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  1. I used to play a lot of the 1st Baseball Stars but I never played the 2nd one... just out of curiosity tho, i loaded it up... And I noticed that it actually has two Title Screens: One has a bigger font, which is kinda cool. So, I made an alternative Title Screen for this using the larger font. Your Hockey Stars 2 Title Screen is really cool: This one has a Hockey Stars 2 only because i ripped it directly from Baseball Stars 2 ...So, just ignore that one, as it's merely an artifact leftover from doing all the bit manipulation. ...Also, if you need more Female portraits, there's an entire team of girl players on Baseball Stars 1 called the Lovely Ladies. HockeyStars.zip
  2. heya @Sean I'm a little confused on the versioning ? ...From reading thru all these posts, I am assuming that you reset the version back to 1.0 because this project went thru several brand changes ? ...So... essentially, I'm curious that the download on the 1st page is the most up-to-date, which was last modified on 3/22/2023 and that 1.0 is the correct version ? ...Or is 1.0 a mistake ? Thanks !!!
  3. @floating @corky @kingraph @smozoma The dropbox link is dead, so I was hoping that someone saved all those ROMs ? ...Because there are a few that I'm really interested in trying out. EDIT: opps, here's the contents of the dropbox: (if anyone has these ROMs):
  4. hey @skip You still have that v3 on your hard drive ? ...Or maybe there weren't enough major changes to justify another update ? So, v2 was the final release ?
  5. Can you post the fixed ROM ? ...Or at least post the diff ? diff <(xxd 'NHL 2019 1.1 by naples39.bin') <(xxd 'NHL 2019 1.2 by naples39.bin') ...the above line obviously only works on Linux (possibly Mac), or Git for Windows (msys2 or cygwin)... and that particular example has the version number incremented after the change.
  6. Load the ROM in snes9x and click File -> Rom Information. For NHL94, it says the header checksum is 9B52 and the header checksum compliment is 64AD. Open it up in a hex editor & search for AD64529B and you'll see that the checksum compliment is at 7FDC & the checksum is right next to it, at 7FDE (however, these offsets will be different if your ROM has the blank header at the beginning of the file that some ROMs do). The checksum compliment equals FFFF minus the checksum value from snes9x ROM info. There are tools out there that can fix the checksum for you, but they don't always work (which is why it's good to know how it's done). For example, there are some 8 MB Final Fantasy hacks that have the checksum artifact in two locations as a result of the rom expansion... So, to fix it, you have to fix it in two different locations.
  7. If you decide to do another Era-style or Greatest-style ROM, then me personally, I wouldn't mind duplicates: It'd be really interesting seeing (for example), Wayne Gretzky on Edmonton, Los Angeles, St.Louis, & New York R. Of course, then, you'd have instances like Jagr on like 9 different teams !!!
  8. This is f**king AWESOME !!! ...but if you do an update, just an FYI that Europa on the Celestial Planets is actually female. And I agree that she should be one of the "stronger" players considering that her "planet" (moon) hosts one of the biggest hockey rinks in the Galaxy: Hence, my name (but no bias). Really, I'm not a "defensemen", but in high school & college, I was so fast that I did play both ends of the rink Also, I took a screenshot of the title screen & flipped it horizontally: Lemme know what you think. NHL94 - Hockey Stars (v1.1) [!]001.bmp
  9. hey Sauce, you know where I can find the 32-team ROM template ?
  10. wow, this is absolutely amazing ! ...How did i not know about this, lol ? Thanks for sharing!
  11. Yeah, the two NBA Jams were 1994 and 1995... Hang Time and College Slam were 1996. The original NBA Jams have 28 teams while Hang Time has 29 teams and College Slam has over 40 teams. Like I told Magnus, I don't keep up with the NBA, but it looks like they have 30 teams. ...But the 32x version does have an extra MB to work with... but i guess you could just expand the BIN also from 3 MB to 4 MB (the max before you have to start using page tricks i think) ? Not Sure
  12. What's the maximum total player cards you can have for the 32-team rom ? Also, for the Player Card Tutorial VS the Player Card Reference... https://nhl94.com/html/editing/player_card_tutorial/Player-Card-Tutorial.htm https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/2977-reference-tile-molester-reference-screenshots/ One says that the 1st player card is 120294 (ANA goalie) and the other one implies that the 1st pic would be C75E0 (a few after the Template, Handiness & Goalies) ? I'm looking at the 2020 rom, and each team has 6 player cards and the last team (NHL-94 All-Stars) has all 26 player cards. i guess once i learn about assigning the pointers, it'll make more sense, Not Sure
  13. Gee, I wonder why it doesn't work on Windows 7 ? Is this more proof that Windows 10 is spyware ?
  14. Can you release other versions of Pond Hockey ? ...Like 1on1, 2on2, 3on3 ? Would that be fairly easy ? ...Or would it be too time consuming ? At first, I was little perplexed at no penalties, but now that I think about it... I think you are right... It makes a more fair matchup in online games, i guess ? (by removing RNG) Also, how did you choose the rosters ? ...because it wasn't that long ago that Mike Ribeiro played for the Nashville Preadators... ...he's one of my favorites because of his amazing stick handling & sic shoot-out goals !
  15. Looks good: Also, the checksum at offset 18E should be DB05 (for v1.2).
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