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Getting Back in the Game After 20 Years


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Ok, Back in 1994 my GF at the time (who is now my ex-wife) bought me a SegaG system.
My friend/teammate (he's from Montreal, I'm from Boston) and I started playing the latest version at the time, NHL95. Epic nights of gaming and winning the Cup.
We both thought we were pretty good, but we never really tested our skills against a large community of players because the internet wasn't invented yet...
But if any of our other friends/teammates stopped by and wanted to play we would destroy them.

I can't play Ice-(hockey) anymore because some a-hole (my own friggin teammate, in fact) fell on me and broke my leg - and I'm almost 60 now - so I have skate with the old guys.
And forget about deck/street hockey - way too much running.
And Roller (hockey) just sucks. I don't care to explain why.

So I'm looking to get back in to a form of hockey of which I have always had fond memories: VIDEO HOCKEY!!!!

For me it was NHL95.
You guys are all NHL94 


Imma gonna start out with this simple question:

What is it about 94 that you guys like better than 95?


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Welcome!  94 & 95 are two completely different games.  In the 92-94 series, The skating dynamics and overall gameplay just feels much better.  That's pretty much the simplest answer.  It's just better gameplay.

What really kills 95 is the skating.  In many ways, it feels like what you said about deck/street hockey -- way too much running!  

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That's good news. It means I'll like 94 more than 95.
I don't think I need any more explanation than that.

I'll wait a coupla days and ask another question about which format/system to use.
I figure I don't want to be obnoxious and fire too many questions at the same time.



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6 minutes ago, DrBill said:

That's good news. It means I'll like 94 more than 95.
I don't think I need any more explanation than that.

I'll wait a coupla days and ask another question about which format/system to use.
I figure I don't want to be obnoxious and fire too many questions at the same time.



Don't worry about asking too many questions, we're glad to help!

We have a document written up for how to get started, covering downloading and setting up the emulator. If you want to play online there's a "Netplay" link at the end as well.


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Thanks for all the help. This is quite a society/community of video hockey players... 

Never tried to score blind... that would be a cool trick.
You just go by sound, I guess.

I've looked at the tutorial. Glad I came here first. I was about to go on Ebay and buy the old console and game cartridge.

I'm coming in very ignorant about the new formats, software, etc.
The way I understand it: 

           the actual game itself (which is replacing both the console and the cartridge) will live on my hard drive  - is that right so far?

          Alls I need for hardware (besides a computer) is a controller with some sort of USB adapter ?

So, What are the computer minimum requirements for RAM and Processor speed?
       What the best controller available today?

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17 minutes ago, DrBill said:

Thanks for all the help. This is quite a society/community of video hockey players... 

Never tried to score blind... that would be a cool trick.
You just go by sound, I guess.

I've looked at the tutorial. Glad I came here first. I was about to go on Ebay and buy the old console and game cartridge.

I'm coming in very ignorant about the new formats, software, etc.
The way I understand it: 

           the actual game itself (which is replacing both the console and the cartridge) will live on my hard drive  - is that right so far?

          Alls I need for hardware (besides a computer) is a controller with some sort of USB adapter ?

So, What are the computer minimum requirements for RAM and Processor speed?
       What the best controller available today?

Correct, if you want to play against others online, you need to do it on your computer. You can certainly buy an old original Genesis on EBay for playing on your own, though.

The computer "console" is called an "emulator." It's software, a program, that emulates the original genesis/SNES hardware.

The computer "cartridge" is a data file referred to as a "ROM" (Read-Only Memory -- the type of chip used in cartridges to store the game could not be modified(overwritten) so they were called Read-Only)

Whatever your computer is, it can run the emulator (Exception: Chromebooks). We were playing on our computers 15+ years ago, so unless you're running something that old (like your CPU's speed is measured in MHz, not GHz), you're fine.

Best controller is hard to say, but this should be fine as far as I know: https://www.amazon.com/Retro-Bit-Official-Controller-8-Button-Raspberry/dp/B07P37ZGTF

Some people even play on their keyboard (and are very good)

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Looks like this is going to be cheap and easy to get started.
Gonna pull the trigger on the controller right now.
I can't do the keyboard thing. No F-ing way.
Probably have to start out in a co-ed league, I'm so rusty. Hope that's not sexist. I mean I'm sure there are women out there that can destroy me.

Biggest accomplishment I made back in the 90s was scoring 100 goals in one game vs AI.
Beat anybody who dared (except for my teammate from Montreal), but is was a small pond.
It was NHL 95. Took Chicago at home vs ?? I forget who was the worst team that year... The MightyDucksofAneheim?

Is it ok swear, drop f-bombs and sh@t on here?

I mean thats the way I naturally talk after a couple drinks...
If not that's ok, I'll clean it up.

Getting ready for the start of the Dallas-Colorado game.
Have an old teammate who moved to CO 15 years ago so I started following them out of the corner of my eye. Loved the years when Roy coached. Then they got wicked good. Then what happened? They had a talent-laden roster, but they sucked. And in the last 2 years, with McKinnon and the Finns, and the core they kept... they're ligit contenders again.
Never liked any Dallas teams - especially hated the Cowboys my whole life... But I used to like the Northstars, and of course perhaps the greatest American to ever play the sport: Mikey Mo.
Feel kinda sorry for Tyler Seguin. But he was to cool for Boston and Coach Claude. Worst Boston trade ever? Yup. (No, I don't want to get in a debate about the Thornton trade - but it was clearly a salary dump to accommodate Z). 

Now that the Bruins AND the Crapitals AND the Blues... are out...
Who's going to win the 2020 Cup???

Speaking of the Cup, I read somewhere online that another difference b/w 94 and 95 games is that after your team wins, you "skate" the Cup in NHL94????
You get to control players with the animated Cup?



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Before I pull the trigger on the controller...

Do you lose any functionality, control accuracy or anything with the wireless version of the same controller ??

Its only a few more bucks...



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@DrBill there are some NHL 95 Disciples here too but we are to busy kissing chicks and doing push-ups  to learn how do to online play.

glad you found the site and I’d do the blue controller too...

Edited by segathon
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What's your take on 94 vs 95? Is 95 slower?
From what I can tell, there are slight differences in graphics, and sound. An of course the theme music is different.



On more time: To all you guys...

Is the wireless controller just as good as the wired one - or would you say that the wired has better functionality?



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6 hours ago, DrBill said:

Is the wireless controller just as good as the wired one - or would you say that the wired has better functionality?


Raph's got the info:

On 9/2/2020 at 11:31 PM, kingraph said:

That particular wireless, 2.4ghz, works well with no noticable lag as confirmed by some players who use them. 

He mentions "that particular wireless" because other types (i.e. bluetooth) can be really laggy. But that one should be fine. Also you can throw it farther that way after missing a wide open net in the final seconds.

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15 hours ago, DrBill said:


What's your take on 94 vs 95? Is 95 slower?
From what I can tell, there are slight differences in graphics, and sound. An of course the theme music is different.



I love both 94 and 95.  EA really did a phenomenal job on the whole series and most sports games in the 16 bit era.  I got one of those 800 game genesis carts on amazon and amazed how well the EA games hold up compared to some of the other sports games back then.

So here’s my off the top of the head tail of the tape 94-95 on Genesis

Camera Angle - 94. In 95 they tilted the angle up a bit and doesn’t look right.  From what I heard EA wanted the game to look different every year so people would keep buying the game yearly.

Skating - 95.  They really tightened the controls in 95 and I feel it’s the best control ever created in the history of mankind.  94 feels like you are pulling a semi trailer compared to 95. 

Passing - 94.  Passing is a work of art in 94.  It’s my favorite part of that game.  Watch some vids on 94 especially 2 on 2 and be amazed.  They nerfed passing in 95, less passing options and harder to tic tac toe

Goalies - Push.  Goalies in 95 are less volatile and stay at home but that also limits the ways you can score.  Manual Goalie control in 95 Is also much easier to control and stop shots..Maybe too good.

Shooting - starting to fatigue on typing,  losing energy, digging deep to finish tale of tape... 94 you can score from farther out. So defense is spread out a bit more.  Backhands in 95 are much more accurate than 94.  Will give to 94 because of variety,  but it’s almost too close to call.

Options - 95 in a landslide.  Full season and you can control every team, 2 on 2 mode, create a player end season awards, trading.  

Final score - Nhl 93 because of fighting and the Swingers scene...

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Thanks for the detailed review and comparison....

It's interesting that there's some controversy... One of you guys said that '95 feels like  street hockey, too much running.

And Segathon is saying that skating in '94 feels like pulling a semi trailer.

From what I remember, I tried out 94, and 93, but I always went back to 95, because the skating felt faster... Especially Federov, Burre, Roenik, etc. And making heads bless was a bonus in 93, even before it was immortalized by Vince Vaughn making, of all players,  GRETZKY'S head bleed...

And I also recall that 96 was the start of losing control. Every video hockey game I ever had after that ( PS, PS3 NHL2K+)

I remember that playing those games and the passing being WAY off, and you never really have full control - players that you're controlling occasionally will skate or check or pass or shoot the opposite way you're pointing... 

Know what I mean?



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3 hours ago, DrBill said:

Looks like we have 2 separate camps here.

Sounds like I'm gonna have playing all 3, but 95 is nostalgic to me.

Are both versions playable on line?

They're all playable online.

There isn't much of a '95 scene online at all. You could have a hand in changing that.

Far as '93 goes, there is a '93 site that I built nearly 15 years ago.. There have been some leagues over the years, but there aren't any active ones.
I'm sure you can find a pickup game of '93 with someone if you ask on the discord server.
The inability to use goalie control makes the game a break away fest that gets stale pretty quick for me.

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hey DrBill  -Welcome

just want to say as regards to which game is the best  / most popular etc

IMHO (and I'll stick my neck out and say most others) its NHL94 - I grew up with them all up to NHL98 - but NHL94'  has BY FAR the most fluid passing, player skating and turning, and checking , the variety of ways to score is better than all the rest, it's the goalie control (a skill in itself)  -  and its the camera angle  / view of the Ice Rink that just feels "right"  - it's the totally realistic satisfying gameplay mechanics that puts NHL94 head and shoulders above all other Hockey Video Game Titles ( including those on the modern consoles of 2020 - nice graphics but rubbish gameplay )

I think EA have finally recognised this, and some sort of (hopefully worthy) re-imagining  of NHL94 in the form of a Title called NHL94' Rewind is on the way soon which is supposed to be multi platform - that's all the info we have at the moment

But players of all the EA Hockey Titles are Welcome to the Community   - but yeah it's a testament to the popularity of NHL94',  that because  existing veteran players wanted to keep playing and promote the game and its' ability to be played online,  that this website  www.nhl94.com  and also an online league game s / statistics tracking website http://www.nhl94online.com were created.  

Welcome to the Party  :)


Edited by dmm1000
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Just finished my first few games.
Can't score anything like I used to. I'm a like beginner again.  
Especially in 94. Seems like its a lot harder to score in 94> Goalies don't do stupid s**t as much. They are better at keeping up with the lateral movement of the skaters. Also seems like 1-timers are easier to find and easier to score on 95.

Only one technical issue: I got no audio. NONE.
Any guesses as to what it may be? I can't figure it out.


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Provided you've downloaded the retroarch package from nhl94online (right middle of page) .......when you extract that retroarch zip file - theres a DirectX Installer subfolder - inside that theres a dxwebsetup.exe  file - install that - then if it asks to reboot when installed do that and you should then have sound

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Thanks for those instructions, dmm1000 It worked.

Funny, with sound, now I can score. And I'm dominating the computer like I used to back in the 90s. Maybe it's the sound just getting me back into the groove, getting me into the game emotionally...
With the sound off, I couldn't score. I felt lame and I could barely hang in vs the AI computer. With sound on, I'm BACK IN THE GAME.

Maybe make it into the lowest level C of on-line competition some day.



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On 9/2/2020 at 6:46 PM, DrBill said:

Is it ok swear, drop f-bombs and sh@t on here?

I mean thats the way I naturally talk after a couple drinks...
If not that's ok, I'll clean it up.

Just wanted to join everyone else here in saying welcome, Dr Bill! And, as a fellow aficionado of swearing, I wanted to let you know that you can swear like a f**king sailor around here! Just do it with a s**t-eating grin on your face, always in good fun, never out of true anger (unless you're mad at yourself; I tell myself to f**k right off all the time whenever I s**t the bed switching to manual goalie). Also, just know that, while I haven't truly tested the limits of the PG-13 post-editing program in use, you can say s**t, f**k and b***h all day long around here, but the only way I've found to not get censored is by using a combo word, such as "motherfucker". 

That being said, there's no censoring over on the Discord, so you can cuss til the motherfucking cows come home over there. Again, welcome to the community buddy, looking forward to seeing you around online!

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