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I made a buddy list that you can import for the Spring'13 GENS classic. Doing this will create 3 new groups (GENS A, GENS B-1, B-2).

Here's how you do it:

1. I'm using AIM (this may be different if you're using another version)


2. Download the AIM buddy List: GENS Spring'13 Classic Buddy List

3. Go to Options --> AIM --> Load Buddy List


4. Load the buddy list you downloaded above, but DO NOT check the "Replace my existing Buddy List..." box or else it will overwrite your entire buddy list.


Hope you find it useful or time saving, :)

Here's the actual list of AIM names. For those with an e-mail, I replaced @ with (at) to ward off prowling internet spam bots. If you see your AIM is incorrect, please let us know (however, I verified all of these)!

User Name - Team / AIM


BoKnowsNHL94 - QUE / BoKnowsNHL94
Carse - VAN / Snoboarder3211
da94wookiee - CAL / da94wookiee
eggink444 - DAL / eggink444
flasox24 - CHI / flasox24
Freydey32 - WPG / Freydey32
hokkeefan2 - MTL / hokkeefan2
Icestorm NHL94 - BOS / Icestorm NHL94
kingraph - LA / kingraph
Plabax - DET / Plabax
Vocally Caged - BUF / Vocally Caged
xdeathsbloodx - PHI / XdeathsbloodX


brutus - STL / brutus.khan
Culls17 - VAN / culls17
dcicon5148 - BUF / dcicon5148
Jackandjose - WPG / Judd_disch (at) yahoo.com
JayLighter420 - MTL / JayLighter420
jer_33 - CAL / hockeyboards (at) gmail.com
Kanou - CHI / skull833 (at) hotmail.com
MrDerp4321 - NYR / MrDerp4321 (at) gmail.com
Peach - WSH / peaches_dc (at) hotmail.com
RoBro - TOR / probob38
saintsfan2500 - QUE / saintsfan2500
thegaijin - BOS / tripwire1 (at) hotmail.com
Uncle Seth - DET / avdentino (at) gmail.com


Begley15 - DET / nancybegley (at) rogers.com
BHSRedDevils - LA / k.vena
Coheedo - PHI / Coheedo@hotmail.com
FlowerPower - PIT / flowerpowernhl94
Fruitplease - MTL / rhschellenberg (at) gmail.com
jagr68 - EDM / jagr68
methodm3n - VAN / methodm3n
minpind - BOS / minpind
Pearate - WPG / Pearate
phishin - NYR / pmnhl94
redbonzai - QUE / redbonzai (at) gmail.com
SabreFan1 - BUF / tehsluglord
Sicarius Fulgur - CAL / Sicarius Fulgur
wheelsoffire - TOR / wheelsoffire3 (at) gmail.com
Wittgenstein - DAL / philiveyismyhero
XxBDIDDYxX - CHI / bparadisijr (at) gmail.com


I might create a new AIM SN: Ijustwant2beatTKthenIcanDieinPeace

hahaha aw I'm flattered

Posted (edited)

how do i save the buddy list? the link just takes me to the name list
EDIT: nevermind i got it

Edited by saintsfan2500

I've got the latest version of AIM and couldn't find the import button (seems you can only import from Facebook or Google now). I just manually added them, didn't take that long, was a lot quicker than going about the forums and finding out everyone's AIMs though!


I made the same mistake. It's not "importing" it's "Load Buddy List".

And to download the list you need to "Save Link as.."




I made the same mistake. It's not "importing" it's "Load Buddy List".

And to download the list you need to "Save Link as.."



I didn't know about the "Save Link as". Didn't do that last time, so I'm not sure what changed. Thanks for the help!

  • 2 weeks later...

You can also just click on the buddy list file and it'll load the relevant window.

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