailfy for the Playoffs. Format: Round 1: [A: Team 1 > Team 8] [B: Team 2 - Team 7] [C: Team 3 - Team 6] [D: Team 4 > Team 5] Round 2: [E: Winner A > Winner D] [F: Winner B > Winner C] Final: [Winner: E > Winner F] The format the final is best of five, 2:2:1. The format the final is best of seven, 2:2:2:1. The better placed team in the regular season always has the home advantage. ### Channel ### For generell disussions please use the #Classic-snes channel. ### Players ### 01. BobKudelski26 02. DanTML7 03. Annatar 04. JotaC007 05. skankhunt42 06. McMarkis 07. therexershow 08. KaBa78 09. BlackDevil19 10. DrewDigz 11. triple a 12. jmomonyc 13. dethrox ### Draft ### 01. Annatar #PIT - Pittsburgh Penguins 02. BobKudelski26 #BOS - Boston Bruins 03. KaBa78 #NYR - New York Rangers 04. therexershow #DET - Detroit Red Wings 05. dethrox #BUF - Buffalo Sabers 06. JotaC007 07. DrewDigz 08. DanTML7 09. BlackDevil19 10. McMarkis 11. jmomonyc 12. triple a 13. skankhunt42
  18. The Fall Classic league finals have been played, and man oh man, things got crazy! I was feeling pretty confident with my Bruins heading into the matchup with @schwartz and his Blackhawks. Especially after defeating @annatar who is arguably the best online SNES player. But Schwartz is a highly skilled veteran who always gives me trouble. We had split our season series which included a 6-2 Chicago win. On top of that, I saw that he had been playing a few warm up exhibition games against other strong players. So I was not taking this series lightly, at all. Games 1 to 4 (Chicago goes up 3-1 in the series): Sure enough, the Hawks came out firing on all cylinders. I quickly found myself trailing in the series 3-1! Schwartz was playing ridiculous. Dangling through the zone, pulling my D out of position and threading cross-crease passes for easy one timers. His manual goalie control was insane. He read all my one-timer attempts with enough time to get over for the save. Things were not looking good. I would have to win 3 straight to win the championship. Game 5: (Boston fights back to 3-2 in the series): I knew I had to get really serious if I wanted to win this thing. So back in Boston for game 5, I was somehow able to put together my best game of the series. I was able to take this one by a score of 5-1. Game 6 (Boston scraaaapes another one out to tie the series at 3-3): Now with Schwartz up 3-2 in the series, things got extremely intense. Game 6 was an absolute defensive battle. It was 0-0 heading into the 3rd period, when I took three penalties with less than 3 minutes left in the game. I managed to get to OT, still down a man, when Cam Neely was able to break loose and pot the gamewinner. Boston wins 1-0 in OT! Phew! Game 7 (most insane finish in the history of Classic League): Series tied 3-3 and I knew I had a good chance to win on home ice with the powerful Bruins. But this game was the complete opposite of game six. Lots of goals! The game was tied 3-3 with 4:23 left in the 3rd. This is when things got crazy. Chicago took over and potted three goals, including an absolute dagger by Joe Murphy to put Chicago up 6-3 with just 1:10 left in the game. I began to accept my fate. Another loss in the finals, as I've done many times in Classic league and Dynasty league.... But then what happened? I just said F it. I won the draw and went straight to the net. This was the sequence of events with a minute remaining in game 7: Wesley scores with 1:00 remaining. 6-4 CHI leads Oates scores with 0:25 remaining. 6-5 CHI leads Moog pulled for the extra attacker Neely scores with 0:15 remaining. 6-6 tie game! Overtime went back and forth until finally, Neely buried a one-timer for the win. Boston wins 7-6 in OT, and completes the epic comeback in both the series and the game. Wow. I'll post the game winner video later if I remember to open the state and capture the replay. I have to hand it to Schwartz. He played as well as anyone I've ever seen. He was giving me fits. I probably did not deserve this win. I felt really bad for Schwartz. I've been on the other end of these epic collapses many times. But probably nothing as drastic as this. Luckily, Schwartz is the man - he's got a good head on his shoulders and he's one of the best guys you will meet in this community. So congrats to Schwartz, and thanks for one hell of a series! I hope to see you in NYC bud!
  19. Vancouver, Genesis and SNES Players! Hope to see you all at The Battle of Vancouver ! Registration Link - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-battle-of-vancouver-nhl-94-tournament-tickets-86470823561 Start off the New Year by playing in the first NHL 94 Tournament of The Decade! It's the first annual "Battle of Vancouver" where we'll crown the very best NHL 94 player on the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo! Join us at The Charles Bar in the heart of Downtown Vancouver for a day of competive retro video game hockey action and good times. There'll be cash prizes and a trophy for the winner! Additional prizes for participants and spectators! $25 (plus fees) to register before Friday January 10th! $30 (plus fees) to register after Friday January 10th! FREE to spectate! Players that register before Friday January 10th get a FREE Breakfast Sandwich. ***Tournament Format:*** Note: Unfortunately, due to time constraints you will not be able to compete in both tournaments at the same time. It's sixteen players, eight players in two divisions. Each division does a round robin to guarentee that everyone plays seven games! All playoff games are best of three. The top player in each division gets a "bye" into the second round of their division's playoffs with the player with the worst record being eliminated. Players ranked 2nd to 7th will be seeded in the playoff tree (2nd vs 7th, 3rd vs 6th etc). Rankings are based on the record from the round robin. After the divisional playoffs have been completed, the two finalists from each division face off in the finals to determine the champion! ***Code of Conduct:*** -Please be respectful of our host venue and of each other. Friendly trash talk is encouraged, but there is absolutely ZERO tolerance for violence, destruction of property etc. Basically in short, behave the way you would at a family member or close friend's house. If it gets to that point, you would automatically be disqualified and respectfully be asked to leave. Now that we've gotten that out of the way.... -We will provide controllers for this event, however we encourage you to bring whatever Genesis / SNES compatible controller or joystick you choose. The only requirement is that there is NO turbo function or external power needed for the input device. -For anyone that brings their own equipment, please clearly mark your equipment so that it doesn't get misplaced. ***Rules:*** The Battle of Vancouver will use the official King of 94 World Championship rules. Please refer to the game Rules at the link below: http://www.kingof94.ca/rules.html ***What is the VCRGC - Vancouver Community Retro Gaming Club?*** There's nothing quite like competitive gaming, but when it comes to the world of eSports there isn't enough options for people like us who prefer games of the retro variety. We want to change that and help grow a community scene with a series of monthly casual play meetups and money tournaments to make the stakes higher and more fun. From NHL 94 to NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, Street Fighter II etc, your favourite game from the greatest era of gaming matters! Let's rekindle that fire you remember as a kid together! Join the group on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcrgc Follow us on Instagram: @vancomrgc
  20. The WI tournament featuring the greatest hockey game of all time, NHL94 is back! Pucks Out 4 Harambe is our 2nd NHL94 tournament, and plans to be even bigger and better than our first effort! Our goal for turnout would be a 50% increase over last tournament, which was 16. We are hoping for at least 24-32 for this event, and have enough systems to support as many as 64 players! Cash prizes await the top 3 finishers, and the opportunity to hoist Lord Manly's Cup! Townline Pub and Grill, 2455 Lineville Road, Green Bay, WI, Saturday March 25th, 2017, 10AM registration, 11AM start - completion(estimate 4-6 hours), $25 prepay, $30 at the door. Side tournaments and additional gaming afterward. Parents with minions of their own are encouraged to add them to the action for only $10 more! Time permitting, we will have a special 2v2 parent/child single elimination tournament for all of the parent/child pairings still present after the main Genesis tournament! We feel it's critical to pass the spirit of retro gaming along to the next generation, and there is no better way to do this than to involve your child in this great event! We can ensure your child is put in your grouping with other parent/child combos for the normal tournament, giving them a better chance to win a game or two. Frequently Asked Questions 1) Why the Genesis and not SNES? Price and familiarity in this region are the two biggest reasons. The retro players in the WI market we spoke with were more familiar with the Genesis, as it tended to be the platform of choice for EA Sports games during the early to mid-90’s. The Genesis version is also typically heralded as the better version of the game. Lastly, the cost of acquiring true SNES hardware greatly exceeds the Genesis in 2nd hand markets. Currently we can acquire a Genesis console for roughly half the price of an SNES. If we can get 6-8 console "lenders/donors", we will add an SNES bracket. 2) How old do I need to be to participate? The answer to that question is 18 if you are on your own, and if accompanied by an adult, whatever that adult is comfortable with. Children of appropriate age may participate in the action. Please keep in mind that because there is prize money on the line, we cannot expect any adults to hold back and “go easy” on them. Also, while we encourage and request respectful language, we understand that we cannot completely censor any profanities that often come along with intense competition. Parental discretion is advised in this matter. Children under the age of 16 may be added to your entrance for for only $10 additional per child. 3) What are the food/drink options? Food and drink is available from the venue (Towline Pub and Grill). Outside product may not be brought inside. You must be 21 or older with a valid ID to order alcohol. We do ask that you drink responsibly, and be respectful of the attendees, venue, and equipment while doing so. 4) Why no event t-shirts? We want as much money possible going to the cash prize pool for this event. As this grows in popularity, the prize pool will as well, which will in turn allow us to investigate the possibility of including t-shirts at that time. 5) Overnight lodging accommodations? We have no implied agreements with any venues, however there are multiple options within 1-10 miles of the event venue. If you need assistance or recommendations, please let us know! 6) What is the cost to participate? The event cost is $30 at the door, $25 if you prepay before March 1st. If you can provide a fully functional SNES console + 2 OEM controllers + and copy of NHL94, you can get your fee lowered to $20. (You must prepay to be eligible for this). Your request to provide hardware must be approved, so contact Trojan (Troy) @ 920-246-7513, or trojan1979@gmail.com, or directly message this account on NHL94.com before prepaying if you wish to take advantage of this. There a number of individuals that are contributing behind the scenes that are paying a reduced fee to participate, and this event wouldn’t be possible without them. We do aim for transparency in this area to ensure integrity. The full amount of payout will be disclosed the day of the event. 7) What is the format/payout of the tournament? We will begin by having a group play session that is similar to a mini season. The number of games played will be based on the number of participants, and the number of consoles available. Group play will be followed by a single elimination playoff bracket. The 3rd place bracket game, conference final, and “Manley Cup final” will have a 3 game series. Time allowing, we may extend the bracket to a 3 game series beyond just the semis and finals. There will be prize money awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Prize money will be awarded, 60/30/10 percent. With expenses and system discounts, we anticipate roughly $15-$20 per paid person to go towards the prize pool. The price of internal console acquisition is not figured into this. A 32 paying field would net around $500 conservatively. $300 of that would go to first place, $150 to second place, and $50 would go to third. If you want that number to increase, invite more friends! 8) May we dress in costume for this event? Absolutely! We encourage you to wear your favorite team jersey/apparel. Extra points of respect are given out for old school apparel! 9) Are spectators allowed? Absolutely! The more the merrier, however we do ask that spectators be respectful and do not attempt to play on a system without paying to be a part of the event. Late comers may be allowed in at the expense of some pool play forfeitures. Once the tournaments conclude, if you are a spectator and are patronizing Townline, we may allow you to play casuals with us. The organizers like free beer and wings 10) How many games do we get to play and how long is the event? Pool play will start within an hour of the posted start time after registration is completed and commencement announcements are completed. We are still looking for someone to sing Oh Canada if we get any of our friends from the north. Again depending on actual participants, we anticipate anywhere from 4-8 games, taking anywhere from 2-4 hours for pool play. If you are eliminated you are encouraged to stay and cheer on those that advance. The bracket we also anticipate taking 2-4 hours to wrap up activities. This process would repeat of SNES is added to the mix. 11) Will the games be recorded or streamed? There will be at least one station recording game play, and if bandwidth allows, we will attempt to stream the action on twitch. Please add twitch.tv/trojan1979 to your list of followed channels. Please log on today and follow us for retro content! 12) How do I prepay? Payments may be made via PayPal to trojan1979@gmail.com. Payments are nonrefundable. Prepay discount is available until March 1st, just under one month before the tournament. Payment of $25 is to be sent to reserve your spot. You are considered signed up once payment is received. Rules: Rules posted are in the spirit of kingof94.com with some modifications. Currently this is a Genesis only NHL 94 tournament. These rules may be amended/updated with or without notice at the discretion of King of 94 WI when deemed necessary. KO94WI staff is the judge and jury in any disputes that cannot be worked out between competitors. We would like to add SNES to the mix, but will need help from the community to do so. 1) Game Settings : 5 Min Periods, Manual Goalie, Penalties On, No Offside 2) Please no delaying the game(excessive time in change screens, or stalling on your own end to run time out, you must attempt to advance the puck and press offensive advantage whenever possible) 3) Known game exploits/glitches IE(pass shots, the “b” stat trick, post whistle goals, miracle drop shot goals, etc. are permissible) 4) Team selection will involve a coin clip, the winner is required to call the matchup and is the home team. The coin clip loser chooses which of the two teams to be. If you face the same opponent again in the tournament, this is automatically reversed. 5) A coin flip winner cannot call the same matchup more than once during group play. This restriction is reset in bracket play and is again limited to one instance.(example : The coin flip winner can call Penguins v Devils, once in Group Play, and again in Bracket Play) 6) In the event of a system malfunction, the game will be reset. The prior score will apply. Games in the 1st period will resume from the 2nd, 2nd from the 3rd. Malfunctions in the 3rd should be replayed unless there is a 3 or more goal lead while said malfunction occurs. If a 3 or more goal lead exists in the 3rd, and a malfunction happens, the game is awarded to the leading player. 7) If the game is not resolved in Overtime, the game is reset until the first goal is scored. Injuries and penalties will not carry over, and line changes are allowed at this time to adjust. The home team has the final line change. 8) There is a 10 goal lead mercy rule. The game is over once this is achieved. 10 goals is the max per game goal differential allowed in the tournament. Goal differential is a tie breaking metric. 9) Changing Goalies: You may change before the opening face-off in a period, and during play stoppages. You may not change goalies for a penalty shot, or once the faceoff animations have started. 10) You may only sub for an extra attacker and pause if you possess the puck. You may not pause to send the goalie back until the whistle blows. 11) NHL-WI staff is your referee source for any disputes.(Trojan, Moe Man) 12) The games are played on real Sega Genesis model(or SNES if we add that tournament) 1, 2, or 3 hardware with OEM 3 or 6 button controllers via composite signal on CRT televisions. The only acceptable participant generic at this time is the Hyperkin 6 button. You are encouraged to bring your own controller for your own comfort level. We will need to know in advance if you are bringing a controller. You may be eligible for an event discount for providing a working 2 player setup. 13) Line changes are permitted before the game, during intermission, post injury, and if a timeout is used. Please state that you’d like to make a change so that your opponent doesn’t start pressing buttons to get into the action. Unapproved line changes will need to be reverted. The home team is always the last to make changes. Please keep the line changes to about 30 seconds per side to keep the action moving. Stats are approximate in the change screen for the Sega Genesis(except for weight), so do not dwell too long on the figures. If you accidentally start the game before the line change process has completed for both sides, simply state that you wish to reset the game and then do so.(this should happen before the puck drops)
  21. Does anyone have any SNES roms with updated rosters for the 2017-2018 season? If not, what about for the 2016-2017 season? I've just seen custom Genesis roms out there so far. Thanks.
  22. I have never played online before, I'm a complete rookie. I've got my emulators and controller ready to play a game. I've looked through the posts and it seems that I may need an AIM account to coordinate with people. If anyone is interested in helping me get started I'd be much obliged. I can do either Gens or Snes if that makes a difference.
  23. Earlier today I figured out why NHL '94 is better on GENS than SNES: BLAST PROCESSING!!!
  24. I was very excited to receive my new laptop for my birthday, and was set on making a rom for the hockey league I play in. I downloaded the snes editor but it said that it wasn't working. It says component "TABCTL32.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing, or invalid. It also said runtime error "339". Help me please!
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